Blue Knight Highlights
What's Happening in the Sandwich Public Schools - 01.12.25

Middle School Students Connect With Beloved Author
The SMHS DECA Club Closes the Deal
Congratulations to the outstanding SMHS DECA Club which took home thirty-five medals and six trophies for top-3 finishes at the District 8 Career Development Conference this week in Hyannis! Hats off to our ten members who qualified for the State Career Development Conference next month in Boston. They are:
- Ben DiGiacomo (1st place, Entrepreneurship)
- Nick Pearce (2nd place, Personal Finance Literacy)
- Breanna Prindle (2nd place, Food Marketing)
- Ty Creighton (3rd place, Business Finance)
- Jenna Fay (3rd place, Entrepreneurship)
- Kiah Forristall (3rd place, Principles of Finance)
- Maadeh Biruk & Andrew Burkey (4th place, Business Law Team)
- Abbie Cotter (4th place, Principles of Finance)
- Quinn Murphy (5th place, Marketing Communications)
For Those About to Rock... We Salute You
A karaoke rock band night featuring local band Walk of Shame will be held in the Sandwich Middle High School Auditorium on Friday, January 17 from 7-10 pm.. All proceeds will support the Class of 2027.
Students and community members are welcome to sing, play an instrument or simply enjoy the show. Local musician Gregg Richards and his band will provide the tunes.
Tickets for students cost $5 and adult tickets are $8, Come and enjoy this great night for a good cause!
🩺 From the Nurse's Office
Accessing Childhood Immunizations on Cape Cod
While the majority of children receive their immunizations through their pediatrician's offices, there are occasionally circumstances during which an immunization needs to be accessed outside of the
pediatrician's office. Below is a list of locally accessible pediatric immunizations.
Sandwich Center for Active Living
Visiting Nurses Association Childhood Immunization Clinic
70 Quaker Meetinghouse Rd., Sandwich
First Monday monthly, 1 pm- 4 pm
Appointment Required - (508) 957-7423
Barnstable County Complex
Barnstable County Division of Public Health Nursing
3195 Main Street, Barnstable
Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Appointment Required - (508) 375-6617
Please be sure to leave a message with your name and contact information. A scheduler will contact you.
Cape Cod Healthcare Pharmacies @ Cape Cod and Falmouth Hospitals
Appointment Required
Schedule online at https://www.capecodhealth.org/medical-services/pharmacy/vaccination-appointments/ or call (508) 957-8600.
3 doses of Hep B
4 doses of DTaP/DTP
3 doses Polio
3 doses Hib
1 dose MMR
1 dose of Varicella (or physician-certified history / serological proof of varicella {chicken pox}
3 doses of Hep B
5 doses of DTaP/DTP
4 doses Polio (4th dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
2 doses MMR
2 doses of Varicella (or physician-certified history / serological proof of varicella {chicken pox}
3 doses of Hep B
5 doses of DTaP/DTP
4 doses Polio (4th dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
2 doses MMR
2 doses of Varicella (or physician-certified history / serological proof of varicella {chicken pox}
1 dose Tdap
1 dose Meningococcal ACWY
3 doses of Hep B
5 doses of DTaP/DTP
4 doses Polio (4th dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
2 doses MMR
2 doses of Varicella (or physician-certified history / serological proof of varicella {chicken pox}
1 dose Tdap
2 doses of Meningococcal ACWY (must be given on or after the 16th birthday and ≥ 8 weeks
after the previous dose)
Community Corner
Join us on Saturday, January 18th, for the first ever Student Open Mic Night at First Church in Sandwich!
Enjoy the many talents of our amazing students! All ages and abilities are welcome! We hope to see a wide range of talent from singers, instrumentalists, and dancers to actors and poets. Come one, come all, to join in the fun and entertainment next Saturday!
SPS Wellness Fair is coming to Sandwich on March 13th!
PTA / PTSA Announcements
No Classes on 1/17 and 1/20
Reminder- There will be no classes in the Sandwich Public Schools on Friday, 1/17 (Teacher Professional Development Day) and Monday, 1/20 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)