St. Clare Campus Ministry
February 2025 - Family Newsletter
A newsletter with Lenten information will be sent out about a week prior to Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is on March 5 this year.
Knights Give Back
First Friday Donations
We are excited to continue our campaign of giving back to various community organizations on the First Friday of each month.
This month we are collecting personal care items. This includes soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, etc.
These items will be donated to the Pregnancy Care Center in Belleville. Donations are due on February 7.
Each month, we are in need of parent volunteers to help bring the donations to each of the organizations. Please see the SignUp Genius below if you would like to help out.
Mass with Friends
February 8 & 9 - Basketball
To expand upon this year's theme, Companions on the Journey, we are encouraging students to attend Mass with the various groups who accompany them on their faith journey.
In February, we are celebrating our basketball teams. Our teammates encourage us not only on the athletic field but also as part of our St. Clare School Family, they are special Companions on our Faith Journey.
On the weekend of February 8 & 9, students are encouraged to attend Mass with their St. Clare basketball teammates and to sit together and to take a picture together after Mass.
Feast Days in February
1 - St. Brigid
2 - Presentation of the Lord3 - St. Blaise
5 - St. Agatha
6 - Sts. Paul Miki & his Companions
7 - St. Colette
8 - St. Josephine Bakhita
10 - St. Scholastica
11 - Our Lady of Lourdes
14 - Sts. Cyril & Methodius
14 - St. Valentine
18 - St. Bernadette Soubirous
20 - Sts. Francisco & Jacinta Marto
21 - St. Peter Damian
23 - St. Polycarp
Celebrating the Faith at Home in February
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - February 2
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord or Candlemas is a little known feast day but one that can be very fun to celebrate in the midst of the dark winter days.
According to the Jewish custom, Jesus was taken to the temple to be presented to the Lord. While the Holy Family was there they met Simeon and Anna, two older people who had been waiting for the Messiah. Both of them greeted the family and spoke to them telling them that Jesus would be the light unto the nations. You can read the story in the Bible at Luke 2:25-38.
Since Jesus was proclaimed to the light unto the nations, the tradition developed on this day to bless any candles that would be used for the following year. Celebrate by taking candles to church to be blessed or enjoying a candlelit evening at home.
Valentine's Day - February 14
The history and origins of St. Valentine have gotten muddled and lost a bit over time, but celebrating our love for one another is something we could all do more of!
Linked below are printables (most are free!) with ideas on how to celebrate:
February is Dedicated to the Holy Family
The Church continues to remind us that Jesus was part of a family. That Mary and Joseph had an important role in His life and in raising Him. Families are essential to the life of the Church. In fact the family unit is often referred to as the Domestic Church. Children first learn about God from their families and continue to be formed by their families throughout their lives.
Celebrate your family by doing something special together as a family.
My family loves to go out to eat and try new restaurants. We also enjoy playing games together. Plan some dedicated family time doing the things that you love to do together!
Prayer of the Month - Act of Contrition
O my God,
I am sorry for my sins.
In choosing to sin, and failing to do good,
I have sinned against You and Your Church.
I firmly intend, with the help of You Son,
To make up for my sins and to love as I should.
Mass & Eucharistic Adoration Schedule
Mass Schedule at 8:15am
February 4 in the Gym: All School Mass (3 - Starzyk)
February 11in the Gym: All School Mass (6 - Dillaplain)
February 25 in the Chapel: K-4th Grades (4 - Warnecke)
February 27 in the Chapel: 5th-8th Grades (6 - Edwards)
Eucharistic Adoration
February 27 in the Chapel following Mass until 11am (Grades 4-7)
Sacramental Information
St. Clare
First Communion
March 9 - Blessing Cup Retreats
April 26 - First Communion Practice
April 26 - First Communion Mass: Option 1
April 27 - First Communion Mass: Option 2
February 28 - 7th Grade Retreat
March 2 - 8th Grade Retreat
May 8 - Confirmation Practice
May 9 - Celebration of Confirmation
St. Nicholas
First Reconciliation
March 22 - Celebration of First Reconciliation
First Communion
March 8 - First Communion Retreat
April 25 - First Communion Practice
April 27 - First Communion Mass
March 9 - 8th Grade Retreat
Corpus Christi
May 4 - Celebration of Confirmation
2024-2025 School Theme: Companions on the Journey
Road to Emmaus - Luke 24: 13-35
- “Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scripture to us? Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”
Micah 6:8
- “You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness and to walk humbly with your God.”
John 15:15 “I have called you friends.”
“Unity happens when we walk together.” - Pope Francis
“Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” - St. Augustine of Hippo
“We are to become vessels of God’s compassionate love for others.” - St. Clare of Assisi