Pine Street Elementary
September 2024
Principal's Corner
The first two weeks of our learning adventure have been fantastic. The first week of school was spent getting to know our classmates and teachers as well as learning expectations and procedures here at Pine Street. Time was also spent doing team-builders within homeroom classes, with their switch/team classroom, and as a grade level. The week ended with a special treat from our WIPTO parent organization. We culminated our activities with a whole school picture on the playground. Go Wildcats!
NWEA testing started this past week and will conclude the week of September 9th. The NWEA test is given three times a year to monitor students growth throughout the year and help guide teachers instruction to meet the needs of our students. This fall we will be taking the Reading and Math tests. Teachers will be letting students and parents know what days they are testing. Please be sure your child gets plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast.
We are looking forward to wonderful year here at Pine Street Elementary. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Your partner in Education,
Robyn Robinson
Principal, Pine Street Elementary
Upcoming Dates
September 2: No School - Labor Day
September 3: Sub Sale Begins
September 16: WIPTO Meeting at the Middle School
September 18: Picture Day
October 11 - 14: No School
October 18: Fun Friday
October 21: WIPTO Meeting at Pine Street
November 1: No School
November 27 - 29: Thanksgiving Break
Who to Contact
If your student is going to be absent, please be sure to call the office at 269-792-1127 to let us know. Feel free to leave a message if it is outside of regular school hours. If you're sending an email regarding your student's absence, please be sure to include their homeroom teacher, Ms. Merchant (merchantd@waylandunion.org) and Mrs. Doupe (doupec@waylandunion.org).
Please note that any student who is more than 15 minutes late for school or leaving more than 15 minutes early will be marked absent for half of the day. For example, if your student checks into the office at 8:00 a.m. they will be marked absent for the first half of the day.
School starts at 7:30 a.m.
School ends at 2:30 p.m.
End of the Day Changes
Lunch Schedule
Nurturing Our Readers
A Message from our Literacy Coach - Jen Boeve
Clubs and Sports
If your student is interested in any of these clubs or sports, they can stop by the office for a sign up form!
Art Club
Game Club
Intramurals Soccer
Picture Day - September 18
Sub Sale
WIPTO's annual sub sale will begin September 3rd! Information will be sent home with your student!
Parent Volunteers Needed - Junior Achievement
Student Handbook
Please take a few moments to look through our Student Handbook and discuss the rules and expectations with your student.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Community Corner
Parent Communication
Parent Communication
Throughout the school year information is provided in several different ways:
- Monthly Pine Street Press Newsletter
- Visit our website https://waylandunion.org/schools/pine-street-elementary/
- Peachjar flyers via email or on our website
- Like us on Facebook @ Pine Street Elementary School
Robyn Robinson
Email: robinsonr@waylandunion.org
Location: 201 Pine Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-1127
Mike Omness
Email: omnessm@waylandunion.org
Location: 210 Pine Street, Allegan, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-1127