The Lion’s Roar Home of the Lions
Weekly Update 1/18/2019
At Lakeside Elementary our mission is to provide diverse opportunities for learning as appropriate for each student to become productive members of society.
In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., there will be no school for Warren Township students on Monday, January 21st.
Way to go @Lakeside_Lions Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 4th graders for meeting or exceeding the 96% attendance goal for the week of January 14 - 18! Keep up the great work! #EverydayCounts
Attendance Matters
Mrs. Smith’s Snapchat…
Dear Lakeside Parents and Guardians,
Please note that school will not be in session on Monday due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
I hope you had an opportunity to see your child’s report card that was sent home last week. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
3rd and 4th grade parents, the time for standardized testing is near. Daily attendance for testing is very important and I ask that you attempt to schedule any appointments outside of the testing dates. Statewide testing window: IREAD 3 March 11th23rd and ILEARN April 22nd –May 17th.
Thanks for all you do!
Mrs. Smith
PTA Fundraiser
The Pacers fundraiser packets came home earlier this week. Please make sure all checks are made out to Indiana Pacers. You can also complete your order online. This year, our SCHOOL NIGHT is Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 vs. Chicago Bulls at 7:00 PM. The deadline for ticket orders to be placed is Monday, February 11th. Remember the more tickets you sell, the more Pacer prizes you will accumulate!
2019 Annual Legislative Forum
Parents, community members, and staff are invited to attend. The forum will provide an opportunity for attendees to share their insights on educational legislation.
Missoula Children's Theater
PTA Popcorn Sale
18/19 YEARBOOKS are now on Sale
The Kids' Heart Challenge
Lost and Found
We currently have many personal items in the Lost and Found bins located in the school clinic. Please check with your child and if they are missing any clothing, jackets, books, lunchboxes, or other personal items, please have them check our bins. Any item not claimed by the end of the year will be donated to a worthy charity.
Outside Recess
It’s that time of year when we need to remind student to make sure they have appropriate clothing for recess. The district policy states students will be going outside for recess if the temperature and the wind chill are above 20 degrees. We have extra coats, hats, and gloves for students in need. Please contact the front office if you need assistance.
Students must go outside unless we have a doctor statement.
While we love to celebrate, please remember that there is a “no birthday treats “ guideline. To access fun and helpful resources for healthy celebration ideas please visit the district wellness policy by clicking on this link. Also, note that no birthday invitations are allowed to be distributed at school. It is school policy.
Box Tops
PTA Meeting
Wellness Policy
In compliance with the district's wellness policy, please DO NOT send in a food item for your child's birthday. We encourage you to donate your child's favorite book to their classroom, arrange a time for a game or craft in the classroom, send in party hats for your students class or send in stickers or cards.
School Visits
Lunch Policy
If a student has a balance of $25.00 or higher, the student will be provided a choice of two alternate meals at a reduced rate of $0.50. Parents may check student account balances by using the link provided to the Lunch Parent Portal.
Lakeside Elementary School
Location: 9601 East 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46229, USA
Phone: 317-532-2850
Twitter: @Lakeside_Lions