Criminal Justice Systems
2018 International Conference Competition Topic
Topic Descriptor
Criminal justice systems are composed of law enforcement agencies, court systems, and correctional institutions. These organizations operate together using defined processes and protocols to regulate crime and impose penalties on those who break laws. A one-size fits all system does not exist, as laws and norms are influenced by country, culture, history, and religion. New technology has created both challenges and opportunities for criminal justice systems, especially since we now have a variety of online activities that constitute crime and new means of analyzing evidence are in place. Virtually every new technology is likely to be used against the public at some time in the future
As law enforcement agencies develop new ways of identifying criminals and criminal behavior, where should the line be drawn between public safety and civil liberties? How will automated systems, robocops, and crime-predicting software shape the monitoring or detainment of convicted individuals?
What might future courtrooms look like? Under what circumstances or guidelines should legal software programs and predictive coding be used as part of a criminal justice system?
How will hacking affect crime in the future?
What will be the most effective way to solve crime in the future?
How will criminal punishments be different in the future?
Wow! This website (See Link Above) has several online games for kids on the topic! See the links below!
Washington Post Supreme Court trivia game
American criminal justice system game
Which Supreme Court justice are you? game
The Supreme Court firsts quiz game
USA Today Supreme Court challenge game
Check out this article that includes 60 Crimes that may exist in the future!
Note: There is one questionable word that may not be appropriate for younger students.
Learn the 10 Most Important Things about Criminal Justice from this video!
2. What new vocabulary did you learn?
3. For each example presented in the video above, brainstorm a potential issue or challenge for Criminal Justice in the future!
Design a possible Step 3 Solution for your favorite new item about Criminal Justice that you learned from this video!
Examine Criminal Justice Systems Around the World!
Discuss with your Team WHY these countries seem to have better justice systems? What are the qualities you believe should be in every Criminal Justice system?
Check out this Interactive World Map!
Judge for Yourself! How can a positive CHANGE occur in the Criminal Justice System?
After Viewing this video...
2. What are the POSITIVE things Peter did?
3. How did Peter change criminal justice for the future?
Criminal Justice Vocabulary!
For each Criminal Justice Vocabulary word, find and learn its definition, then complete some of the suggested activities to help you improve your knowledge of the vocabulary!
1. Include a different vocabulary word in your Step One Challenges.
2. Use the vocabulary to create a Criminal Justice word cloud. Try this FREE word cloud generator:
3. Design an original crossword puzzle, word find, or other game using the vocabulary words and challenge your teammates with your puzzles and games!
Good Luck at the 2018 International Conference!