The Wave Report
Volume 4 - August 31, 2020
- Happy Birthday Koren Olson and Courtney Bourque! We hope you both have fabulous days.
- We did it! We ROCKED the first week of school! Thank you to the entire team for having all hands on deck to help out the first few days.
- Thank you, Dorian for responding to our various needs and for helping us get all of our technology set. You are so appreciated.
- Shout out Mary Straehla for her awesome job with eLearning this week! She really stepped up when she volunteered to do the eLearning, especially when it’s her first year in third grade! ~ Love the Third Grade Team
- Special shout out to all stepping up to jump in wherever needed. Also, so much appreciation for our patrols and Coach for coordinating.
Arrival Reminder
Please remind parents not to drop kids before 8:00 if they are not having breakfast. I have included it in my parent newsletter as well. If we continue to have lots of kids in the hallway, we will have to increase the number of morning duty stations.
Calendar Updates
- Team Meetings Wednesday, September 2, 2020
- Labor Day - Holiday for ALL Monday September 7, 2020
- Early Release PD Friday, September 11, 2020
- iReady Window August 31 - September 11