Roosevelt Reader
May 13, 2024
Principal Corner
Dear Roosevelt Parents/Guardians,
We are busy preparing for the next school year. Please let me know right away if your family is not returning to Roosevelt next year or if there is a possibility that your child will attend another school outside District 64. This information will help us greatly with our planning.
On another note, the new shade structure is complete, and it is very exciting to see the students enjoying the new spot on the field.
Have a great day!
Dr. Dwyer, Principal
June 1: Chicago Dogs Roosevelt Family Fun Night
May 13-17: Book Fair /May 13th from 3:30-6:00
May 14/15: FastBridge Testing (K/1)
May 15: PTO Laser Show Assembly
May 16: FastBridge Testing (K/1)/ PTO end of year party
May 17: St. Baldrick's Event
May 20: Incoming Kindergarten Screening
May 24: All library books are due
May 27: Park Ridge Memorial Day Parade
May 28: Field Day
May 30: Incoming Kindergarten Screening in the PM/ 5th Grade Party at Play & Spin
May 31: 3rd Grade Wax Museum/ Park Ridge Public Library visits
June 1: Chicago Dogs Roosevelt Family Fun Night
June 3,4, or 5: Class Party TBD on class
June 6: Last day of school for the 2023/2024 school year
Summer Chromebook Expectations
Click here for Summer Chromebook expectations. Please review this video with your student(s).
Rainbows Student Peer Group
A local Rainbows peer group was recently initiated to provide a safe space for students in 1st - 8th grade to share their experiences associated with loss of a loved one and/or a changing family dynamic due to divorce, deployment, etc. Trained facilitators help encourage communication while identifying, navigating and discussing feelings amongst the group. A second session of the program will begin in September of 2024. Each session is 12 weeks long, meeting weekly in the evening for 1 hour.
Please note, we are looking for more volunteers to help facilitate these peer groups. Teachers will receive CPDU credits! Any interest or questions please contact Justine Karl, 847-340-1741 or Phyllis Lubinki, 312-659-6226
Please fill out this Google form to sign up and/or to be added to our communication list."
Park Ridge Memorial Day Parade
We are looking for any interested D64 families who want to represent their school in the Park Ridge Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27th. Please fill out this form if you plan on attending and marching in the district parade spot.
Instrumental Music Update
We would like to invite your student to join the District 64 Instrumental Music program next year! Beginning in 4th grade, your child is eligible to join Orchestra and 5th grade students are eligible to join the band or orchestra! To learn more about the program and the string instruments offered, please see the links below:
- Read: Important Information About Instrumental Music
- Video Presentation: All About Band!
- Video Presentation: All About Orchestra!
We will be hosting "New Student Nights" to learn more about the instrumental music program, rent an instrument onsite, and meet the teachers.
Tuesday, May 14
4:00 – 7:00 P.M. at Emerson
You may drop in at any time on either night, but to control numbers it would be helpful if you follow this schedule:
- Last Name A-H 4:00 – 5:00pm
- Last Name I – P 5:00 – 6:00pm
- Last Name Q – Z 6:00 – 7:00pm
Plan on spending about 30 minutes, depending on wait times. Parents and students should attend together.
If you already registered your child for the 2024-2025 school year but did not select instrumental music, log back into your account to add band/orchestra: Click Here to Add Instrumental Music, click "Forms" on the left, then "Enrollment" at the top and scroll down to instrumental music.
Click here for a video tutorial on how to add band/orchestra to your child’s registration!
The instrumental music registration deadline is August 1. Band/Orchestra teachers will communicate more information via email with registered families the second week of school. Lessons will begin the week of September 2.
If you have any questions, please email Erica Faulhaber (efaulhaber@d64.org), Curriculum Specialist for Instrumental Music.
Roosevelt's End of the Year ABC Countdown
Fifth Grade Slideshow
A quick reminder to send in an individual picture of your child from Kindergarten or younger along with an individual, current age picture. Additionally, any group photos are welcome with at least 3 students or more.
Please upload all photos here by Saturday, May 18th. The slideshow will be shown at the 5th grade party on Thursday, May 30th.
Purchase your tickets here to the 5th grade party by Friday, May 24th.
5th Grade Party Details
Book Fair Details
We’re excited to invite Roosevelt families and students to our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. This event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries and further their love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our school.
For more detailed information about the fair and how to purchase books, click HERE
Roosevelt Featured Artist: May
St. Baldrick's
Save The Date
Mark your calendars:
St Baldrick’s Event at Salon 360
May 17, 2024Salon 360
514 W.Higgins
Park Ridge, IL 60068
4 PM- 7 PM
Electronic Device Guidelines
Click the photo to the right for the direct link to the D64 Parent Handbook device policy (p. 24).
Parents can help ensure smartwatches are set to not allow notifications from other apps by placing the device in a mode that does more than silence it. You can find steps on how to set up Schooltime mode here. Android users can find parental controls by following these steps.
Albion is closed to vehicular traffic before and after school. The "Road Closed" barricade is out for the safety of students. Police will be working with us to help enforce this law.
Office Drop Off
Lost & Found
Please stop by at arrival or dismissal to check for your student(s) missing item(s). All items will be donated June 6th.
Healthy Snack
Students may have healthy snacks during the day in the classroom. Please be mindful of nut allergies when packing snacks.
Staff Parking Lot
Be a Safe Driver!
· Park legally – don’t block crosswalks or double park
· Respect school neighbors –please do not park in or block their driveways.
· Parents and children should not use the Staff parking lot
· Do not make U-turns or turn around in driveways.
· “Attended” parkers must stay in their vehicles at all times.
· Obey “kiss ’n go” zones on Prospect Avenue
Dogs on campus
End of day routine
If your student/students need to change their regular daily routine please take the following steps:
1. Email the homeroom teacher with the details
2. Email the office Mrs Flint sflint@d64.org or Mrs Ellsworth kellsworth@d64.org
no need to send separate emails
School Hours
If students report to school tardy, they must check in at school door # 5 (office) with an adult. If procedures are not followed, students will be marked unexcused.
For your reference, please see school hours below:
Please see the following school hours with special attention to Wednesdays.
8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 8:45 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Kindergarten half day students: 8:45 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.
Wednesday: A.M. - 8:45 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.