Newsletter Term 4 Week 7
Patumahoe School 1st of December 2021
Principal's Desk
Kia ora parents, caregivers, and extended whanau
Well, who would of imagined it, but we are already in December. We managed to run our Year 5/6 athletics day yesterday and it was very successful. The juniors and middle school are looking at running scaled down athletics days for their classes next week. I have a few important updates in this newsletter. So I will list them below for easier digestion:
- Year 6 End of Year festivities- The senior team have put a lot of effort into organising some celebratory end of year events for our leaving students. They will be sending home a special notice outlining what is happening either today or tomorrow. Please check your childs bag. But I can confirm that there will be a Year 6 leavers picnic (kids only), a trip to Vector Wero for some white water action, and a fun day of games and activities with Youthtown. Standby for that special notice coming home either today or tomorrow.
- Prizegiving We are currently doing some dummy runs with an online prizegiving. We are wanting to offer a LIVE STREAM option which would be on the 14th of December. We will send more details next week. Parents of award winners will be notified by a text message next week.
- Classlists Our syndicate leaders Ms Phillips and Ms Tupai are currently working on class placements for 2022. These take time, and are given careful consideration. Every individual is considered and placed accordingly. Please be assured that we do not exercise number shuffling when it comes to allocating children to classrooms, as we take great pride in knowing every single child at our school and we treat each of them on an individual basis. Classlists are available for viewing on the library door in January.
- Reports these will be going home on the 14th of December after the online prizegiving
- Last day is the 15th of December and we finish at the earlier time of 12.30pm. Buses will be running earlier on this day.
We have a few staffing changes next year. Mrs Cath Schofield our learning support coordinator is taking up a special school position in Hawkes Bay. Cath has supported numerous children with learning challenges, teachers who were in need of specialist guidance and worked seamlessly with families to ensure their child experienced success at our school. She will leave big shoes to fill. Mrs Maria Yorwarth is moving to the sunny Bay of Plenty with her husband Kevin. Maria has taught in Room 12 this year and has brought vast experience, energy, and positivity. Jenna Barton- a member of our teacher aide team- is moving with her family to the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Jenna has done some wonderful work over the last few years supporting children with learning challenges. Finally, Mr Todd Williams is on leave for the entire 2022 school year. We wish them all the best and thank them for their service.
Have a great week
Mr Tawhiti
Production 2021 - A teary tale of Fairy fails.
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to officially put a line in the sand and say that this year's Senior Production has had to be cancelled. I am particularly saddened because of the work that Donna Davies and her writing group put into getting the original story together, that I then scripted and prepared music for. This was a year long project that was actually meant to hit the stage this week. The writing group each focussed on creating a scene from the show. They were...
Ruby Cooksley
Brooke Gittus
Charlie Dowdall
Nate Williams
Zoe Fletcher
Zac Davies
Sophie Hall
Sophie Wynne
Ben Hunter
Koen Birchall
Abby Shaw
Maddy Abbott
Ceana Wells-Lamb
I would like to thank these children for their efforts in putting the story together. I would like to formally thank Donna Davies for her commitment and dedication to pulling the story together and giving of her own personal time to make this happen.
I would also like to thank the following children...
Ella Sophie Jarkiewicz
Billy Ruby Cooksley
Mr Mundane Matthew Thompson
Red Abby Tana
Dee Nate Williams
Dum Sam Fraser
Rumplestiltskin Zac Davies
Hansel Ben Michie
Gretel Elena Harkness
Gertrude Abby Shaw
Snow White Sophie Hall
Cruella De Vil Safiah Tonga
Principal Charlie Dowdall
Pied Piper Maddy Abbott
Dorothy Khloe Schlaepfer
Shredder Sophie Wynne
Gargamel Zoe Fletcher
Plankton Jemma Reeves
White Witch Peyton Cruikshank
Scar Ceana Wells-Lamb
Angelica Jorja Cochrane
Wiz of Odds Ben Hunter
Narrator Holly Barclay & Lara Barton
During Lockdown, these children met regularly with me on Zoom to read through the script and learn their lines. They also learnt their lyrics for songs that they were going to be singing.
I really want to thank these children also for being so dedicated to their characters. Most had learnt their lines off by heart and knew how their character was going to sound and look. Some had even got their costumes sorted. Awesome.
Most of you who know me, know that productions and performances are my passion. This is a pretty bitter pill to swallow but what can you do.
Thanks again to all those who worked hard on this, this year. Your work was hugely appreciated.
Todd Williams
Health and Safety updates
- Exercise physical distancing on the Clive Howe Field during end of day pickup and avoid congregating in large groups
- Drop offs at the 3 designated school gates (Church, Old, and Road Patrol gates) between 8.15am-8.30am
- No drop offs at the bus bay gate thank you
Upcoming Events
- 14th December- Virtual prizegiving and reports go home
- 15th December- School finishes at 12.30pm
- 2nd of February- Kaiako Korero (1pm) Opportunity to meet and chat with teacher before school starts.
- 3rd of February 2022- Term 1 starts
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Contact Us
Email: admin@patumahoe.school.nz
Website: https://www.patumahoe.school.nz/
Location: 38 Patumahoe Rd, RD4 Pukekohe 2679 New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 236 3802 - 027 336 3802