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Herd Happenings
Bradley Elementary Newsletter
This Week At Bradley
Monday-Friday-Staff Appreciation
Thursday-3rd-5th grade Field Day
Friday-Kinder-2nd grade Field Day
Our annual Field day will take place May 9th for 3rd-5th grade and May 10th for Kinder-2nd grade.
Please use the links below to signup to help with field day.
Playground Reminder
I am so pleased that we are experiencing some warmer weather, and kids are spending more time playing outside. I know that many kids play at the Bradley playgrounds after school and on the weekends, and they are welcome to do so. Please remind your children that toy weapons of any kind are not allowed at school even after school or on the weekends. This includes water guns, nerf guns, toy swords, etc. When playing on school property please remind students not to bring any toy weapons.
Thank you
Counseling Corner
Hi parents,
Get Creative with expressing your emotions through a game of emotion charades! Gather as a family and brainstorm some emotion words. Write them on slips of paper and turn them facedown. Then, take turns choosing a slip of paper and acting out the emotion (assist with reading as needed). Other family members will guess the emotion that is being acted out. After each person’s turn, take a moment to talk about what we may need when experiencing these emotions.
We Need You! Join the USD 207 team!
The district is hiring for the 24-25 school year
Summer Kick-Off
After a successful event last year, USD 207 and Fort Leavenworth FMWR are hosting The Summer Kick-Off on Friday, May 10, 2024, from 4:30 to 8 PM. This event is open to the community, with free entry (gate access required). Mechanical rides, inflatables, a DJ, food trucks/concessions (available for purchase), and a GREAT time are expected!
Walking is highly encouraged. If driving, park at the FCC, where a shuttle will be available. For the safety of all in attendance, please keep pets at home. We will have each station staffed to operate equipment - child supervision will be the responsibility of parents/guardians.
*In the event of inclement weather causing unsafe conditions, the event will be canceled.
Beginning Monday, May 6, 2024, installation of a temporary fence will begin around the USD 207 Track and Field Complex, including Normandy Field. Mid-week, additional equipment will be staged in the area. All individuals intending to utilize the area need to exercise caution and refrain from tampering with equipment as it is delivered.
Keeping safety as a priority, The Track and Field Complex will be closed for outside use after PT hours on Thursday, May 9, and all day on Friday, May 10th. Parking will not be available for outside use on the afternoon/evening of May 9th and all day on May 10th. We appreciate your understanding as the event comes to life. See you there!
Upcoming Events
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation
May 9/10 Field Day
May 10 Summer Kickoff Event
May 17 PD/No School
May 20 Board Meeting
May 23 Last Day of Preschool
May 24 Last Day of School 1/2 day
Kristin Holland
Email: kholland@usd207.org