East Side Connect - February 2024

Message from the Superintendent
Hello East Side,
We are excited for ESUHSD’s 2024 Family Engagement Conference this Saturday. Among the workshops our staff have prepared are sessions on helping families navigate college and career preparation and tips for securing financial aid. You can explore all options on the RSVP form below. We will also be hosting a raffle with three brand new Lenovo laptops, Apple AirPods Pro, JBL headphones, and so much more. Each person in attendance will receive a ticket to win - even students! You could join with or without an RSVP, but please feel free to RSVP ahead of time at bit.ly/RSVP2024FEC
As you know, at East Side we are all about building equitable communities. I’d like to invite you to our 2024-2025 LCAP Sessions occurring at your school. At these sessions we will be gathering your input and feedback on the systems you believe will develop appropriate responses needed to ensure ALL students achieve at high levels with the nearly $20 million in LCAP funding that is targeted for supporting our Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, English Language Learners, and Low-Income students.
See the dates of the session at your school at bit.ly/2024LCAP
Glenn Vander Zee
Among the business discussed during the Board Meeting on February 15, 2024, the Board of Trustees:
- Recognized Student Organizers of the 53rd Annual Santa Clara Valley Model United Nations Conference
- Received Update from Principal Liz Gutierrez of Calero High School on School Site Progress
- Received Presentation on Supplemental Early Retirement Plan for Employees
- Received Update on ESUHSD’s Local Control and Accountability Plan
- Received Safety and Positive School Climate Task Force Update
Board Recognizes Student Organizers of the 53rd Annual Santa Clara Valley Model United Nations Conference
At the beginning of February, Santa Teresa High School’s Model United Nations (MUN) Club hosted the 53rd Annual Santa Clara Valley Model United Nations (SCVMUN) conference. Thanks to the planning and organizing by Santa Teresa students and their advisors, the club was able to welcome over 950 student delegates from more than 60 schools, including one from Rome, Italy. The Board of Trustees recognized the student organizers, including:
Aarushi Arya, Secretary-General of SCVMUN
Kim Le, Director-General of SCVMUN
Nandhini Vijayakumar, USG of Finances
Sophia Chen, USG of Records
Teddy Nguyen, USG of Training
Aparna Jayasankar, USG of Public Relations
Giovanna Lima, USG of Delegational Affairs
Aadithya Sethi, Samridda Mishra, Elise Beal, and Stuti Puranik, Class Liaisons
Principal Liz Gutierrez of Calero High School Provides Update on School Site Progress
Principal Liz Gutierrez of Calero High School provided an overview of their programs and progress on student achievement. Among the highlights, Calero is improving student success through:
Supporting students who have needs with attendance, behavior, and grades
Visiting local colleges every semester with all students
School staff reviewing each senior transcript and working one on one with students
Regular home visits, CARE team discussions, and Saturday grade and attendance recovery sessions
Board Hears Presentation on Supplemental Early Retirement Plan for Employees
The Board discussed having an optional Supplemental Early Retirement Plan (SERP) for eligible ESUHSD staff. Staff choosing to retire early through this plan will receive a contribution from ESUHSD to their retirement plan equal to 65% of the annual base salary for the last school year of employment. Among the criteria to be eligible an employee must:
be at least 55 years of age by June 30, 2024.
have at least five (5) years of service with the District by June 30, 2024.
be eligible to retire from CalSTRS or CalPERS by June 30, 2024.
submit a signed written irrevocable retirement letter by April 12, 2024 effective no later than June 30, 2024.
Eligible employees will receive additional information from the Human Resource Department along with details about orientation meetings and individual counseling sessions. Further details are available in the full resolution and presentation below.
Update on ESUHSD’s Local Control and Accountability Plan
Teresa Marquez, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services provided the Board of Trustees a mid-year presentation regarding progress of ESUHSD’s 2023-24 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
During the Presentation, Associate Superintendent Marquez provided all available midyear outcome data related to metrics identified in the current LCAP along with midyear expenditure and implementation data on all actions identified in the current LCAP.
Among the highlights:
ESUHSD’s 4-year graduation rate has increased over 3% in the last two student cohorts
Over $13 million has been invested to support College and Career Readiness for students
59% of students felt that their teachers held them to high expectations in class
If you would like to participate in the 2024 LCAP development process, please visit bit.ly/2024LCAP to learn about school meetings focused on LCAP supports for students.
