Husky Happenings
December 1st, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard
I hope everyone had a wonderful break! It was much needed for all of us. I hope everyone was able to see some family and friends over this Thanksgiving holiday too. The holiday season is now officially upon us and these next three weeks are going to go by SUPER fast!
Conference dates have been confirmed and they will be December 10th from 1-4 pm and 4-7 pm and then again on December 12th from 1-4 pm and 5-8 pm. As you can see, we have two afternoons of conferences which means that we have two half days on December 10th and the 12th. School will be dismissed at 12:20 pm. Teachers have sent out schedules for conferences via dojo or email. If you are not able to find a time that fits your schedule, please let me know so I can help work it out for you. We want to get 100% of our families in for conferences!!
Please remember that we do go outside for recess every day as long as the weather permits. We do NOT go out if it is below 20 degrees or if it is raining. Please make sure that your child has a winter coat with them every day. If you need a coat for your child, please reach out to their teacher OR myself so we can get that for you.
This week in the Positivity Project we will continue our discussion on the character strength of Gratitude. This is perfect for our week of Thanksgiving! We all have something to be thankful for. Gratitude means being aware of and grateful for good things that happen. Please read the letter and talk about this trait with your family during the week to reinforce what we are talking about in school.
Please feel free to email or DOJO me with questions you might have and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mrs. Sheppard
Remember: We ALWAYS ask for your ID every time you come to the door!!!
There have been some people that have gotten upset when an office staff member asks for your ID when you check in at the door. Please know that sometimes we have different people helping in the office and they may not recognize you. We are not trying to be difficult; we are keeping our staff and students safe.
Front Entryway Procedures
Front Entryway Procedures
If you need to pick up your student early for an appointment, please follow these steps:
1. Push the Button: When you arrive at the front door, please push the button to notify the office.
2. Show Your ID: A staff member will greet you and request to see your ID. Make sure to hold it up to the camera so that it can be clearly seen.
3. Entering the Vestibule: Once your ID is verified, you will be allowed into the vestibule.
4. Sign Out: There are sign-out sheets available on the table in the vestibule. Please fill this out for your student.
5. Student Pickup: We will call your student down from their classroom, and they will come through the office to meet you in the vestibule.
Important Reminders
- Do Not Let Others In: If another parent comes to the door, please DO NOT let them inside. Each individual must ring the bell and show their ID for security purposes.
- Check-In Required: Please do not follow other parents into the vestibule without checking in with the office through the outside camera. If you do not check in, we will not know you are waiting.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping our school safe. Together, we can create a secure environment for our students to learn and grow.
Here is the link for Boys Basketball Sign ups. 4th and 5th grade ONLY
Here is the link for Cheer SIgn Ups. 4th and 5th grade only!!!
Please label all coats, hats, and gloves!
Please be sure to send your student to school from now on with a Coat. If you need a coat for your child, please call the office and let us know so we can work on getting one for you. Also, it would be EXTREMELY helpful if you label your child's items (coats, hats, mittens, backpack, etc.) so that we can return their items quickly if they are left somewhere in the school.
Book Fair HELP NEEDED!!!
Can you spare a little time to help at the book fair this week? We have several open spots to fill on our sign up.
Can you please help us???
Room Parent: We are still looking for several parents to take on the ROOM PARENT role. You would be in charge of helping get volunteers for classroom parties, things for the classroom that the teacher might need, etc. Please let your child's teacher or Mrs. Sheppard know if you are interested on this!
We are missing parents for the following teachers:
Ms. Hanlon
Ms. Held
Ms. Taylor
Ms. Williams
Ms. Nordeen
Ms. Beaty
Ms. Widrig
Ms. Gamble
Ms. Green
Ms. Vandoorne
As you can see, we are missing SEVERAL parents to be a room parent in these classrooms. The job is not too tough. It would just be helping the teacher organize sign ups for class parties, the Spring Carnival Basket, and maybe some other small things. Please reach out to me if you would like to take on this volunteer job.
Birthday Treats
At Graham, we love to celebrate our students birthdays! We show every student's birthday on our morning announcments. One thing that I do want to remind families of is that we have decided as a staff that we do not celebrate birthdays here at school with food. This means pizza, cupcakes, cookies, etc. We are happy to have treat bags or small pieces of candy that can be passed out and students can take them home. We want to make sure that all students feel included and some students with allergies cannot participate in school treats. Thank you for understanding.
Book Fair starts on Tuesday! Thursday from 3:30-5:00 pm will be open for families!
12/2 and 12/4 Girls Basketball practice 4:15-5:15
12/5 Student of the month assembly (Invitation only)
Lunch Menu
There are some days when the menu could possibly change due to food items not being available. We will let the students know if there are changes as soon as we find out.
Our 5th graders will be selling snacks during all three lunches to raise money to go to Camp! All snacks are $1.00. Cash Only PLEASE!!!
📆 Upcoming Events
12/10 Conferences 1-4 pm, 4-7 pm (Half Day dismissal at 12:20 pm)
12/12 Conferences 1-4 pm, 5-8 pm (Half Day dismissal at 12:20 pm)
12/17 1st and 2nd Grade Music Concerts
12/18 3rd and 5th Grade Music Concerts
PD. Graham Elementary School
Attendance Line: 734-419-2626
Secretary: Mrs. Harper harperb@wwcsd.net
Principal: Mrs. Sheppard sheppardl@wwcsd.net
Email: sheppardl@wwcsd.net
Website: https://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/graham/
Location: 1255 South John Hix Road, Westland, MI, USA
Phone: 734-419-2620
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PDGrahamHuskies