Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 16 -- 7 June 2019
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.
The combined efforts of many are needed to complete a project.
Our Senior Team have had two sports exchanges this week against Mangorei and Merrilands. Our teams played with pride and determination. Thanks you to all the supporters who assisted with transport and coaching.. Check out the results further down.
Ruma tahi Kaiako and tamariki / Room 1 teachers and children are investigating and learning about Puanga and as part of this learning, they have had whanau / family members in for breakfast and helping prepare kai / food for their trip to Kohanga Moa Marae today. Lots of rich learning opportunities for all
Waitomo Arotahi Kāhui Ako (W.A.K.A) visit to Te Kāhui Ako o Kōhanga Moa
Inglewood High School Y12 Students helping our young students
Help! Help! Recycled Bottle House
We need more clear 1.25 litre and 2.25 litre bottles. If you have an interest in assisting with environmental projects please contact Mrs Ritchie who would love some support. We have a lot of projects and the Enviro Crew work most Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes on projects. The bottle house will be worked on from 11 am - 2.45 pm Tuesday 9 April. If you are keen you are welcome to join the group at any time you can throughout this time.
Week 5-6
Use please and thank you, kind words and smiles to communicate
Students of the Week
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y1 & Y2
Inglewood High School Y3 & Y4
Bryson Gyde - For being efficient and super organised when taking on responsibilities within the classroom and for helping other students with their learning.
Superior Builders Taranaki Y5 & Y6
Tony Huta - For being a great role model to his peers by showing our REACH values, and having a positive attitude to all learning experiences.
Naki Plumbing and Gas Y7 & Y8
Our school roll is currently 349.
Happy Birthday
Sporting Success
Congratulations to the IPS Moa and Kea Indoor Netball teams that recently won their respective grades.
Well done to Mia Peri, Brayden Neilson, Casie Collins, Lucy Hancock, Rhianna Chard and Kaitlyn Antill.
On Tuesday we played Merrilands in an exchange and came away victors in rugby, 98-10, football 8-1 and shared the netball games 1 each. Yesterday we played Mangorei school, and won the rugby 32-24, and the netball 13-11, but went down in a narrow loss in the football. All teams are still in the hunt for a semi final as we look forward to our last exchange at St Josephs, New Plymouth, June 21.
Many thanks to all our coaches, helpers and supporters of all these teams.
Term 2 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Friday 7 June
Panitahi visit to Kohanga Moa Marae
Thursday 13 June
Pita Pit lunch order forms due at the office by 3pm.
Friday 14 June
Pita Pit Lunch
Year 5 and 6 Rippa Champs- Racecourse.
Monday 17 June
Full School Assembly - 11.30am
Friday 21 June
Year 5 & 6 Interschool - Away to St Josephs New Plymouth
Tuesday 25 June
All Sausage Sizzle forms due to the office by 3pm
Wednesday 26 June
ParentLink Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Monday 1 July
Full School Assembly - 11.30am
Wednesday 3 July
ParentLink Meeting - 7pm School Staffroom
Friday 5 July
Last day of Term 2 2019
Monday 22 July
First day of Term 3 2019
Community News
Florist: Please support our local new florist at 121 Rata Street, Inglewood - The Love Bunch Florist. Stephanie Valentine has an amazing range of flowers for bouquets, arrangements, weddings and funerals. Phone 0272879780 or email thelovebunch@xtra.co.nz.