Hawks News
Irving Dual Language Elementary School
Our Mission
Irving School exists to
…create a safe, caring, respectful environment,
…establish high academic & social expectations,
…use data to make collaborative decisions,
…and achieve success for all!
September 2021
Important Dates
September 7- FAST Math Test
Message from the Principal
- Student Birthdays
We love celebrating students’ birthdays. To help us keep your child’s celebration safe for everyone, treats for birthdays should be store purchased, individually wrapped items. Also, due to Covid-19, parents or guardians are not allowed into our building. Your child’s teacher will assist with distributing birthday treats as needed.
- Your Child’s Attendance Is Vital
The Sioux City Community School District recognizes that good attendance is essential to academic success. Nationwide, far too many students are at risk academically because they are chronically absent. Chronic absence is described as missing 10 percent of the school year—or about 18 days – for any reason, excused or unexcused. Research shows that’s the point at which absenteeism begins to affect student performance. We need your assistance to reduce absenteeism and help your student reach their highest potential. If there are challenges that make it difficult for your student to attend school, please let us know. We want to partner with you to build a habit of regular attendance and help your child succeed.
- School Safety
The safety of our students and staff is a top priority. Each year, our school has fire, tornado, and intruder drills to ensure our students and staff are prepared for potential emergencies.
If an emergency should occur, we will notify you through our Blackboard messaging system. The system will call every phone number listed for your child, providing details about the emergency and directions for you on where and when to pick up your child if necessary. For more information on our safety processes, visit our website at https://www.siouxcityschools.org/parents/safety/.
- Your Voice Is Needed (Graphic is attached)
We are looking for volunteers to join the Sioux City Community School District’s Grassroots Advocacy Committee. As a volunteer, you will receive email updates about important legislative events that could impact public education. All we ask is that you take the information you receive and contact our legislators to let your voice be heard in support of public education. We will provide tips on how you can contact our legislators. There is very little time commitment on your part and no meetings to attend.
Interested? Please contact our office today at 712-279-7834 to join.
- Download Our New Mobile App
Convenience at your fingertips! Download our new mobile app for easy access to the school calendar, events, and all the information you need about the Sioux City Community School District. The app is available to download now in the app store on your mobile device.
Title I News!
What is Title 1?
The goal of the Title 1 team at Irving is to provide instructional services, resources, and interventions to students who need support. This takes place through both reading and math interventions at our school. Title 1 also organizes and hosts multiple parent and family engagement activities throughout the school year (may be limited due to COVID-19 protocols). The title team for the 2021-2022 school year is made up of eight staff members.
Tips for Guardians
To get students back into a school mindset, try these tips
● Make reading a habit by reading at home with your child/children from books, newspapers, magazines, street signs, or packaged goods.
● Let your child/children practice writing grocery lists, directions, or a journal about their day.
● Have students count household items, count money, or measure when cooking.
● Talk with students in your home language or English to build their conversation and speaking skills.
(TL) Paige Dunkel, Laura Miller, Katie Henrichs, Nichole Zoeller (TR)
(BL) Keri Leopold, Leanne Bata, Caroline Balius, Lexa Balius (BR)
Download Sioux City Community School District's Mobile App
Convenience at your fingertips! Download our new mobile app for easy access to the school calendar, events, and all the information you need about the Sioux City Community School District. The app is available to download now in the app store on your mobile device.
If you prefer to read the newsletter in a language other than English, please scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to select your preferred language. Simply select the "Translate" button on the lower right, select your language from the drop-down menu, and click "Close." The entire newsletter will then be translated into the language you have selected. Over 100 languages are available for selection.
Boletín Informativo: Ahora Disponible en más de 100 Idiomas
Si prefiere leer el boletín en un idioma que no sea inglés, desplácese hasta la parte inferior de este boletín para seleccionar su idioma. Simplemente seleccione el botón "Traducir" en la esquina inferior derecha, seleccione su idioma en el menú y haga clic en "Cerrar". El boletín completo se traducirá al idioma que haya seleccionado. Más de 100 idiomas están disponibles para su selección.
