Greystone News

September 6, 2024
Has your child outgrown his/her HOUSE shirt or have you lost your HOUSE shirt? Do you need some spirit gear so that you can try to earn the HOUSE spirit award this year?
Shirts can be ordered through My School Fees. We will be filling the orders with shirts we have in stock and will then place an order for the rest after sales have ended. The new version of the shirts will include the school name.
Kindergarten students - You will receive a complimentary shirt, so no need to order one unless you want a duplicate.
After September 15th, we will occasionally have HOUSE Spirit items for sale before school.
Which HOUSE is going to win the coveted HOUSE CUP this semester???
PTA Volunteer Opportunities - Coming soon!
Mark Your Calendars
Tuesday, 9/10 - House Council Speeches (4th and 5th)
Tuesday, 9/10 - School Board Meeting 5:30pm
Tuesday, 9/10 - Enrichment Parent Meeting - 6:00pm
Wednesday, 9/11 - Fall Picture Day!
Friday, 9/13 - Progress Reports are in the Powerschool Parent Portal
Friday, 9/13 - Room Coordinators Meeting - 10:00am
Monday, 9/16 - HOUSE DAY!!! Show your House spirit as we learn who will serve on our House Council this year.
Tuesday, 9/17 - Constitution Day
Monday, 9/23 - Special Olympics
Monday, 9/23 - Cookie Fix Spirit Day - 10:00am - 7:00pm
Monday, 9/23 - SuperChix Spirit Night - 5:00 - 8:00pm
Wednesday, 9/25 - Miss Annie - 1st Grade
Thursday, 9/26 - Miss Annie - 2nd Grade
Thursday, 9/26 - Miss Katie Jane - Belcher's Class
Our Greystone Motto
Learn - Lead - Leave a Legacy
Our Greystone Mission
As a school community, we empower learners, inspire leaders, and encourage all children to reach their potential.
Our Greystone Vision
Empowering a generation of learners and leaders to leave a legacy.
Greystone Elementary
Email: sstocks@hoover.k12.al.us
Website: https://www.hoovercityschools.net/greystone
Location: 300 Village Street, Birmingham, AL, USA
Phone: 205-439-3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreystoneElementarySchool/
Twitter: @greystoneelem
(Board policy, 6.6) No student will be unlawfully excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the Board on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, disability, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, immigrant or migrant status, non-English speaking ability, or homeless status. All career and technical education opportunities are offered to all students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. The district also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Mrs. Claire Jones-Moore, IDEA Coordinator
Mrs. Terri Coleman, 504 Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title I Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title II Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title III Coordinator
Dr. Terry Lamar, Title IX Coordinator
Hoover City Schools 2810 Metropolitan Way Hoover, AL 35243 (205) 439-1000
(Board policy, 5.14.1) The Board is an equal opportunity employer. Personnel actions and decisions will be made without regard to factors or considerations prohibited by federal or state law (as such laws may from time to time be amended), including but not limited to race, gender, gender identity, age, disability, national origin, citizenship, religious preference, pregnancy, genetic information, political affiliation, military service, sexual orientation, or other non-merit based factors. Subject to the limitations set forth in 4.6.2, the general complaint (grievance) policy (4.6.1) may be used to present any complaint alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment. Inquiries regarding compliance and complaint procedures can be directed to:
Mrs. Kristi Williams, Equal Opportunity Employment Coordinator
Hoover City Schools 2810 Metropolitan Way Hoover, AL 35243 (205) 439-1000