March 15, 2024
March, Wóózhch’ í̜í̜d, the sound baby eagles make

Volume 4, Issue 12
Last quarter of 2023-2024 school year has started on March 13th with a focus on reading. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” (Dr. Seuss). We are diving into our 4th quarter with a school wide project – One School One Book. Every family received their reading kits with the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by British author Roald Dahl. Please spend some quality time with your children reading and talking about the book, discussing how important it is to read consistently. Build that time into your family schedule, and you will see great benefits of it – from closer connections and bonding to better grades and deeper knowledge and interests of your child. Follow the attached schedule for reading the chapters of the book and come for the Parent/Teacher Conference on March 27 to participate in the scavenger hunt and to earn your Golden Ticket.
DEAR time is also now built into our daily class schedules from Pre-K to 12th grade. It stands for Drop Everything and Read time. Every day the students will choose a book to read for 15 minutes in class. Ask your child as they come home what book they read in school, what it was about, what they remembered from the piece they read that day or any other questions that would help children reflect on their reading to make it purposeful for them.
Reading is an adventure that can enhance your life in great ways!
On March 8th, students, Nataliah Sandoval (11th grade), Khalia Platero (12th grade), and Macy Benally (12th grade) attended the 4th Annual UNM COEHS Pollen Symposium in Albuquerque, NM with sponsor, Robert Chapman, School Social Worker. The students received a plaque, a laptop, and a printer in recognition of their essay writing efforts. Congratulations to these students for exemplifying their school and community, showcasing the potential of a writer when challenged.
Khalia receiving her acknowledgment for the writing contest.
Macy's face lights up with smiles as she receives her laptop and printer.
Finally, Nataliah expresses her joy upon receiving her award.
On March 6th, 2024, I attended Family Literacy night at the school with my children. We celebrated Dr. Seuss book and imagination. My children and I did our first activity making door signs that had Let’s Play with Cat in the Hat and Don’t Disturb by Grinch. They enjoyed coloring and interacting with friends and staff.
Our second activity was making a hat from any of Dr. Seuss characters. My daughter picked the Fox with the Socks. I asked why this character stood out to her. She responded, “I love all the colorful socks the Fox has.” Then my son picked the Cat in the Hat. I asked him why he chose this character. His response was “he is a clever guy; he can hold so many things and stand still. I love the story, too.”
Our last activity was playing with Legos, Pom Pom and popsicle sticks. I watched as my children built on their imagination and use their skills to build with materials around them. Participating in literacy night gave me the opportunity to create and enjoy activities as a family. I want my children to know I support them in their education and will be a part of their journey through school. Literacy night was about promoting reading, and reading is an important skill to succeed through school.
(By Kara Pino, FACE Center-based Parent)
“Taking part in the 6-week NHA training with Natalia Kuzmina, FACE Adult Educator, and Katrina Nez, Director of Family Engagement, had been an eye opening and surreal experience. Being initially briefed on NHA, I was honestly not mentally ready for the amount of information I would be learning. I was going in with the mindset that I have great role-model parents that I can learn from, so this training would mirror their style. In some ways, this was true; however, I learned more tips that will last my child and me a lifetime.
The 3 Stands of NHA are Absolutely No! Absolutely Yes! and Absolutely Clear! I reflected on my actions as a mother and how I reacted to my child’s actions and behaviors. Initially, it felt impossible to change my style and to incorporate these teachings into our lives. Then I began refusing to feed negative energy and instead praise the positive. Not only did I see an energetic shift in my child, but my overall outlook on life. I refuse to let the negative impact the positive in my life, and when it seems overwhelming, I can reset. Knowing how to set rules that will be abided, seeing my child smile and do good to hear the warmth and love of my praises, and knowing how to get through difficult situations by resetting and knowing that consequences are not punishments – all of that gave me a new insight.
NHA has taught me that in reality we thrive on love and compassion. To be a powerful parent is to empower your child and to grow their inner wealth, not to enforce punishment. Enjoy and love your children. Often times we struggle praising ourselves and knowing our worth. Start early, tell your children how great they are, how amazing, strong, independent, sincere, empathetic, selfless they are!”
(By Erica Nelson, FACE Center-based Parent)
“Nurtured Heart Approach is a skill and approach that can better your children’s daily life by showing them how appreciative and proud you are with self-control of their emotions, motivating children with positivity. It changed my perspective on parenting my child with positive reinforcement. It gave me motivation to see the positivity in life and make it a life style.”
(By Kara Pino, FACE Center-based Parent)
Aliya Platero (7th grade), Madison Becenti (7th grade), Hoshkeh Ironshell (8th grade), and Alexander Apachito (7th grade), Student Council members read to the Elementary students as part of Dr. Seuss Week. At the end of each reading, the students were given the option to ask questions and displayed courtesy towards their peers who were reading to them.
After the Dr. Seuss book reading, Aliya Platero and Madison Becenti helped prepare goodie bags for Dr. Seuss Literacy Night. Whereas, Hoshkeh Ironshell and Alexander Apachito helped bagged for the One School, One Book reading event.
The new JROTC afterschool program has started on early release Wednesdays of the month. This program is in partnership with Atrisco Heritage Academy and will take place on their campus 2:00 pm- 4:30 p.m. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Dreyer.
