North Central News
North Central Middle School: January Updates
Important Dates:
January 6th: First Day back from Winter Break
January 8th: PSTO Meeting 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (Main Office)
January 16th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Virtual) Sign up will be sent out soon!
January 17th: End of Quarter 2
January 20th: No School
January 29th: No School
Field Trip Permission Form (Please fill out if you have not done so already)
During the 2024-2025 school year, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will be traveling off school grounds for various field trip opportunities. Parents will receive specific details of each event via Blackboard Connect prior to each field trip as a reminder to parents. If you feel you need to keep your child from attending any field trip, please e-mail brinkman.carla@iowacityschools.org before the event and alternate arrangements will be made for your child. Please complete the three questions on this form if you wish for your child to participate in school sponsored field trips at North Central during the 2024-25 school year.
Meet some of our Awesome Staff!
Mrs. Davis
Mrs. Lynch
My name is Shannon Lynch and I am entering my 1st year teaching 7th grade math at North Central Middle School. My first career was in accounting, but I have spent the last 7 years substitute teaching. I love working with students and am excited to begin my second career at NCMS. My husband Casey and I have 3 kids (9th, 8th and 5th grade). In my free time I enjoy hiking, biking, pickleball and watching our kids activities.
Mrs. Blair
My name is Caroline Blair and I'm a 7th grade math teacher. This is my first year at North Central and my 6th year teaching. I previously taught 8th grade math in Ames, Iowa; Kindergarten in Cheyenne, Wyoming; and 6th grade math at Prairie in Cedar Rapids.
My husband, Garett, and I have a 2 year old son (Tyson) and 9 month old son (Bo) that keeps us very busy. Our favorite family activities are watching football, playing legos, or playing with our dog (Grace).
After growing up in North Liberty and attending North Central myself, I am excited to return to an amazing school and community. I have enjoyed meeting and teaching my students this year!
Mr. Smith
My name is Tom Smith and I am entering my 11th year of teaching and 1st year at NCMS. I spent the last 8 years teaching at Cedar Rapids Prairie where I also coached baseball. When I am not teaching, I am either coaching baseball (Go Bolts), enjoying time with my wife and family, or traveling. I am excited to be part of such a great school, community and district!
Mr. Benton
My name is Mark Benton, and I am entering my 24th year of teaching in the ICCSD. This is my first year teaching math at North Central Middle School. My wife, Lisa, and I have three boys: Brendon, who is 21 and currently taking a break from engineering at the University of Iowa; Gavin, who is 19 and plays football at Iowa Western, where they are competing in their fourth consecutive year at the Junior College National Championship, winning the championship for the last two years; and Cameron, who is a sophomore at Liberty High and is involved in wrestling and baseball.
Anytime we are together as a family makes me EXTREMELY happy. Fun fact: we love to travel when we can, but we NEVER know where we are going…until we get there, often following the Chicago Cubs to various stadiums.
I absolutely love being a teacher at North Central Middle School!
Mrs. Madden
My name is Julie Madden and this is my 1st year as a 6th-grade Math teacher at North Central Middle School. I have been loving the challenge and meeting new students and colleagues. It seems unreal that I am entering my 28th year in education. I began my educational career in Gallup, New Mexico teaching 3rd grade, When I returned to Iowa, I spent 5 years at Iowa Valley and HLV before joining the Iowa City Community School District. I spent 2 years at Horace Mann Elementary then was part of the opening team of educators for Van Allen Elementary School where I taught for 19 years in many different grades.
I received my BA in Psychology and Certification in K-8 Elementary Education from the University of Iowa and my MA in Elementary Writing Instruction from NSU Florida.
My husband, Scott, and I have enjoyed attending all the extracurricular activities over the years for our 3 boys, Ben (25), Davon (18), and Matthew (17). My oldest son, Ben, married in September, so I now have a daughter. We love to attend NASCAR races, run with each other, spend as much time as we get with our busy children, and play (cuddle) with our 2 dogs and cat.
I feel blessed to be a part of the North Central Middle School family and look forward to the coming years.
Mrs. Brock
Hello everyone! My name is Alicia Brock. I am entering my 18 year teaching in the Iowa City Community School District. This is my first year at North Central Middle School. I have taught 6 grade for over 16 years in the Iowa City School District. I have served as Mentor Facilitator, Instructional Design Strategist, Math Area Resource Specialist, and K-6 Music teacher in our district. My husband, Chuck, and I love spending time with our boys Carter (15), Caden (14), and Cai (11), involved in their activities, running our own business (Brock Family Music), traveling around the world, and hanging out with our cat, Keys (yes, he's black and white like a piano!)
I am super excited to be a part of our North Central Middle School family!
STEM students Hex 4 learned the Engineer Design Process this week and practiced the 5 steps creating anti-gravity Jenga towers!
Tanner Clark from Clark orthodontics talked to the AVID kids.