Safety and Positive School Climate Task Force Update
The Board Received an update regarding the work of the Safety and Positive School Climate Task Force. Among the highlights are that ESUHSD:
Has begun study and efforts to introduce single or monitored multipoints of entry (fencing, gating and processes for entry during school hours)
Will continue to engage with security entities and possible supports, as well as develop employee supervision training
Will Continue to Develop Clear and Consistent Consequences for Disruptive Behaviors and Follow Through
Will Conduct Site Based Comprehensive Safety Audits this Spring to include items identified by the Task Force and beyond
The Task Force will hold a future meeting to finalize site audit planning and identify work groups for long-term items.
RSVP to the Family and Community Engagement Conference
On March 2nd at 8:30 AM ESUHSD will be hosting the Family Engagement Conference at Yerba Buena High School. We will have workshops and resource fairs aimed at supporting family involvement in children’s education in one central place. We invite you to join us! There will be prizes, food, and dedicated workshops in Spanish and Vietnamese!
ESUHSD Family & Community Engagement Conference
Saturday, March 2, 2024
8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.
Yerba Buena High School
1855 Lucretia Ave, San Jose
Get Cash for College! FAFSA and CADAA Applications Now Open!
Both the Free Application for Financial Aid and California Dream Act Application are now open, and students can begin applying for financial aid for the 2024-25 academic year. The state priority deadline in California is April 2, 2024. Some colleges may have earlier deadlines and students should check with to make sure they are meeting those deadlines.
If you need support completing your FAFSA or CADAA application, you could attend a FREE Cash for College Workshop offered throughout San Jose. These are organized by the California Student Aid Commision (CSAC) whose mission is to help low-income and first generation college-goers complete the application process so they can access financial aid for education and career/technical training beyond high school.
Explore free Cash for College Workshops near you!
ESUHSD’s LCAP Community Forums
You are invited to attend the 2024-25 LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) Community Forums! The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. At the Community Forum we share information about the LCAP and gather and collect your input and feedback as to how we respond to the following question:
What are the system responses needed to ensure ALL students achieve at high levels and how do we ensure those system responses are prioritized with funding and resources including the LCAP funding ($20M) allocated for our target populations (Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, ELL, Low-Income)?
You can find more information and all Community Forum Dates on ESUHSD’s Website.
Join ESUHSD's Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
The East Side Union High School District (ESUHSD) is recruiting applicants to serve on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). The Committee meets four times a year and members have the opportunity to tour recently completed projects and project sites in construction. Committee members receive information and updates on bond-funded projects in progress throughout the District. For more information on the roles and responsibilities of the CBOC and to download the application, please visit The Bond Website.
VOTEchella brings civic engagement and community partners to Piedmont Hills High School
STEMpalooza! Science Fair for 2024 Attracts Over 700 Students
Santa Teresa High School’s Model United Nations (MUN) Club hosts the 53rd Annual Santa Clara Valley Model United Nations (SCVMUN) conference
ESUHSD Students Participate in Panel at ACSA Equity Symposium
Join us at the Chavez / Huerta Art and Writing Contest Awards Ceremony
Join us as we celebrate student winners of ESUHSD’s Chavez / Huerta Art and Writing Contest! We look forward to celebrating our students!
Chavez / Huera Art and Writing Contest Award Ceremony
March 26, 2024
4 - 6 PM
830 N. Capitol Ave.
San Jose, Ca 95133
Pistahan sa East Side 2024: Celebrating Filipino Heritage and Unity
You are cordially invited to come and join a collection of students who celebrating Filipino Heritage and Unity through a cultural event called Pistahan sa East Side 2024 at the Independence High School Gym on March 9, 2024, Saturday. Doors will open at 11:00 am, and the cultural show will begin at 12:30 pm.
Students from six schools - Santa Teresa, James Lick, Independence, Oak Grove, Evergreen Valley and Andrew Hill - are coming together to perform Philippine folk inspired dances, as well as renditions of Original Pilipino Music Tickets are sold for $10.00 each at the gate. Tickets can also be bought online using the QR code in the poster. Proceeds will go towards the student clubs that helped organize the event. Maria Dones (EV), Sheila Lacanaria (JL), Melanie Estranero (JL), Huan Lee (IHS), Happy Herrera-Bautista (AH), Carmen Belleza (OG), Genevieve Estrada (MP), Gil Agoylo (SC), Michelle Advincula (SC), Tony Pham (EV) and Mhalou Galendez (ST) have all organized to showcase Filipino culture and community at the East Side. Mabuhay!
We’re Hiring!
Share your stories with us! Email mediarelations@esuhsd.org