Open to Grades: 9th - 12th
Dates for this Afterschool Program
Mar. 20th @ Atrisco Heritage Academy High School
Apr. 17th @ Atrisco Heritage Academy High School
Apr. 24th @ Atrisco Heritage Academy High School
May 15th @ To'Hajiilee Community School
One School, One Book initiative, our school community will read "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Each family received a copy of the book and a reading schedule was provided. We will celebrate our participation in this program on March 27th during Parent Teacher Conference
Weekly, you will see our Navajo Word of the Day. Practice saying the word, spelling the word, and use it in a sentence.
To'Hajiilee School for Warriors and Lady Warriors basketball hosted the District Playoffs. During halftime on March 1st, when the girls faced Pinehill, Navajo Tribal Utility Authority (NTUA) and Choice NTUA Wireless presented awards to students. Makayla Yazzie was among the recipients, recognized for her outstanding academic performance and sportsmanship.
Special thanks to the staff, parents, students, and the community for their unwavering support throughout the Warrior basketball season. Kudos to the coaches and athletic director for their dedication and hard work throughout the season.
Parent Teacher Conference will be held on March 27th!
2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®)
On December 30, the Department soft launched the 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form,
The 2024-25 FAFSA form is reduced to just 36 questions -- down from 108! Some applicants could answer as few as 18 questions, which could take less than 10 minutes. Thanks to a new partnership with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), users will find it easier to import income data from tax records. And, the Department updated its formulas, so, among other things, 610,000 new students will receive federal Pell Grants and 1.5 million more students will receive the maximum Pell Grant.
Stakeholders interested in assisting students complete the FAFSA form are encouraged to visit FSA’s 2024-25 FAFSA Updates web page. In addition to official publications for financial aid professionals, FSA has posted a number of outreach materials, webinars, and other useful resources.
Additional Resources:
March 18th
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Cinnamon Toasters, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Braised Beef in Gravy, Mash Potatoes, Green Beans, Dinner Roll, Fresh Strawberries, Slushie, and Choice of Milk
March 19th
- BREAKFAST: Apple Pie Oatmeal, Graham Crackers, Watermelon and Kiwi, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Beef Red Chili Enchiladas, Refried Beans, Mexican Rice, Sliced Peaches, and Choice of Milk
March 20th
- BREAKFAST: Muffin Banana, Ultimate Breakfast Round, Cantaloupe Pieces, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Meatloaf, Mash Potatoes, Dinner Roll, Broccoli Florets, Brown Gravy, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
March 21st
- BREAKFAST: Toast, Fruit Cup, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Chili Con Carne with Beans, Cornbread, Garden Salad, Crackers, Rainbow Fruit Salad, and Choice of Milk
March 22nd
- BREAKFAST: Pancake, Applesauce, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Turkey and Cheese Croissant, Broccoli Salad, Peach Slices, and Choice of Milk
March 25th
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Honey Nut Cheerios, Blueberry Lemon Crisp Bite, Fresh Grapes, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Nachos with Beef and Beans, Pinto Beans, Fresh Grapes, and Choice of Milk
March 26th
- BREAKFAST: Biscuit and Sausage Gravy, Watermelon Chunks, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Spaghetti and Meat Sauce, Garlic Toast, Salad, Fresh Strawberries, and Choice of Milk
March 27th
- BREAKFAST: Blueberry Bagel, Cream Cheese, Fresh Cherries, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Hamburger, French Fries, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
March 28th
- BREAKFAST: Waffle Squares, Watermelon Chunks, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Pork Chops with Brown Rice, Broccoli Florets, Cantaloupe Pieces, and Choice of Milk
March 29th
- BREAKFAST: Cinnamon Roll, Fruit Cup, Grapefruit Juice, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Roast Beef Sandwich, Mash Potatoes, Green Beans, Fruit Cup, and Choice of Mil
School Calendar of Events:
March 2024:
- 20th - JROTC @ Artisco Heritage Academy High School
- 27th - Parent/Teacher Conference
- 27th - J ROTC @ Artisco Heritage Academy High School
- 29th - Instructional Time Make-Up Day (Students will be in school)
Parents and Guardians, as we are back in school and no longer in remote learning, TCS will be phasing out next school year 2024-2025 and no longer assist with paying for your home/internet services with Sacred Wind. The Affordable Connectivity Program is great for you to apply and they can help pay for your internet service. Two easy steps to apply: 1. Go to ACPBenefit.org to apply. 2.Then select your preferred participating internet provider to have the discount applied to your bill. Families who have WIC, SNAP or Medicaid can qualify. Families of students who receive free breakfast or lunch, including through the community eligibility provision, qualify.
For general information about YHYI and NPP, see www.fcc.gov/acp-pilots. For more information on the pilot program outreach grants, see www.fcc.gov/acp-grants. For questions about the grant opportunities, contact ACPGrants@fcc.gov. For assistance using www.grants.gov, please contact the Help Desk at (800) 518-4726 or email support@grants.gov.
Previous Parent Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 1: https://www.smore.com/fsz5r
Volume 4, Issue 2: https://www.smore.com/x5b0z-september-15-2023
Volume 4, Issue 3: https://www.smore.com/7yjt8v
Volume 4, Issue 4: https://www.smore.com/7qdrg
Volume 4, Issue 5: https://www.smore.com/a2rw3
Volume 4, Issue 6: https://www.smore.com/eku8f
Volume 4, Issue 7: https://www.smore.com/vas2z1
Volume 4, Issue 8: https://www.smore.com/yzrc3
Volume 4, Issue 9: https://www.smore.com/bvgup
Volume 4 Issue 10:https://www.smore.com/vbmg7
Volume 4 Issue 11:https://www.smore.com/n/42hemd