Events Around Our Community
Included links below are to both the camp information pages and hiring pages for summer positions. Camp Laurel offer a wide variety of programming for kiddos grades 2-12. For our older campers (grades 10-12), there is a Counselor In Training (CIT) Program which helps prepare them for not only Camp Counselor experience, but also real-world job experience (and looks great on college applications!). If anyone is interested in joining for the summer, we have several positions open, ranging from healthcare and admin positions to hands-on positions like counselors and waterfront.
Here are the links:
Camp Information: https://www.gsofct.org/en/programs/camp-and-outdoors/summer-camps.html
Job Postings: https://girl-scouts-of-connecticut-inc.checkwritersrecruit.com/
AHM is OPEN to the public and excited to offer our services to Porter students and Columbia residents!
AHM Youth and Family Services offers mental health clinical services to youth and their families! These
services are designed to support families in transition, crisis, or normal developmental processes.
Individual and/or family therapy is available for children, adolescents, and young adults up to age 26 to
address social, emotional and/or behavioral issues. Family and parent sessions are often utilized in
conjunction with individual sessions to support a child’s progress in therapy.
In addition, many fun programs are offered throughout the year for all ages, including theater, health & wellness, and craft programs. For more information and registration links, please visit ahmyouth.org or call the office at (860) 228-9488.