Harvey Green News
May 2022
Harvey Green Elementary School
Ms. Trisha Johnson, Principal tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Penny Martinez, Secretary pmartinez@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Veronica Luna, Office Assistant vluna@fusdk12.net
Si necesita Ud. la versión en español, vaya al final de la página
Email: tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Website: https://green.fremont.k12.ca.us/
Location: 42875 Gatewood Street, Fremont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-656-6438
Harvey Green Calendar
Principal's Message
It's hard to believe the school year is soon coming to an end. As always, we will end our school year with a few fun activities/ events. Our annual Talent Show is back, however, it will be in a video form this year. Please see the information below if your child would like to participate. All students will also participate in a rock painting activity for our Kinder Garden. We are looking for parent volunteers to help. More information can be found below.
A huge thank you our parent community for all the wonderful breakfast and dessert treats we have received over the last two weeks. Our staff is so thankful for the yummy food. Thank you very much to our amazing PTA for helping arrange these events and the Taco Lunch for staff. We sure felt the appreciation!
I also wanted to recognize one of our 3rd grade students, Vennela A. She was recently awarded a Patent for her invention “Happy Sleep." Click here to see more information about her patent. Way to go Vennela!
Thank you again for your support. If there is anything we can do to help support your child(ren) or family, please feel free to reach out at any time.
Thank you,
Ms. Johnson
Important Dates
13 ~ Talent Show Deadline to Sign up - see flyer below
30 ~ Memorial Day/No School
31 ~ 5th Grade Activities
2 ~ 1PM Dismissal
2 ~ 7PM PTA Meeting
3~ 9AM 5th Grade Promotion
3 ~ 1PM Dismissal
6 ~ 12:20 Dismissal Last Day of School
17 ~ First Day of School/Must be in class
End of Year School Hours
June 1, 2, & 3
Minimum Day School Hours
All TK/K 8:45am-12:05pm
Grades 1-5 8:30am-1:00pm
SDC 8:30am-1:20pm
June 6
All TK/K 8:45am-12:05pm
Grades 1-5 8:30am-12:20pm
SDC 8:30am-12:20pm
Rock Painting - Parent volunteers needed
Next week the PTA will be hosting 2-3 Rock Painting sessions per day for all the classrooms during school hours. We are looking for volunteers to help us, and no experience with painting is required! The volunteer will help distribute the rocks, paint, and all the material to the students, and help refresh everything for the following session!
There is a sign up sheet on Genius for the volunteers. In there you will be able to see the dates, times, and when each classroom will attend the rock painting session. It is a good opportunity to see your child working at school with their classmates!
Volunteers will need to show proof of vaccination and sign in at the office. If you have any questions, please contact us at HarveyGreenPTA@gmail.com.
If you would like to help, please sign up HERE.
School Spirt Week May 16 to May 20
Student Council has come up with themed dress up days for next week.
Monday, May 16: Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday, May 17: Disney Day
Wednesday, May 18: Cartoon Day
Thursday, May 19: Twin Day
Friday, May 20: Harvey Green School Spirit
(school t-shirt or wear green and yellow)
Counselor's Corner
Hello Harvey Green families,
We are counting down the days til summer but we are not done with counseling lessons just yet! May is Mental Health Awareness month and I am visiting classrooms to talk about what mental health is and mindfulness. It's never too early to start taking care of our mental health and my heart is so happy when students share their amazing ideas with me! Take a moment this week (maybe even with your child) to practice self-care with a few tips here.
Are you thinking about summer camps for your child to participate in? Please check out these scholarships that the City of Fremont Recreation Division is offering to see if you qualify. If they do not apply to you, they also have an extensive list of other camps you can enroll your child in! As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Thanks for tuning in,
Ms. Huang
2022-2023 New Student Enrollment
Did you know that children with birthdates between September 2nd, 2017 and February 2nd, 2018 qualify for Transitional Kindergarten? Registration is currently underway for this wonderful opportunity! To learn more and to register please see the link. TK Information
Lost and Found ~ Jackets and eye glasses
Yearbooks on Sale
Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality Education (CHPSE)- 4th and 5th Grade
The Fremont Unified School District Board of Education and our school faculty believe it is important for students to assume responsibility for their own health and well-being. They benefit from instruction that fosters the development of positive health behaviors and the prevention of negative unhealthy behaviors. FUSD’s Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality Education (CHPSE) curriculum focuses on information that is essential for students’ well-being. This course of study conforms strictly to the guidelines provided by the California State Education Code 51933 and the California Healthy Youth Act.
These lessons will be taught by Harvey Green teachers. 4th grade lessons will be taught May 31 to June 3. 5th grade lessons will be taught May 16 to 27.
State law allows you to remove your student from part or all of the Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality lessons. Students opting out of lessons will be provided an alternate curriculum under the supervision of a credentialed teacher. If you do not want your student to participate in all or part of the Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality education program, you must provide, in writing (email or on paper), a note to your student’s teacher.
Links to the curriculum, opt-out information, and parent resources, can be found at: https://www.fremont.k12.ca.us/HealthResources.
Placement Requests
In regards to transitional kindergarten/kindergarten requests for AM sessions we will only accept requests that have to do with severe hardships. Roughly 90% of families would prefer the AM session and it is impossible to fulfill all these requests. Ms. Johnson will not take any requests that are related to work or child care as that is a common challenge for most families. If you do have a rare severe hardship or emergency you may submit a brief note to tjohnson@fusdk12.net before May 13, 2022. If you are one of the few families that prefer PM please be sure to submit a note to tjohnson@fusdk12.net so we can free up as many AM spots.
FUSD COVID Safety Measures
There are many questions around COVID 19 and safety measures. Use this district link to find lots of helpful information. COVID Safety Measures
PTA Corner
Hello Families & Friends,
We can't believe we only have a few school days left! We would like to thank all the families and students who helped, participated, and donated yummy treats on Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week!
The PTA feels very grateful that this year we were able to host in-person events like the Science Assembly with the Paper Airplane Guy, and Paint Night! Thanks to technology we could virtually have the Family Fun Night in December, the Debate Club, the Math Olympiad, and the Music for Minors II Program! We are fortunate to be able to offer these kinds of events to ALL STUDENTS and their families, most of them free of charge, throughout the school year. That is only possible thanks to the families who have joined the PTA as members and have generously supported us.
Starting July 1, 2022, you and your family will be able to join or renew your PTA membership for 2022-2023.
Finally, if you would like to join us at the last PTA meeting of the school year on Thursday, 6/2, at 7PM, please register HERE.
We hope you all have a wonderful summer break!
Amazon Smile
Do you shop on Amazon? If so, please register Harvey Green PTA on Amazon Smile. To do this on the app- go to the settings, click on gifting and charity, Amazonsmile, and select Harvey Green PTA. This is free to you and the school will receive a donation for your purchases!
If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to volunteer at the PTA, please don't hesitate contacting us at harveygreenpta@gmail.com .
Thank you!
Harvey Green PTA