Hornet Herald
News and notes for the week of February 7th, 2022
We will have school tomorrow, please send your scholar with water Monday and possibly Tuesday
Remember Friday 2/11/22 is an approved Friday off, there will be no school
A Week!
Happy Black History Month!
Happy National Counselor's Week
Christopher Aparicio - Lead and 8th Grade Counselor
Akshata Stephen - 7th Grade Counselor
Sally Ramirez - 6th Grade Counselor
Special Thank you to AISD Trustees and Central Staff Members for assistance with absences this week!
Trustee Lynn Boswell
Central Staff Member Jimmy Bowser
Trustee Latisha Anderson
Courtyard Lunch Assignments for the week of 2/7/2022
KMS Courtyard Diagram
Principal's Message to Hornet Families for the week of 2/7/2022
Hello families,
This past week was challenging. I spent a lot of time reflecting on practices which have impacted our campus climate. Legitimate concerns were voiced related to several areas including communication and teacher morale. I take ownership for making immediate and long term improvements for our staff and students. I have scheduled an additional Principal's Coffee meeting this Thursday at 8 am to share specific concerns and feedback gathered, communicate action plans, and answer questions families may have. If you have burning questions or concerns prior to that please feel free to reach out to me directly. I will do my best to reply within 48 hours.
Budget Time Line
1/31 - Share budget details with staff
2/3 - Share budget details with PTA
2/3 & 2/4 - 7th grade choice sheets through the Social Studies Classes (choices will influence budget decisions)
2/17 - share budget details & workshop with CAC
3/3 - Budget workshop with PTA
3/11 - Budget due to AISD
4/15 - CAC signature Sheets due
PTA Corner!
The second gift drop for secret pals will be on February 15th and 16th. This is a great way that we show some love to our teachers. If you missed sign ups for secret pals and would like to participate, send an email to secretpals@kealingpta.org.
We have been testing a new communication tool that can be used for volunteer sign ups, directory, announcements, donations and more. We will be launching the directory aspect very soon. Watch for more information through the herald, the facebook group and school messenger.
Not a Kealing PTA member, yet? Click the link below to join Kealing PTA.
Happy Holidays!
The Kealing PTA Executive Board
2021-2022 Initiatives and Goals
1.) Daily Formative Assessment
2.) Literacy in Every Classroom
3.) Standards Aligned Instruction
4.) Progress Monitoring
Academic Goal
Utilizing an array of assessments (MAP- Measure of Academic Progress, SCA - AISD Short Course Assessment, and STAAR - State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness), the percentage of each demographic/special group of students performing at the meets level in Math & English will increase by at least 5% - 10% from August 17th, 2021 to May 27th,2022.
KMS Safety Protocols as of 2/6/2021
All Day
Mask wearing is mandatory
Before School
All staff, students, and visitors are encouraged to self screen for COVID 19 symptoms before entering into a campus or other Austin ISD Facilities each day
- We will maintain outdoor markers to social distance
- we will encourage moving halls where students are encourage to not stop while transitioning to classes
- staggered release
- We are seating/desks at least 3 feet apart when feasible
- Each classroom has a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration unit
- Personal Protective Equipment will be available in each room
- Plexiglass dividers available
- Additional outdoor seating (2 outdoor classrooms & the courtyard if teachers plan to use)
Breakfast & Lunch
- Assigned seating
- Students are allowed to eat lunch both inside the cafeteria and outside in the courtyard
- Plexiglass accordian dividers
-Volunteer lunch monitors
- The courtyard comfortably seats 4 classes, which is from 25% - 100% of the lunch capacity for each lunch period.
- we will have staggered dismissal where scholars will be dismissed by areas of the building to reduce traffic.
Upcoming Dates
Monday - February 7th - A Day (1st - 4th Periods)
Admission decisions mailed out
Tuesday - February 8th - B Day (5th - 8th Periods)
PTA coffee Cart
Wednesday - February 9th- A Day (1st - 4th Periods)
Thursday - February 10th - B Day (5th - 8th Periods)
Principal's Coffee 8:00a - 9:00a, Click Here for Zoom Link
Kealing Boys Basketball vs Burnet Middle School @ 6p & 7p
Friday - February 11th - No School (AISD Holiday)
Annie Play in KMS Auditorium @ 7pm
Email laurie.pena@austinisd.org if interested in tickets.
Seating is limited due to Stage 5 restrictions and masks must be worn
Saturday - February 12th
Annie Play in KMS Auditorium @ 7pm
Email laurie.pena@austinisd.org if interested in tickets.
Seating is limited due to Stage 5 restrictions and masks must be worn
Sunday - February 13th
Annie Play in KMS Auditorium @ 2pm
Email laurie.pena@austinisd.org if interested in tickets.
Seating is limited due to Stage 5 restrictions and masks must be worn
Next Week
2/16 - COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic at KMS cafeteria, 4p-8p
2/17 - CAC February Meeting
2/17 & 2/18 - Homework Hiatus
This Past Week on Campus
Students explore in Ms. Tasneem's PAP Science 8 Class
Mrs. Johnson's Coding Class
Mrs. Jones' 8th Grade Social Studies Class
The Ultimate Frisbee Interest Meeting was Jam Packed!
New Family Members
Marsha Parris - 7th Grade Math Teacher
David Foyt - Substitute Magnet Director
Delano Howard - Lead Custodian
I also enjoy reading and writing and spending time with family. I am easy going and friendly and "always' pursue higher goals and achievements in life.
I have worked in many areas of maintenance beyond custodial. I relax by going for a drive, reading or jogging. My philosophy in life is "there is no shortcuts to any place worth going."
February 8th Coffee Cart for Teachers!
In an effort to say "thank you" to Kealing's wonderful faculty and staff, Kealing PTA organizes coffee carts at least twice a year. We will have our first coffee cart of 2022 on Tuesday, 2/8. We will need volunteers to set up the carts and take them from room to room on both floors. Fresh bakery goods have to be dropped between 7-7:30 on Tuesday. But non-perishable items and packed goods can be dropped at the front main office on Monday 2/7. Please direct your questions Sarah Tower at vpta@kealingpta.org Thank you for your support!
Visual and Performing Arts Protocols for the Annie Play
Mask requirements: All students, staff, and audience members are required to wear masks at all indoor performances. Student-performers will be masked at all times, including dressing areas and while performing. Audiences will be masked at all times.
Capacity: Campuses will reduce capacity at events based on their performance venues and the anticipated size of the audience to ensure social distancing between members of different households.
Health screenings: Student performers will be verbally screened daily to confirm everyone at the rehearsal or performance feels healthy and self-report if they’re experiencing any symptoms, including congestion, runny nose, sneezing, fever, or cough. Audience members will also be expected to self-screen before entry.
Anyone who has symptoms should not attend any school event. If audience members purchased tickets and are no longer able to attend, please consider donating your tickets back to your campus program or you may also request a refund.
COVID-19 Protection Drive
- Our next student-selected service project is a COVID-19 Protection Drive in which we are asking the Kealing Community to donate PPE and other related items to unhoused Austin community members.
- We need disposable masks (preferably surgical masks, KN95s, or N95s), hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes.
- The drive will run from February 1st through the 28th.
- Drop off items at Ms. Chambers’ room (116)
All Call for Supplies
KMS is looking for substitutes
The details: We've increased the base rate of substitute teacher pay for all levels. For example, degreed substitutes can now earn between $140 and $200 per day for filling a teacher assignment. We’ve also added compensation for supporting campuses when Austin-Travis County is in Stages 4 and 5.
We also expanded our eligibility requirements so that people with fewer than 60 college credit hours are eligible to work in elementary or middle schools.
Hopefully, we’ll get back to normal soon. In the meantime, if you know someone who would excel in a substitute role in AISD, point them to our website and encourage them to apply online.
PTA Membership
Kealing prides itself on fostering a supportive & caring community, and one way it does that is through the Parent-Teacher Association. The PTA comprises families, teachers, administrators, students, and community members dedicated to enriching every student learning experience.
Your PTA membership makes Kealing a great community and unique learning environment. While our memberships number is at an impressive 486 members, we are 150 members short of the Texas PTA 3-year-high award. Let's finish this year with the largest PTA that Kealing has ever seen!!
To join the Kealing PTA hive, click the link below:
If you have Kealing PTA membership questions, please email Shannan Riemer, vpmembership@kealingpta.org.
Why Join PTA? Watch this video to learn more about why you should join the Kealing PTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzGtGcYdEFs
Please contact Kealing membership VP, Shannan Riemer, vpmembership@kealingpta.org, with any membership questions, comments, or concerns.
Yearbook Recognition Ads are Available! Pre-Order Your Yearbook Today!
How To Order Guide (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b6bv9eEqfKqLAyzyyYIIeYCaz3_e_xXY/view?usp=sharing)
Community Donations
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Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/KealingMS/
Hornet Herald - https://kealing.austinschools.org/parents/archive
Twitter - @KTXHornets
Webpage - https://kealing.austinschools.org/
Email: webmaster@kealingmiddleschool.org for assistance