WAIS Parent Newsletter

Upcoming Events
*Italicized events are open to or targeted for parents
10/24- Taste of WAIS at 6pm
Middle School Student Portraits
10/25- High School Student Portraits
10/26- Homecoming Dance at 7pm
10/29- Trunk or Treat at 6pm in the North Parking lot
11/1- Donuts with Directors at 8:30am in B320
11th Grade IB Science Project
Our 11th grade IB Science Students will be participating in the Collaborative Science Project at the beginning of November. This is going to be a great day of investigating, collaborating, and creating.
We are looking to see if anyone has any of the following materials that they would be ok with parting with and donate to the upcoming Collaborative Science Project.
- Building manipulatives such as:
- Strawbees, Picasso Tiles, Magna-tiles, Erector set, K’nex, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Legos, Building Blocks, Magnetic Building Blocks, PicassoTiles Building Chips
- Consumable building materials:
- Straws, popsicle sticks, glue, washi tape, cardboard, pipe cleaners, acrylic shapes, wooden dowls, floral wire, duct tape, foam pieces, beads, magnets
Order your School Portraits
IB Exam Registration
Counselor's Corner
Communities in School
Class of 2026
Help us stock the teachers' lounges with goodies and treats. Please bear in mind the items need to be individually packaged and single serve size. We would love to have all the items by Monday, October 21st. All you need to do is drop them off at the front desk or have your kiddo drop it off for you. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Taste of WAIS
Hello WAIS teachers and families,
We are a week away from ***TASTE OF WAIS 2024***happening next Thursday 10/24/24 @ 6-8pm in the WAIS Cafeteria!
Come out and enjoy a wonderful evening of food, music and dancing!
New this year… the Majestic Lion Dance Troop will be opening the event! And if you are not sure who they are…come out and find out. Also learn more about this wonderful Asian celebratory tradition!
New participants…representing ITALY we are excited to have down the street loca eatery Carrabba italian Grill & Tailspin Pizza
~Special performance from Musical talents of our 2025 senior students~
Join the PTA or Renew Your Membership
WAIS Late Buses
The late buses will be available Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students may stay for after school tutorials or after school club activities with a teacher. After school activities are over at 4:15pm. 3 bus routes are available and will drop off students at their closest elementary school.
Early check out time/procedures
Notice must be given to the office within two school days if the absence is to be excused
Claribel Gatica: Attendance Specialist
713-251-1839 phone
713-251-9152 fax
Registrar and Transcript Requests
Any questions regarding Transcripts or Registration contact Claudia Puente at (713) 251-1804 or email: claudia.puente@springbranchisd.com.
The Spring Branch ISD Digital Toolkit was created to support our students, parents and teachers with digital learning tools, information and resources.
Help Desk
713.251.TECH (8324)
Monday - Friday: 7:00am to 10:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: 9:00am to 10:00pm
10670 Hammerly Blvd
Houston, Texas 77043
Some of our methods of communication are:
- Parent Newsletter--link emailed every Friday
- Remind groups
- Social Media--Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
WAIS is the only public authorized IB school in Spring Branch, and offers 3 of the 4 IB programmes.
WAIS Mission Statement
Strengthening learners to be designers and contributors to a dynamic, intercultural community.
Westchester Academy for International Studies
Email: wais@springbranchisd.com
Website: wais.springbranchisd.com
Location: 901 Yorkchester Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: (713) 251-1800