Principal's Newsletter
🦁 From the desk of Dr. Tiffany Jacobson
Friday, September 6, 2024
Opening week was a wonderful success!
Students have already begun fostering a strong sense of classroom community, while learning our school-wide expectations: Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible. These foundational principles will guide them as they grow into successful learners and compassionate friends.
Throughout the school year, teachers will be sharing class newsletters that highlight key learning objectives and offer helpful tips for reinforcing these lessons at home. We value your partnership and look forward to a year filled with growth, discovery, and joy alongside your child.
Thank you to the PTO members who volunteered their time during Wednesday's Ice Pop Social. What a terrific way to ease back into the new school year!
Enjoy this week's photo gallery -
Genesis Absence Reporting
If you are unable to enter the absence by 9:00 AM, please contact Ms. Davey and Ms. Linder in the main office via email:
The Lincoln Ledger
The first issue of the Lincoln Ledger, a newsletter put out by the Lincoln School PTO Executive Board, will be shared via email on Tuesday, September 10. This is a great way to remain connected to our school community.
We extend our sincere thanks to Ms. Danielle Ostrowe for taking on this important role for the PTO Executive Board.
Important Reminders
Please send an email to your child's teacher as early in the day as possible, and copy Ms. Davey and Ms. Linder.
Timely Arrival
We appreciate your cooperation getting students to school on time each and every day! Late arrivals interrupt the flow of the class, and the late comer requires time to catch up with what the class has already accomplished.
Pedestrian Safety
Please cross at the crosswalks, and be sure to thank our cross guard, Mr. Marc, for keeping us safe!
Please Leave Your Cute Pets Home
Some students have severe allergies to pets and some students are still learning appropriate boundaries. It would be very unpleasant if a pet made a student sick or if a student upset your pet. Plus our Lincoln School stuffies, Fudgey and Lester, will get very jealous!
Family Resource of the Week
The is designed to provide guidance on fostering a positive and supportive behavior environment for our young learners. PBIS is an evidence-based framework that emphasizes prevention, teaching, and reinforcement to encourage positive behavior and address challenging behaviors effectively. While this approach is commonly used in schools, it can also be applied at home.
Each year, on September 11, Patriot Day is observed in the United States as a national day of service and remembrance, in memory of those who lost their lives in the 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, along with the many people who performed extraordinary acts of heroism. Learn more at 911memorial.org.
Upcoming Events
15: First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
20: Training Day | 1st Spirit Day
24: PTO Executive Board Meeting | Pre-K Individual & Class Picture Day
25: Kindergarten Individual & Class Picture Day
27: Spirit Day (blue and purple)
30: Touch-a-Truck (rain date 10/1)
1: Back to School Night (Apples)
3: School closed
4: School closed
7: Week of Respect | Fire Prevention Assemblies
10: PTO Executive Board Meeting
11: Training Day
14: School Closed (Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day)
16: Pumpkin Patch | Family Fall Social (rain date 10/20)
18: Family Fall Social | Spirit Day
20: Halloween Parade and Class Parties
21: Food Drive through 11/15
25: Halloween Parade & Class Parties (rain date 10/28)