D103 News
Math Placement for 6th-Grade
Dear Parents/Guardians:
In the spring, District 103 staff review student assessment data in order to make math placement decisions. Math placement is determined by a careful analysis of your child’s classroom performance on end-of-unit benchmarks and assessment data from Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment scores, CogAT scores, and a fifth-grade extended response question. Additionally, classroom teachers provide input on a student’s learner characteristics. The continuum of courses and corresponding rubric used for placement was created by the consortium school districts (96, 102 & 103) in collaboration with Stevenson High School. We believe this process leads to appropriate math placement when students enter Stevenson High School. The documents below provide a description of each math course offered at Daniel Wright and a flowchart that shows the course progression through Daniel Wright and into high school.
The courses and pathways, Common Core State Standards aligned, provide ALL students in grades 6-8 with algebra content prior to entering high school, a rigorous benchmark set by the consortium. These mathematics standards emphasize students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics and focus on students’ use of mathematics, not just the acquisition of knowledge about the discipline.
When determining placement, the results of the student assessments mentioned above are incorporated into a matrix with each assessment carrying a particular value or weight. During the first week in June, you will receive a letter with your child’s projected sixth-grade math course. Please note, that the projected course placement is appropriate for the vast majority of students for the year. To ensure that students are placed according to their skill level, each student’s placement is reviewed in the fall using the following measures: fall MAP, the beginning of year benchmarks, and a sixth-grade extended response question. Your child’s teacher will contact you if there is a math placement change. Due to the fact that we reassess students in the fall, student math placement will not be changed or re-evaluated during the summer.
Katie Reynolds, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
6th-Grade Math Class Descriptions
- Sixth-Grade Common Core: This course covers all of the sixth-grade Common Core Standards.
- Pre-Algebra Survey: This course covers all of the sixth- and some of the seventh-grade Common Core Standards.
- Pre-Algebra: This course covers all of the sixth- and seventh-grade Common Core Standards. Maintaining placement in this class is based on continued classroom performance without significant and ongoing assistance. Additionally, your child’s placement is subject to change in order to ensure that his or her individual needs are effectively being addressed.
7th-Grade Math Class Descriptions
- Pre-Algebra: This course covers all of the seventh-grade Common Core Standards.
- Bridge to Algebra: This course covers all of the seventh- and eighth-grade Common Core Standards.
- Algebra I: This course covers all of the eighth-grade Common Core Standards as well as all of the high school Algebra 1 Common Core Standards. This class is extremely fast-paced and requires academic maturity, dedication, and independence. Maintaining placement in this class is based on continued classroom performance without significant and ongoing assistance. Additionally, your child’s placement is subject to change in order to ensure that his or her individual needs are effectively being addressed.
8th-Grade Math Class Descriptions
- Bridge to Algebra: This course covers all of the eighth-grade Common Core Standards.
- Algebra I: This course covers all of the High School Algebra 1 Common Core Standards.
- Geometry: This course covers all of the High School Geometry Common Core Standards. This class is extremely fast-paced and requires academic maturity, dedication, and independence. Maintaining placement in this class is based on continued classroom performance without significant and ongoing assistance.
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