Watson Mountain Update
News and Updates_Friday, August 9, 2024

Welcome to the Mountain — Charting our Path
Our theme for the year is CHARTING OUR PATH: ONE FOOTPRINT AT A TIME. This embodies the spirit of our journey as we open Watson Mountain Middle School. Like the Yetis, we are pioneers, forging new trails and setting the course for those who will follow. This theme is a call to embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth, to move forward step by step, and to take pride in the progress we make, no matter how small. It reminds us that each footprint we leave is a testament to our dedication, our perseverance, and our commitment to excellence. As we climb together, every stride we take not only shapes our own journey but also paves the way for our YETI LEGENDS. In unity, we will navigate the peaks and valleys ahead, knowing that every step, no matter how challenging, brings us closer to the summit of our shared aspirations.
Yeti Legends, we are so excited to have you join us for the 2024-2025 school year. As you step into our halls, you’re not just a student—you’re a Yeti! This year, we’ll explore new challenges, climb to new heights, and create unforgettable memories together. Get ready to make your mark on the mountain and become a legend. We look forward to charting this new path — together! Here’s to an amazing adventure ahead!
Yeti, Set, Go!
Your Watson Mountain Staff
Preparing for the First Day
To prepare for the first day, we wanted to re-share the following information:
- The first day of school will be an "A" Day. This means that students will attend Blocks 1-2 A, 3-4 A, PEAK Time (Advisory), 5-6 A, and 7-8 A.
- Every day our doors will open at 8:10 a.m. Students who are riding the bus will enter on the second floor, while students who are participating in Kiss & Ride will enter on the third (the front entrance). School ends at 3:18 p.m.
- On the first day of school, buses may be delayed, as many of our drivers are navigating new routes. Please consider using the Stopfinder app to track your student's bus. Detailed information may be found below.
- For those participating in Kiss & Ride, please follow both the cones and the Yeti feet printed on the road. To ensure the safety of all of our Yetis, it is imperative that you follow the flow of traffic. We will work as fast as we can to quickly get you in and out of Watson Mountain.
Upon Arrival
As shared above, students who are riding the bus will enter on the second floor, while students who are participating in Kiss & Ride will enter on the third (the front entrance). Upon their entry, students will be able to go directly to their lockers, to the cafeteria for breakfast, or to their first class (1-2 A). If students are unsure of what their first class is and where it is located, they will be able to visit one of our two information walls near the locker bays, which will provide a list of student names, 1-2 A classes, and locations.
First Day of School Information
Please sign into ParentVUE to complete the Online Verification process as part of Loudoun County Public Schools’ First Day of School Information initiative. This process is required for all families to review and update important information about their students as we begin the 2024-25 school year, and must be completed no later than Friday, September 20. Once completed, you will be able to view student schedules in ParentVUE.
If you do not have a ParentVUE account, please contact ParentVUE support staff by emailing your name, your student(s)' name(s), your contact information, and the questions you have to Email ParentVUE Support. In addition, our on site administrative staff, Mary Jans and Kathleen Vaccaro, will be able to support you as well. For more information about this Online Verification process, along with FAQs about the First Day of School, please visit The LCPS First Day Information Page.
Reporting Attendance
In addition, if you need to submit any absences, please view this detailed video regarding how to submit student absences through ParentVUE.
Viewing Schedules & Counselor Information
To assist our Yeti Legends in understanding the ins and outs of their schedules, we have created a detailed document that walks students through important grade-specific information. You may access the informative document here. For any questions regarding your child’s schedule, please reach out to your child’s school counselor for assistance. Students will receive another copy of their schedules in their first block of the day, 1-2A.
Special Note #1: You will notice that all core classes (English, math, social studies, and science) will have the letter "H," next to them, indicating Honors classes. Like many schools in LCPS, we have decided to designate all of our classes as Honors.
Sixth Grader Chromebooks
All of our sixth graders will receive new chromebooks this year. Many of our students who participated in PEAK Week already received their new chromebooks. Students who are new to LCPS will receive their chromebooks on Friday, August 23, during Resource/Spectrum. Students who are not new to LCPS will receive their new chromebook during Resource/Spectrum on Tuesday, August 27. Students who already have a chromebook (old or new) should bring it to school starting on the first day.
School Calendar
The 2024-2025 school calendar is available for our families here, so you may note upcoming important dates. The first day of school will be Thursday, August 22. At the start of the school year, our students will participate in the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments in both reading and math. Please be on the lookout for more information in our next Mountain Messenger regarding our upcoming testing efforts.
Transportation & Stopfinder
Along with students being able to see their schedules in StudentVUE, they may also view their bus transportation. The app Stopfinder gives families the ability to see a student’s transportation schedule and set up GeoAlert notifications to track their student’s bus. Stopfinder is invitation based. Parents or Guardians who would like to sign up and have not yet received an invitation can send a request to join at this email address. Moreover, students may find their bus information by going to StudentVUE < Other Info (Scroll to the Bottom).