Winter Weather Information/Información del clima
Winter Weather Information
With cold weather upon us, it’s important to plan for inclement weather. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the colder weather. Suggested apparel includes a warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves. If a student needs access to these cold weather apparel items, please contact the school office.
Even during the winter season, the District allows recess and outdoor activities to continue as usual. However, if a student does not have appropriate winter clothing, a school official may ask a student to remain inside.
When the atmosphere reaches a temperature that feels like 15 degrees or less, then all students are kept inside for recess/activities. The “feel” of the temperature is determined based on the National Weather Service’s report.
Thank you for helping us keep students safe and warm this season.
Información del Clima Invernal
Con el clima frío sobre nosotros, es importante planificar las inclemencias del tiempo. Asegúrese de que su hijo esté vestido apropiadamente para el clima más frío. La ropa sugerida incluye un abrigo cálido, gorro, bufanda y guantes. Si un estudiante necesita alguno de estos artículos de ropa para el clima frío, comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela.
Incluso durante la temporada de invierno, el Distrito permite que el recreo y las actividades al aire libre continúen como de costumbre. Sin embargo, si un estudiante no tiene la ropa de invierno adecuada, un funcionario de la escuela puede pedirle que permanezca adentro.
Cuando la atmósfera alcanza una temperatura que se siente como 15 grados o menos, entonces todos los estudiantes se mantienen adentro para el recreo/actividades. La "sensación" de la temperatura se determina según el informe del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional.
Gracias por ayudarnos a mantener a los estudiantes seguros y cálidos esta temporada.
Please consider saving the following for Irving School:
- Hy Vee Receipts dated 8/1/19 - 4/26/20.
- Box Tops
- My Coke Rewards (caps from Coke products or codes)
We use this money for field trips.
Thank you so much!Por favor considere guardar los siguientes para la escuela Irving:
- · Recibos de la Hy Vee con fechas de 8/1/10- 4/26/20.
- · Productos de Cartón con el sello “Box Tops for Education”
- · My Coke Rewards (tapas de los productos o códigos de la Coca Cola)
Usamos este dinero para paseos escolares.
¡Muchas Gracias!
Let's Talk
An engaged community makes our District stronger. That is why we have made it easy for you to connect with us whenever it is convenient for you. We encourage you to take advantage of Let’s Talk!, our 24/7 online submission site. Reach out with your ideas, questions, concerns, and praise. To make a submission, please visit http://www.siouxcityschools.org/lets-talk/.
Communication and Preparedness
Student and staff safety is of paramount importance in the Sioux City Community School District. For this reason, the District exercises a host of crisis prevention and planning tactics. Should an emergency occur, the school notifies you through our Blackboard phone system. In an emergency, the system calls every phone number associated with your child in order to reach you. The message will give you details about the emergency and provide directions on when/where to pick up your child if the normal school day is altered. Learn more about school safety.
Focus 2022 Strategic Plan
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Sioux City Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas: Business & Marketing, Family & Consumer Science, Health Science, and Industrial Arts, Technology, & PLTW.
The Sioux City Community School District is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information (for employment), national origin, religion, age (for employment), disability, socioeconomic status (for programs), marital status (for programs), or veteran status (for employment) in its educational programs and its employment practices. The District is required by Title IX and 34 CFR Part 106 not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its programs, activities, or employment.
Inquiries or grievances under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act may be directed to Dr. Dora Jung, Director of Student Services & Equity Education/Title IX Coordinator at 627 4th Street, Sioux City, IA 51101, (712) 279-6075, jungd@live.siouxcityschools.com. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its regulations to the District may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, or both. Please see District Board policies 103 and 504.4 for additional information on available grievance procedures.
Irving Dual Language Elementary School
Principal: María Ruelas
Website: https://www.siouxcityschools.org/irving/
Location: 901 Floyd Boulevard, Sioux City, IA, USA
Phone: 712-279-6834
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Irving-Dual-Language-Elementary-School-765440057148566/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @IrvingElemHawks