April 26, 2024
Dear Nederland Middle-Senior HS Families,
This is a great time of year at Nederland Middle-Senior High School. We are getting to see many end-of-year projects produced by our teachers and students. For the past two weekends, students from middle school to high school were involved in our musical, which was a very successful and crowd pleasing production. Kudos to the students and Liz Evans for another great performance.
Every spring, our middle school and high school students take part in the Art and Altitude, a school-wide art show and celebration. This annually judged art show is organized and produced by Theresa Redmon. Paint, drawing, pottery, multimedia and more will be on display starting at 5:00 p.m.
Finally, on Thursday afternoon, our 8th grade students, led by teachers, Judie Sievers (social studies) and Jesse Mernin (ELA), provided a new program called Local Legends and Landmarks. The teachers kicked off the event with an explanation of the historical gallery involving over 30 podcasts and booths that focused on Nederland history. The students produced visuals and curated many different historical presentations about the rich history of Nederland. We had a huge crowd that walked around and listened to the student presentations. It was a great experience for the students and very entertaining and informative for the folks who attended.
Our school wants to continue to provide rich exhibitions that bring in our community. We want our students to learn and grow and to share that experience with everyone in Nederland.
Enjoy the weekend,
Upcoming Events
See all events on the NMSHS school calendar here.
- April 26 - Art at Altitude, 5pm
- April 27 - Prom
- April 30 - CU Admissions at lunch
- May 1 - PTA Meeting, 6pm
- May 2 - Middle School Awards Assembly, 11:30am
- May 3 - High School Awards Assembly, 3:00pm (Assembly Bell Schedule)
- May 7 - AP Stats test
- May 7 - Library pop up at lunch
- May 7 - Band and Orchestra Concert and Awards, 7pm
- May 8 - Choir Concert and Awards, 7pm
- May 9 - AP Enviro. Sci
- May 9 - AP Psych.
- May 9 - Theater Awards, 6:30pm
Spring sports are starting to wind down as we look towards summer. Our MS Track & Field team competed well at Manhattan on Wednesday. They compete again this Wednesday at Centennial. We have over 20 student-athletes out this year. Run fast!
HS Track & Field races this Monday at the Randall Hess Roughrider Invitational. This is a big meet, with over 30 schools attending. We have 3 students who are close to qualifying for states, including Amika Begin, Abby Hess and Eric Thurston. Good luck, Panthers!
Finally, we’re very excited that the Foothills League Girls Soccer Tournament has been moved to Nederland on Saturday, May 4 beginning at 9 am. Because this is a league tournament, we are required to charge entry fees. Cost is $6 for adults and $5 for students. Please bring cash. No credit cards, venmo, etc. can be accepted. Come support your Panthers. Thanks!
Here’s what’s happening from Nederland MSHS School Counseling:
Amanda Johnson, the admissions representative from CU Boulder, visits Nederland MSHS in person on Tuesday, April 30 @ 11:45.
AP Exams:
Tuesday May 7 @ 12:00pm - AP Statistics
Thursday May 9 @ 8:00am - AP Environmental Science
Thursday May 9 @ 12:00pm - AP Psychology
Friday May 10 AP Art & Design Digital Submission Due
Tuesday May 14 @ 8:00am - AP English Language & Composition
Tuesday May 14 @ 2:00pm - AP Physics C Electricity & Magnetism
Wednesday May 15 @ 8:00am AP World History Modern
High School Concurrent College Courses build your college transcript while in high school. The credits are guaranteed to transfer to public universities in Colorado and BVSD covers the tuition costs! SUMMER & FALL offerings are listed below and you must sign up by the registration deadline. You should click the links for sign up instructions.
Summer Front Range Community College offerings - Runs May 28-August 5. Taught by BVSD teachers, consisting of BVSD high school students: SIGN UP BY MAY 10
ENG 1021 English Comp I - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
ENG 1022 English Comp 2 - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
LIT 1015 Intro to Literature - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 cr BVSD English)
PSY 1002 General Psychology II - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD Electives)
COM 1250 Interpersonal Communication - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD Electives)
CIS 1018 Intro to PC Applications - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 cr Practical Exp AND Computer Science grad req)
BUS 1016 Personal Finance - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 credits of BVSD Practical Experience & the Money Management graduation reqs)
MAT 1240 Math for Liberal Arts - 4 College Credits - 5 credits of BVSD Math (synchronous online Tuesdays @ 10:00am)
HUM 1003 Introducción al Arte Cinematográfico (Spanish Cinema Arts) 3 College Credits (Synchronous M/W - 1:00-2:15) - 5 credits BVSD Electives
FALL Front Range Community College offerings - Taught by BVSD teachers, consisting of BVSD high school students: SIGN UP BY August 2. Runs August 19 - December 9.
