DHS Rotary Newsletter
July 2021
Message from our President
My Dear Fellow Rotarians;
Thank you so much for trusting me with the Presidency of the Desert Hot springs Rotary Club. It is both an honor and a great responsibility.
I attended my first DHS Rotary lunch 3 years ago, having been invited by Gary Gardner. I had heard about Rotary as a young person, but never felt that I “fit the usual mold” of a Rotary member. As I looked around the room that first noon lunch I attended, I quickly realized that the “stayed and old-thinking mold”, my original perception, was definitely long gone. I saw women, young and old participants, people of different diversities - race, sexual orientation and cultures, various professions and most importantly - people having fun. I was excited and shortly applied for membership.
My real buy-in to Rotary, also known as “that rotary moment” came a few months later. Sure , I enjoyed the meeting and speakers, made friends and frankly liked the weekly Mexican cuisine! It wasn’t until I got involved with “my first project “ - the 4 Way Test speech competition, that made me experience what Rotary means, “service above self."
Thank you to our new past president, Jeff Hohman. You did a great job holding our club together over the pandemic. You made sure that Interact, Early Act, Noon meetings via zoom and some small projects carried on. I know it was far from the year you planned, but you rolled with the punches.
Going forward, my job has been made easier for me. We have such a well-oiled machine, created over the last 5 to 6 years. We all look forward to jumping back into our community projects, live student interactions, firesides and travel to Mexico, not to mention our weekly noon lunches.
My goal for this Rotary year is to keep us on this great well traveled course, explore some new ideas and give everyone an opportunity to be their best; setting a great example for our President - Elect, Ruby Rivera and encouraging new club leaders.
Yours In Rotary,
Brian Brodowsky, President
Congratulations to Alyssa Nieto!
We are all so proud of Alyssa Nieto! This week, Alyssa passed her National SAFE MLO Test (Loan Officer Test) on her first attempt.
The SAFE test is a 125 question, 3 hour test with a failure rate of over 40%. Jeff Hohman, who has mentored Alyssa, says "I have watched as Alyssa put countless hours into studying and preparing for the test - and her hard work paid off today. I am very proud of you Alyssa!"
Noon Meetings Every Thursday!
June 3, 2021 - Danny Holt, Musician
June 10, 2021 - Ruby Rivera, PSUSD Anti-Racism Coalition
June 17, 2021 - Cheryl Hunter, DHS Senior Center
June 24, 2021 - DHS Friends of the Library
We look forward to hearing from the following speakers in July:
July 8, 2021 - Cabot Yerxa Museum
July 15, 2021- Scott Matas, Desert Hot Springs Mayor
July 21, 2021 - Rubyd Olvera, Lift to Rise Community Engagement Manager
July 29, 2021 - Angela Munoz, John F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation
Happy Birthday to you!
Breanna Sewell - July 2nd
Eduardo Rivera - July 24th
Ivan Sewell - July 31st
Thanks for spending another year with us!
James Wilson - 2020, 1 year
Mary Wilson - 2020, 1 year
Marybeth Coleman - 2019, 2 yearsJacqueline Macharia - 2016, 5 years
Shary McDonald - 2016, 5 years
Sam Messler - 2016, 5 years
Rotary Cares
Community Service Calendar of Events
New* Music Competition Committee
1st Meeting Date: July 24, 2021
Time: Noon
For the first time, our club will be sponsoring entrants in Rotary District 5330’s MUSIC COMPETITIONS (Vocal, Piano, Instrumental), but we cannot do it without you.
You are cordially invited to the first planning meeting for both the 2022 and 2023 competitions.
We need your ideas. Join us for a brainstorming session.
Location: Home of Sam ZzeniaMessler
Please RSVP and request the address: teammailbox@roadrunner.com
Interact Club
Live Scan Reminder
Early Act
July is Rotary's Leadership Month
July is designated New Leadership Month - each year Rotary Clubs and Districts across the globe induct new leaders. Our leaders exemplify all of the qualities that make our members extraordinary; integrity, expertise, and commitment to service.
Rotary develops leaders by providing opportunities for all members to provide service to our local communities and communities across the globe. With that service comes a learning experience in the areas of leadership, team building, planning, marketing, communication, and organization.
Serving as a Club or District officer or committee member provides an opportunity to enrich your leadership skills by sharing experiences and ideas with other Rotarians throughout the region. (https://ypsirotary.org/stories/july-is-new-leadership-month)
Desert Hot Springs Rotary Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DesertHotSpringsRotaryClub