May Newsletter
Kimball-Banner County 4-H
Upcoming Dates
4-H Council Meeting Dates:
Monday, May 17th- Kimball 6 p.m. (Discussing Static Exhibits)
Monday, June 21st- Harrisburg 6 p.m. (Discussing Livestock/Animal Exhibits)
Monday, July 19th- Kimball 6 p.m. (Pre-Fair Update)
May Dates:
YQCA - May 22 - 3 pm to 4:30 pm Banner County Schools
Sheep and Goat Weigh Ins - May 25 - 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Fair Grounds
Edible Food Car Workshop - May 25 - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 4H Building
June Dates:
Livestock Judging Competition - June 2 - 5:30 pm Fair Grounds
Rocketry Workshop - June 9 - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm 4H Building
County Speech Contest - June 9 - 5:30 pm 4H Building (Date Updated)
District Horse Show - June 14 - Scottsbluff, NE Saddle Club Scotsbluff District Horseshow 2021.pdf (
PASE/Life Challenges Competition Deadline - June 14 - Contact Extension Office if interested
State Public Speaking Competition Deadline - June 14 - Contact Extension Office if interested
Tinker CAD Workshop - June 15 - 9:30 am to 12:00 pm Extension Office
4H Enrollment Deadline - June 15 -
Animal ID Sheet Deadline - June 15 - Kimball Extension Office
State Fair Livestock Nomination Deadline - June 15 -
YQCA Deadline - June 15 - In-person or Online Course. If doing online course bring certificate to Extension Office for verification.
July Dates:
Entomology Workshop - July 8 - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 4H Building
Presentation Contest - July 8 - 5:30 pm 4H Building
Drone Races - July 13 - 10 am to 12 pm 4H Building
Fair Pre-Entry Deadline - July 15 - Kimball Extension Office
August Dates:
Kimball-Banner County Fair - August 2 to 9
Nebraska State Fair - August 27 to September 6
Kimball/Banner County 2021 Fairbook
Printed Copy - Back by popular demand, the 4-H Council will be supplying 1 Printed Version of the fair book to each 4H family, superintendent, and 4H Council member. There will also be a few copies made available at the Extension Office.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Fairbook please reach out to Nathan Rice @
Summer Workshops
Kimball Workshops
I will be hosting 5 workshops this summer for Kimball and Banner County Youth. 4-H Membership is not required to participate in workshops, so bring your friends! Youth ages 8 to 18 are welcome to attend. I do ask that a parent accompany youth ages 8 to 10 to help with instructions/building.
Please register for the workshops @
We will need at least 5 registrations per workshop to have them so recruit your friends and make sure they sign up!
May 25 - Edible Food Car Competition
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: 4-H Building
Cost: $5
Description: Students will work together to build a car made entirely out of food. Teams will then compete to see which car can travel the farthest. Throughout the process, they will learn about how to use the engineering design process to build better designs.
June 9 - Rocketry (Date Updated)
Time: 9:00 am to 1 pm
Location: 4-H Building
Cost: $15 or free if students bring there own rocket
Description: Students will build and decorate a model rocket that can be turned in as a Fair Project. At the end of the workshops we will have a launch party.
June 15 - Tinker CAD
Time: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Location: 4-H Building
Cost: Free
Description: Students will learn how to develop 3D designs using TinkerCAD. These designs can be 3D printed at the Kimball library and turned in as a Fair Project. No Prior knowledge is necessary. I will have a few laptops available but students are encouraged to bring their own.
July 8 - Entomology
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: 4-H Building
Cost: $10
Description: We will go over what entomology is and how to develop an insect collection. We will then go capture some insects and learn how to properly pin them. Entomology collections can be turned in as a Fair Project.
July 13 - Drone Races
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: 4-H Building
Cost: $5
Description: Students will learn about how drones fly and then compete in a drone flying obstacle course using the Tello Drone. We will also learn how to take pictures with drones which can be turned in to the photography section of Fair.