ENG 1021 English Comp I - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
ENG 2021 Creative Writing - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
COM 2300 Intercultural Communication 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD Communication)
MAT 1260 Intro to Statistics - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 cr of BVSD Math)
LIT 1015 Intro to Literature - 3 College Credits (Meets 5 credits of BVSD ELA Electives)
BVSD high school students can now earn an Associate Degree in high school, and it’s tuition free! AND Find out more about how those credits transfer to CU Boulder when Amanda Johnson, the admissions representative from CU Boulder visits Nederland MSHS in person on Tuesday, April 30 @ 11:45.
Families, learn about how students can earn one year of free college tuition after 12th grade, via the Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment (ASCENT) Program.
High school families: Interested in learning more about preeminent research institutions in the U.S? Emory University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Notre Dame, and Washington University in St. Louis is hosting an unified, evening, in-person information session. Individuals from these prestigious universities will share the latest in college admissions, academic programming, research, lifestyles, and financial aid information. The event is in Denver on Saturday, April 27 @ 7:00pm. Registration and information is here
Thank you to our amazing Academic Volunteers: A special shout out to Mike Mannion and Dr. Gail Ramsberger for their faithful outreach and volunteering in our classrooms. They gave hours of their time tutoring individual students at Nederland MSHS on Thursdays.
Are you interested in supporting our classrooms next fall? Reach out to Ms. Jill for more information about possible volunteer options. Jill.pries@bvsd.org Nederland MSHS has a volunteer parent serving students by providing a systems approach for success.
See recent slides for Mike Mannion’s suggestions for mid-semester academic success strategies, and information on future parent workshops.
BVSD online: BVSD Online offers full semester courses to students looking to earn necessary graduation credits. Sign up for full semester summer courses which begin 5/30/2024 and end 7/24/2024. These courses are $300. Students with waived fees pay $50.
- When your student was hoping for a College admission, but received an application rejection: This is a helpful article on clues to what teens might experience through the college application process. Check it out for helpful insights.
- Mental Health Partners’ Nederland location offers family support and mental wellness services. Connect with MHP’s site: https://www.mhpcolorado.org/about/locations/nederland/
- Struggling with substance use, numbing? Denver Health has created a youth support site with several resources including mental health apps, coping skills, artistic creativity, breathing, self-care, activities and group support. Check out their site here to connect with several resources focused on a variety of areas of wellness: https://strongerwithout.com/
- Online support: Concerned for a teen who is experiencing substance misuse? An online support group for families of teens is starting soon. See registration details here: SUD NH.pdf
- Medicine Horse: This local equestrian group hosts several programs offering equine therapy services to teens and adults. See their flyer for details on their offerings.
Local Legends & Landmarks Showcase
Our 8th grade students welcomed the community to share their stories and historical research at the first Local Legends & Landmarks Showcase! This Social Studies & ELA collaborative event demonstrated the special background and unique heritage of what it means to be NED! A big thank you to everyone who participated and celebrated our town’s 150th anniversary!
NMSHS FAMILIES – Please contribute for Staff Appreciation Week!!
Staff Appreciation Week is 5/6 - 5/10 and the NMSHS Panther Parents PTA is planning a very special week to show our awesome NMSHS staff how much we appreciate them!!
The NMSHS Panther Parents PTA is planning a very special week to show our awesome NMSHS staff how much we appreciate them!!
NMSHS families can help with this effort by donating $10 gift cards from local businesses to be included as gifts. There will be a collection box in the main office through the end of April.
Please contribute these gift cards now! What a great way to give a gift to our staff and to support our local businesses!
If you prefer, you can make a donation on the Panther Parents PTA website and we can get the gift cards.
Go to https://neh.bvsd.org/school-life/panther-parents-pta, click on Donate Now oval button a little down and on the right, enter the amount and click your payment method, complete the payment and write “for Staff Appreciation” in the “add/write a note” field.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy DeBenedictis 303-589-3188 amy@apexbookkeeping.com
We have some awesome events in May and hope to see your teens there especially for hide and seek, volcano making, pot painting, Karaoke, herb planting, and our end of year BBQ!
Nederland Community Library
Gilpin County Community Center
Nederland Celebrates 150 Years - Logo Contest
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900