The 7th grade AVID students recently finished reading Seed Folks by Paul Fleischman which is about a community coming together to create a garden. After their final assessment, students brought in food that represents their family and shared how their family was represented through food.
Student Artwork
Yearbook Club
North Central Students & Families- Our NCMS Yearbook Club is looking for help from our students and parents to help gather candid pictures for our yearbook! In Sports, we are looking specifically for pictures from: football (all grades), cross country, volleyball (all grades), girls soccer, boys basketball Around school, we are looking specifically for pictures about: spirit days (so far this year), the school party and snapshots from around school
Please help us out if you can! The picture below outlines a quick and easy way to share your photos via our QR Code (found below) or go to the https://photos.jostens.com/ybk>that goes directly to our school yearbook account!
Food Deliveries
North Central does not accept door dash, or other food delivery services for students. Parents may bring lunch items for students, but items brought in from delivery drivers will not be accepted.
Cell Phone/Personal Technology Policy & Confiscation Procedures
Cell phones: Students may use cell phones during passing time and at lunch while school is in session. All phones must be put away, and ringers silenced before entering the classroom. Phones in use or view during class time may be confiscated by staff (this includes using phones to listen to music). Students who refuse to comply will be subject to additional school consequences. Additionally, students are not allowed to have headphones/earbuds on or in their ears during class. At North Central Middle School the following steps will be used to enforce the policy:
1. At the beginning of class all teachers/staff will say “secure your phones”
2. Students should have their phones put away and out of sight.
3. If the phone is out or being used, the teacher will confiscate the phone and deliver it to the main office where it will be secured until the end of the day.
4. If a student is refusing to give up his/her cell phone a counselor or administrator will be called and escort the student to the office where the phone will be secured.
5. If a student’s cell phone/device is confiscated three (3) different times, it will be held at school until a guardian comes to school to pick it up. A conference will be requested with student/guardian/admin to discuss possible solutions and/or additional consequences such as:
a. Multiple-day cell/device detention;
b. Trimester long cell/device detention;
c. Yearlong cell/device detention
Students are not allowed access to the building before 8:30am. Students wanting to meet with teachers, must get permission from the teacher prior to the meeting, to be let in to the building before 8:30am. The office will not allow students in to the building before that time unless notification from the teacher has been given to the main office. Students will not be allowed up to meet with teachers before 8:15am unless that has also been clearly communicated with office staff.
Attendance Procedures for North Central Middle School:
If your student is going to be late to school, needs to leave school early or will be absent from school, please make sure you have reported this to the NCMS Attendance Office by 9:00am on the day of the absence. You may call the attendance line at 319-688-1210 (Press 1 for attendance) or enter the absence in the Attendance Request section of Infinite Campus. Please give the date(s) and reason for the absence. (**Early releases requested in Infinite Campus must be done at least 2 hours before the student is to leave NCMS)
If a student needs to leave school early, please give the time the student is to be picked up from NCMS. Your student will be given a pass to leave their class and meet parents/guardians in the main office. Students are not permitted to leave class until the parent/guardian has contacted the attendance office directly.
Communicating absences to teachers directly or texting your student is not considered a communicated absence. The attendance office must be made aware of all absences.
Please note: Parents/Guardians will now be receiving automated attendance calls at the end of each period a student has an uncommunicated absence.
Food and Drink
All food and drink, other than water bottles, must remain in the cafeteria. You may not consume food in your classrooms, unless it is provided by a specific teacher for their class only. There is to be no food or drink in hallways or classrooms. Only water bottles may be taken in hallways and to classrooms. If a staff member sees you with food or any drinks other than water, you will be instructed to throw the item away.
Chromebook Expectations
At North Central, a major component of being READY to learn is having a charged chromebook at school every day. Please discuss this with your student and create a plan for ensuring your student charges their chromebook each night and brings it to school each day. We have charging carts in the Library and Bolt Space if students need to charge their device during the school day
PSTO Updates
PSTO Information: https://www.iowacityschools.org/domain/1340
North Central Middle School
Email: miller.colby@iowacityschools.org
Website: https://www.iowacityschools.org/Domain/1327
Location: 180 East Forevergreen Road, North Liberty, IA, USA
Phone: 319-688-1210
Non-Discrimination Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact:
- Laura Gray, Director of Diversity and Cultural Responsiveness (programming), gray.laura@iowacityschools.org
- Eric Howard, Director of Equity and Employee Relations (employment), howard.eric@iowacityschools.org, 1725 N. Dodge Street, Iowa City, Iowa 52245, (319) 688-1000; or
- If you are unsure how to proceed or would like assistance in discussing your options, you may also contact Janet Abejo-Parker, Ombuds, ombuds@iowacityschools.org or (319) 688-1312.
Ombuds Office
Students, Families, and Employees - The Ombuds Office i