From the Desk of Mrs. Larned...
October 28th, 2024
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Party (2:20- 3:25 pm)
- Wednesday, November 1st: No School For Students: Full- Day PD
- Wednesday, November 13th: Field Trip to the Lansing State Capitol
- Wednesday, November 27th- Friday, November 29th: Thanksgiving Break
Halloween Party!
This Thursday, our Woodview classes will be hosting their annual Halloween parties. All are welcome to attend! The fourth- grade team plans to have a Halloween costume parade through the fourth-grade wing beginning at 2:20 p.m. Once the parade is finished, our crew will head back to the classroom and hold our party from 2:30-3:25. If you happened to sign up to send in supplies for our celebration, it would be awesome if I could have them brought in the day before (on the 30th), just so I can ensure we have everything we need on the 31st. I hope to see you there! :)
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thank you, again, to all of the families who scheduled a time to meet with me during our first round of parent-teacher conferences last week on October 23rd and 24th. If you were not able to make it in on either of those days and still would like to set up a time to meet in-person or chat over the phone, I would love to set up an alternative time slot for us to discuss your child's progress. You can reach me here at school (616-794-4761), via email (larnedk@bas-k12.org), or through the ClassDojo app.
Kids Have Rights Program: Parent/Caregiver Survey
A few weeks ago, the Kids Have Rights (KHR) program was taught in our classroom. Over the past few weeks, our class has also completed mini-lessons and worksheets to help reinforce the knowledge they gained from the KHR program regarding body safety. The program values and welcomes feedback from parents and caregivers to ensure students learn this important information. Hearing feedback from families helps to continually fine-tune the program to ensure that all children learn about body safety in a comfortable environment and encourage the conversation to continue at home. If you could please take a moment to click on the link below to complete the KHR Parent/Caregiver survey, it would be greatly appreciated!
Field Trip to Lansing
Last week on Friday, each student (whose parent did not already receive a form at parent-teacher conferences) was sent home with a field trip information form/ permission slip in preparation for our upcoming trip to the State Capitol and Michigan History Museum on Wednesday, November 13th. If, for any reason, this field trip form did not make it home with your student, please reach out and I can make sure to send another one home as soon as possible. If all students could please have their permission slips signed and money turned into me by Friday, November 8th it would be greatly appreciated!
If you are planning ahead and think that you would like to volunteer to join us on the field trip, please let me know so I can have an accurate count of how many adults and students our class will have participating on the 13th. All adults who wish to volunteer will need to complete an iChat form in advance (which can be accessed/completed by clicking the link below), so the school can ensure that we have an up-to-date background check form on file for each volunteer before heading to Lansing. As always, if you happen to have any further questions, please feel free to reach out. :)
*We do have limited spaces available for parents on the bus, so please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to secure one of these seats. For those unable to ride the bus with us, there is also the option of driving/carpooling and meeting us in Lansing, as well.
iChat (Background Check Form) Link:
Language Arts
In the area of writing, each of the students recently had the opportunity to publish both their personal narrative stories, as well as their compare-and-contrast essays that detail the similarities and differences of two animals/creatures of their choice. I am proud of all of the hard work and perseverance that students put into taking their writing pieces through the entire writing process to create thoughtful and properly sequenced essays!
Science/ Social Studies
We recently kicked off our first Social Studies unit of the school year that pertains to all things government! Recently, students were asked to imagine a classroom, community, and world without any rules and laws. We imagined what it would look like/sound like, as well as brainstormed what types of issues we think might arise if everyone was able to whatever they wanted. This week, we will begin learning about the Constitution and will work together to dissect the meaning of each of the sections of the Preamble to the Constitution. Our upcoming field trip to Lansing will also allow us the opportunity to learn all about the daily operations of our local government in our home state of Michigan!