Bobcat Strong Tracker
October 25, 2024
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
Thursday, November 7th- New Family Night: 7:00pm Multipurpose Room
Monday, November 11th- Veteran's Day- No School
Wednesday, November 13th- PTA Meeting: 7:00pm Multipurpose Room
November 18th-22nd- Linden Tree Book Fair
November 25th-29th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
PLEASE make sure to complete this packet so we have your most up to date information and so teachers and students can start this year BOBCAT STRONG! https://form.jotform.com/241260293620145
LASD 2024-2025 Calendar
Reporting Attendance: Santa Rita Student Attendance
Santa Rita Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org/santaritaes
6th grade math experts are on the case! They're investigating ratios and comparing quantities like real number detectives!
Our Santa Rita TK learners decided which 🎃 items would float and which would sink. Great job investigators!
Mrs. Lorenz's 5th-grade math masterminds used their knowledge of equivalent fractions to play a game of Fraction Grab! Way to have fun with fractions students!
Dear Santa Rita Families,
Thank you to our Santa Rita Parent-Teacher Association for planning such a fabulous Witches’ Delight. The whole day was well-organized, safe, and tons of fun. I appreciate the volunteers who spent hours volunteering their time to help with all the details to make this event so successful. This was a truly fantastic community event for all. The attention to detail was evident throughout. The best part of my day was seeing all the smiling faces of our students and families.
Santa Rita Bobcats recently practiced what to do if there was an earthquake. Students practiced the life-saving Drop, Cover, and Hold On technique, followed by a safe evacuation to the assembly area.
October 17th also marked the 35th anniversary of the devastating 6.9 magnitude Loma Prieta earthquake. Anniversaries like this serve as a powerful reminder that Californians must be prepared.
Here's how you can be ready too:
Check your emergency kit: Make sure it's stocked with essential supplies for at least 3 days.
Create a communication plan: Decide how you'll connect with loved ones after a disaster.
Practice, practice, practice: Regularly rehearse the Drop, Cover, and Hold On drill with your family.
Empower yourself and your loved ones! Visit Earthquake.ca.gov and EarthquakeCountry.org for free resources and preparedness tips.
As we continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, we want to remind you of an essential step:
Please ensure your emergency contact information is up-to-date with the school.
It's crucial that we have accurate names and phone numbers for individuals authorized to pick up your child in case of an emergency. This includes family members, close friends, or designated caregivers.
Remember: Even if you've developed strong friendships within the Santa Rita community, we cannot release your child to anyone not listed on your emergency contact sheet. This is a strict policy to safeguard the safety of all our students.
If you don't have family nearby, we encourage you to participate in our PTA and family events. Connecting with other Santa Rita families can provide invaluable support and peace of mind. I experienced the benefits of these relationships for my children and know how they can make a significant difference in times of need.
Let’s Go, Bobcats!
Denise Khalid
Independent Study Plans
The California Department of Education writes the regulations on excused and unexcused absences and these policies have been adopted by the LASD Board of Trustees. A full list and the associated Education Code numbers can be found via the LASD Board Policies website.
The most common excused reasons for a student to be late or absent are:
1. Personal illness
2. Medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic appointments
3. Religious observance
Vacations, trips, and are considered unexcused absences, even when the school office is notified in advance.
Independent Study Plans can be utilized if your student is going to be absent from school for an unexcused reason for 5 or more consecutive days and the office is notified in advance of the trip.
The process of an ISP is as follows:
Parents notify the school of an upcoming absence in advance
Parents complete the ISP agreement
Once the ISP agreement has been signed, the classroom teacher will compile work for the student to complete during their absence.
Each student may utilize a maximum of 15 ISP days per school year
Please notify office the dates of absence as soon as possible
All Independent Study Plans are subject to principal approval
Work MUST be completed during the absence and returned to school
Parent to initiate the ISP. Please use this link
Work is not allowed to be completed ahead of time. Students or parents must return the work to the office on the day after ISP ends, even if the student is not at school.
Email: amollerstedt@lasdschools.org
Board Policy For Truancy (3 or more unexcused absences in a school year)
Vision Screenings for K, 2nd & 5th
The District Nurses will be doing vision screenings at Santa Rita for all Kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grades on November 12, 2024. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure that they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening.
Construction on Los Altos Avenue
PG&E will be working along Los Altos Avenue on 10/29-10/30. A temporary lane closure is permitted from 9am-3pm on these days. Traffic delays can be expected in this area. Please plan accordingly.
It Takes a Village!
Thank you to our wonderful LASD parent volunteers, school principals & staff, LASD board members, and community members who texted and called LASD families on behalf of LAEF last week. Donations are coming in, and each gift will help to fund teachers and staff at Santa Rita this school year. Check out a chart with the details.
Let’s Keep it Going!
If you have yet to give this year, Donate Today!
Learn about the ways to contribute on the LAEF website: Check or Cash, Credit Card (one-time or monthly payments), Bank ACH Transfer (eCheck), Payroll Deduction, Pledge, Stock, Crypto, and Donor-Advised fund (DAF) Grants. Apply for a Corporate Match, if one is available to you.
MVLA Speaker Series: Jennifer Wallace, Wed. 10/30, 7PM @ Crittenden Middle School
Join us for an evening with Jennifer Wallace, author of Never Enough
Never Enough: Mattering as a Solution to Toxic Achievement Pressure
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 7PM, Crittenden Middle School Auditorium, Mountain View (please note venue change)
Today’s students face unprecedented pressure to succeed. The drive to optimize performance has resulted in skyrocketing rates of anxiety, depression, and self-harm in teens and adolescents. Parents, educators, and community leaders face the same quandary: how can we teach our kids to strive towards excellence without crushing them?
In this eye-opening talk, Wallace investigates the deep roots of toxic achievement culture, explores its harmful impact on our kids, and delivers the powerful solution: Mattering, the psychological concept of feeling like you add value and are valued regardless of your external achievements. Wallace provides a practical mattering framework that parents and educators can use to tackle achievement pressure at home and in the classroom.
About Our Speaker
JENNIFER BREHENY WALLACE is an award-winning journalist and author of the instant New York Times bestselling book Never Enough: When Achievement Pressure Becomes Toxic – and What We Can Do About It. Her second book Mattering: Building A Life of Value At Home, Work, and in the Larger World will be published in 2026. Wallace is the co-founder of The Mattering Movement, a nonprofit whose mission is to create cultures of mattering in schools, workplaces, and communities. After graduating from Harvard College, Wallace was a broadcast producer for CBS “60 Minutes" and was part of the team that won The Robert F. Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism. She is a contributor to The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post and frequently appears on national television programs to discuss her work.
Audience: Parents, caretakers, teachers, and counselors of elementary, middle, and high school age children
Registration: Register for this free event
Book: Never Enough
For more information, visit mvlaspeakerseries.org. Events are free thanks to our generous sponsors: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, and the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Únase a nosotros en una tarde con Jennifer Wallace, autora de Never Enough
Nunca es Suficiente: La Importancia como Solución a la Presión Tóxica del Reconocimiento
Miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024, 7pm, Escuela Secundaria Crittenden Auditorio, Mountain View (por favor tenga en cuenta el cambio del lugar)
Los estudiantes de hoy enfrentan una presión sin precedentes para tener éxito. El afán por optimizar el rendimiento ha dado como resultado cifras muy altas de ansiedad, depresión y autolesiones en adolescentes y jóvenes. Los padres, educadores y lÃderes comunitarios enfrentan el mismo dilema: ¿cómo podemos enseñar a nuestros hijos a esforzarse por alcanzar la excelencia sin comprimirlos?
En esta reveladora charla, Wallace investiga las raÃces profundas de la cultura tóxica del logro, explora su impacto nocivo en nuestros hijos y ofrece la poderosa solución: Importar, el concepto psicológico de sentir que agregan valor y eres valorado independientemente de tus logros externos. Wallace proporciona un marco práctico de importancia que los padres y educadores pueden usar para abordar la presión del logro en el hogar y en el salón de clases.
Sobre Nuestra Oradora
JENNIFER BREHENY WALLACE es una periodista galardonada y autora del libro Never Enough: When Achievement Pressure Becomes Toxic – and What We Can Do About It, que se convirtió en un bestseller instantáneo del New York Times. Su segundo libro Mattering: Building A Life of Value At Home, Work, and in the Larger World se publicará en 2026. Wallace es cofundadora de The Mattering Movement, una organización sin fines de lucro cuya misión es crear culturas de importancia en las escuelas, los lugares de trabajo y las comunidades. Después de graduarse en Harvard College, Wallace fue productora de transmisión para "60 Minutes" de CBS y formó parte del equipo que ganó los premios Robert F. Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism. Es colaboradora de The Wall Street Journal y The Washington Post y aparece con frecuencia en programas de televisión nacionales para hablar sobre su trabajo.
Audiencia: Padres, cuidadores, maestros y consejeros de niños en edad escolar primaria, secundaria y preparatoria
Registration: RegÃstrate para este evento gratuito
Books: Nunca es Suficiente
Para obtener más información, visite mvlaspeakerseries.org. Los eventos son gratuitos gracias a nuestros generosos patrocinadores: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, y Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Mountain View: Monster Bash-Bike Ride, Rodeo, and Repair!
Santa Rita School
Email: dkhalid@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!