Crest View Paw Prints
December 5th, 2024
Dec. 5, 5:30-7:00 pm - ROCV Community Meeting - Holiday Celebration
Dec. 7, 11:00 am-2:00 pm - Parade Float Construction
Dec. 7, 6:00 pm - Lights of December Parade
Dec. 10, 10:00-11:00 am - School Tour for Prospective Families
Dec. 11, 3:30-4:30 - SAC Meeting
Dec. 17, 4:00-5:00 pm - School Tour for Prospective Families
Dec. 18, 6:00-7:30 am - FET Meeting
Dec. 23-Jan. 6 - No School
Boulder Valley School District remains dedicated to educating each and every student and ensuring they and their family feel safe and welcomed, regardless of their race, gender identity, legal status or any other factor.
BVSD will never ask for a student or parent’s citizenship or immigration status.
If we learn of a student’s immigration status we would never share this with immigration officials.
Serving all students is not only one of our school district’s core values, it is a constitutional right. Our children are guaranteed equal access to education. We in the Boulder Valley School District believe every student should have the opportunities needed to be successful in whatever path they choose in the future.
Message from the Principal
Crest View Parent Feedback
We will continue to use the Parent Feedback Survey to monitor our delivery of the Crest View Vision and Mission.
Crest View News
Click here to watch this week’s episode of CVTV.
BVSD Choice Enrollment Window Now Open through Jan. 8
The Boulder Valley School District is now accepting applications for choice enrollment. The Boulder Valley School District welcomes both students from outside our district and those who want to choose a school outside of the neighborhood school to participate in our Choice Enrollment process.
Increase your chances for an offer by applying by Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025
Apply anytime before Jan. 8: It doesn’t matter whether you apply on the first day of the window or the last day. Families have equal possibilities of getting the school of their choice, as long as it is during the window.
Applications and information: Get all the details and apply today at www.bvsd.org/parents-students/enrollment-center/choice-enrollment
Lottery results will be sent on or about Jan. 10
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness sessions
The BVSD sponsored in person events will take place Monday, December 9th, from 5:30-6:30 at Centaurus High School School and Monday, December 16th, from 5:30-6:30, at Crest View Elementary. Families do not need to register.
Learn about your rights as a person living in the US regardless of your immigration status.
Learn about your rights if you come into contact with the police.
Learn about the plans you should have to protect your family
Additionally, for families that may prefer to attend a session via Zoom or are unavailable for our two offered evening sessions, our trusted partners at CIRC are offering the following session via Zoom on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:00 p.m. https://bit.ly/3Zkd3QD
School Aged Care
Please enjoy Crest View's After School News!
Update from our Specials Teachers
Plastic Collection
The Crest View community did an AMAZING job helping us collect plastic film to recycle! We just need 2 more members to join Ridwell through our webpage by December 15 so that the school earns free plastic film pickups all spring! Use this link to sign up: https://get.ridwell.com/cve
Yearbook Cover Art Contest Results
Congratulations to Alex Aizenman in Miss Tessa’s 5th grade class for having her artwork selected as the cover of the 2024-2025 Yearbook! Thank you to everyone who contributed!
School lunch reminder: Pick 3 to make it free!
School lunch is free for all students this school year. However, by federal guidelines, a school meal must include at least three components to qualify as "free". We understand that some students who bring lunch from home may still want to have school milk or something from the salad bar and families may be confused when there’s a charge for these items. BVSD Food Services shares a simple way to avoid these extra charges by selecting the three required items for a meal. Read more: School lunch reminder: Pick 3 to make it free
ROCV (Reach Out Crest View) News
ROCV HOLIDAY COMMUNITY MEETING! | December 5th | 5:30p-7p
Join us for our holiday community meeting in the Maker Space. Wear your most spectacularly silly holiday attire for the "ugly sweater" contest, we will also be serving refreshments and doing a holiday craft while we chat. There will be babysitting, pizza and crafts, and cookie decorating fun for the kids!
Downtown Boulder | Saturday, December 7th, 2024 | 6 pm
After an outstanding float in 2023, Crest View plans to participate again this year! An annual winter tradition in Boulder, the parade is a fun way to represent our school in the community while bringing OUR community together.
Volunteers have already begun planning, but the magic happens 12/7 from 11a-2p in the Crest View parking lot. Mark your calendars! Students and family members are welcome to walk in the parade and/or help with planning and building the float. Students, teachers, and staff have created decorations and graciously donated time and resources to this CV tradition since 2019. This year's theme is once again "Candy Cane Village"! Gear up in your best red and white decorations, outfits, costumes or better yet wear your Crest View school gear. Crest View is Float #13
More info to follow regarding specific volunteer opportunities. Questions can be sent to Chris Angelovic: parade@rocv.org
How to sign up: https://bvsd.helpatschools.com/schools/7/events/12357
Last chance to order Square 1 Art!
Square 1 Art takes your child's artwork and turns it into timeless keepsakes - magnets, ornaments, necklaces, coffee cups and more. These make perfect and unique gifts for family, friends, and the artist! Each student should have received a personalized catalog in Friday folders last week.
Order online: the deadline has been extended to Mon. Dec 9th. A portion of each purchase supports Crest View!
Financial assistance is available! Email us at square1art@rocv.org to request a free keepsake for your student All requests are confidential with no questions asked.
COMMUNITY NIGHT! | Tuesday, December 10th | Birdcall
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 10th. It's Crestview night at Birdcall (1675 29th St.)! Come enjoy delicious food, free arcade games and the company of other Crest View families. Visit Birdcall and use promo code: CVE1210. Every order with this promo code will collect 25% to be donated back to us!
Students with perfect attendance will receive a special sticker to present at Birdcall that night for a FREE milkshake!
Spirit Gear
Crest View Spirit Gear is available online! Shop now for the holidays! Visit our online shop to order t-shirts, hats, water bottles and hooded sweatshirts for the whole family. Orders can be sent home with your student or picked up at the front desk. Hoodies will be restocked in January.
It's hard to believe your student's tenure at Crest View is coming to a close -- it’s time to submit a 'Younger Years" photo for the yearbook.
We'll have a page for each 5th Grade class, featuring numbered baby/toddler photos of each student in no particular order. Names and corresponding numbers are upside down at the bottom of the page, so it’s like a guessing game of who’s who.
Submit one high resolution digital photo (minimum 300 dpi) per child (birth to 5 years is ideal).
Email your photo to yearbooks@rocv.org - please include your child’s name and teacher!
If you don’t have a digital file, please consider scanning your paper photo (or taking a picture with your phone of your paper photo) and emailing it.
If you have any issue with emailing your picture or any questions, please contact Jessica Soderberg at yearbooks@rocv.org and we will find a solution.
Photo deadline is Friday, December 20th!
Trip Trackers
All students AND staff who walk, bike, bus ride, or car pool to/from school are eligible to earn Trip Tracker dollars that can be spent at dozens of businesses around Boulder County OR donated to Crest View! To earn Trip Trackers for November eligible trips, please complete this 1-minute student form or staff form, and they will be distributed in Friday folders in a few weeks. The Trip Tracker program is explained in this 1-minute video. Please note, Trip Trackers takes a break for the month of December, but please continue to prioritize clean air and healthy activities! We'll let you know when it's time to report January trips.