Booker T Washington Washington Word
May 2024
School Mission
To challenge our scholars academically at high levels, develop them socially, and uplift them emotionally.
School Vision
A Message from the Principal
Dear Booker T. Washington Families,
May 6-10 we recognize and celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week! Our BTW teachers are selfless, dedicated, and caring individuals who devote themselves to the well-being and progress of our scholars. Throughout National Teacher Appreciation Week, we honor educators who touch the lives of students across America and who are essential to building the future of our Nation. We never forget the educators who encouraged us as children. Many of us remember our favorite teachers — the ones who instilled confidence in us, who encouraged us to dream boldly, and who helped us believe that we could achieve anything. During National Teacher Appreciation Week, we pay tribute to our educators who empower our students with the knowledge and skills they need to reach their potential and achieve their dreams. This is also a great opportunity for you and your students to show your appreciation. A kind thank you note, a gift card etc. goes along way. Our teachers work hard day in and day out to ensure all of our students have a great academic experience.
Next week students in 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades will begin taking our Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) formerly known as KPREP. Please make sure students are getting a good night’s rest as well as a good breakfast. Families, it is important that students arrive on time during testing days. Please reschedule any non-essential appointments so students can be here ready to go on time. Call the front office if you have any questions.
Spring has Sprung! Behaviors are ramping up and we need your help! Please speak to your scholars(s) about maintaining our Tiger ROAR Expectations (being Responsible, On task, Always giving your best and being Respectful) as we wrap up this school year. With four weeks remaining, we need all of our scholars to finish socially, emotionally, and academically strong!
Thank you for your continued partnership!!
Donte’ Tichenor
2024 Family Survey
To ensure that every Fayette County Public School is a welcoming place where all students can thrive, we are seeking feedback about the experiences our children and families have had during the 2023-24 school year.
On April 19, every parent or guardian should have received one email for each school where they have children enrolled with a link to take the survey for that specific campus. The easiest way to participate in the survey is to follow those links because they are already tied to individual schools. Depending on your inbox settings, the emails may have been sent to “junk” or “other” folders. Search for “2024 FCPS Family Survey” or to find the email.
All responses are anonymous and confidential. The deadline is Wednesday, May 15.
Thank you for your participation!
Upcoming Dates
05/08/24 - KSA Begins
05/10/24 - Kindergarten Fun Day @9:30AM-11:30AM
05/10/24 - No PRESCHOOL Classes for Students
05/13/24 - No PRESCHOOL Classes for Students
05/22/24 - Field Day
05/23/24 - 4th/5th Grade Field Trip
05/24/24 - 5th Grade BBQ in the Park (TBD)
05/28/24 - 5th Grade vs. Staff KickBall Game (TBD)
05/29/24 - Last Day of School - 5th Grade Promotion @9:00AM
05/29/24 - Report Cards Go Home
05/30/24 - SBDM Meeting @10:00am
Important Reminders
- Please remind your children to not bring any toy weapons to school for any reason. They are okay for home but not appropriate for school. Thanks for your help!
- Families must use the car rider lane to drop off their child. Please do not drop students off at the top of the hill on Scoop Brown.
- School begins promptly at 7:45am. You must come in if you arrive after this time.
- Attendance is important to your child's growth. We need them at school everyday.
- Transportation changes must be submitted in writing before noon.
- Students must wear Gym shoes to PE. No sandals allowed.
- Please click the following link to access the student code of conduct:
- Contact us if you are in need of additional support. We cannot fix what we do not know.
Attendance & Absence Verification
If your child is absent from school, please call the office at (859) 381-3263 on the morning of the absence. When returning from an absence, we ask that you, please, send a note from a parent, guardian, or doctor stating the date and the reason for the absence if you did not call and report the absence. We ask parents to schedule medical appointments after school when possible. Children should not miss school unless absolutely necessary. We want our students to be successful learners and it is very important to be in school to achieve their full learning potential. Children who arrive to school after 7:45 need to go to the office to receive a tardy slip. Students who have a note from a court, doctor, or dentist will receive an excused tardy, if they bring the note to the office. Again, please, try and schedule appointments before and after school.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to have an amazing 2023-2024 school year.
Field Day Criteria
It is our desire for all students to participate in all school sponsored activities, however celebrations such as classroom parties, field days and good faith activities must be earned. Our next activity to earn such a privilege will be to attend our school-wide Field Day event on May 22nd. Students must exhibit at least 95% of positive behavior every day during the weeks of May 1-19, 2024 in order to attend this event. Students can earn this privilege by following our ROAR expectations.
A-Always Give Your Best
R-Respect Self and Others
If students are unable to attend the event they will be provided with an alternate assignment and location during this time.
Teachers have explained to all students the success criteria for attending the Field Day Event on May 22nd. All students were asked to sign a contract of this agreement.
Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
This spring Fayette County Public Schools is introducing the Annual Update, a tool that allows you to verify and make needed corrections to your household information in Infinite Campus (IC). Please make any changes in Campus Parent by Friday, May 31.
Currently, the Campus Parent module is available in English and Spanish. If you speak another language, we will provide resources and support this summer to assist you with this process.
If you do not have an account or you need a username reminder or a password reset, please visit our Campus Parent Support site.
Power Scholars Academy
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration
2023-2024 BTWE Yearbook
Tigers On The Move
23-24 BTWE Soccer Team
23-24 Spring Map Testing Distinguish Students
The Power Rhythm African Drum
We were honored to have a magnificent performance on April 19th! The Power Rhythm African Drum Assembly was a hit with the scholars and staff!!! We can’t wait to invite them back.
The Catspy Awards
On April 23rd, Booker T. was represented by our scholar, Cameron and Ms. Chumley who were invited to the Catspys. The Catspys are UK sports awards that recognize the best teams, student athletes, and those with the most community service. Cameron did a great job presenting the winners with their awards! Thank you Cameron and Ms. Chumley for being a great representation of outstanding leadership.
2024-2025 SBDM Parent Representative
Congratulations to Adriana Cruz Valencia and Octavio Rivas for being elected parent representatives on the Booker T Washington SBDM Council for the 2024-2025 school year.
Thank you to everyone who ran and voted in the election!
Want to Volunteer?
We’ve all heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Whether you can give an hour of your time once a week or once a month, we need and want you here. We will make sure your time is well spent. Just get involved. Reach out to your child’s teacher or the front office about becoming a volunteer. We are working hard to strengthen the bond between home and school and welcome your support.
Adults interested in volunteering must first register through Fayette County Public Schools and clear a background check. Please click on the following link to complete the FCPS Volunteer Application: