Mustang Minute
Friday, March 3rd
From the Principals' Offices
It was a short yet jam-packed week at Brookwood once again! We enjoyed our first volleyball home game this week against Lakewood, and overall our Mustangs performed exceptionally well, taking home several wins and being competitive in all games. Annie Jr. is also in full swing - students are busy with painting sets, and rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing! AND - it was Read Across America Week this week! Students engaged in a myriad of activities to celebrate reading and writing to include fun dress up days, the kickoff of the March Madness Book Tourney, and of course...the Book Fair! Huge thanks to Ms. Cottrell, Mrs. Brault, and Mrs. Hackbarth for all of their hard work in planning such a fun week for our Mustangs! Lastly, THANK YOU to those of you who attended Spring Conferences last evening. We are truly grateful to partner with you all in support of your child's learning.
Have a fantastic weekend, Mustangs!
Mrs. Franz
Principal, BMS &
Mr. Braden
Principal, BES
3/3 - Boys & Girls “ A-Team” Volleyball Tournament @ Wheatland
3/4 - Boys & Girls “ A-Team” Volleyball Tournament @ Wheatland
3/6 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - 2:45-4:30pm
3/6 - BMS Volleyball game AT Trevor-WIlmot, 4-6pm
3/6 - Community Yoga @ BES, 6:00pm
3/7 - BMS Student Council Meeting,2:40pm-3:20pm
3/7 - BMS volleyball HOME game vs. Riverview, 4-6pm
3/7 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - 2:45-4:30pm
3/7 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/7 - BFO Meeting @ BES, 6:30pm
3/8 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
3/8 - Community Zumba @ BMS, 4:30-5:30pm
3/8 - BMS Volleyball practice,2:45-4:30pm
3/9 - BMS Volleyball practice,2:45-4:30pm
3/9 - Forensics Club @ BES for 1st-3rd grade,3:35-4:00
3/9 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/10 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
3/10 - Yearbook Club Planning, 6-8th grade @ BES, 2:45-4:15pm
3/10 - Family BINGO Night @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/13 - BMS Volleyball practice,2:45-4:30pm
3/13 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - All Attend, 2:45-4:30pm
3/13 - Community Yoga @ BES, 6:00pm
3/14 - BMS Volleyball Division Playoffs TBA
3/14 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - 2:45-4:30pm
3/14 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/15 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
3/15 - Community Zumba @ BMS, 4:30-5:30pm
3/16 - Forensics Club @ BES for 1st-3rd grade,3:35-4:00
3/16 - BMS Band & Choir concert - 7th/8th grade, 6:30-7:30pm
3/16 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/17 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
3/17 - BES 3rd grade Heritage Day
3/20 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - 2:45-4:30pm
3/20 - School Board Meeting @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/20 - Community Yoga @ BES, 6:00pm
3/21 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - All Attend, 2:45-4:30pm
3/21 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/22 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
3/22 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - 2:45-4:30pm
3/22 - Community Zumba @ BMS, 4:30-5:30pm
BFO needs YOUR help to make their next event a success. Sign up here to help volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e44aea629a7fd0-family?fbclid=IwAR0QNfTxWswdDrgb4buft_CF_mjtzfMuSV99MkWwTRGax6-j-xuo0FFJqRk#/
Mother/Son Glow Party
Forward Testing: Grades 3-8
Dear BMS Family
Wisconsin Students in Grades 3-8 will be participating in the Wisconsin Forward assessment during the March 20th-April 28th testing window. BMS is scheduled to take the Wisconsin Forward assessment the weeks of March 20-March 24th and April 17th-21st
The Forward tests students in the areas of ELA and Math (grades 3-8) and Science and Social Studies (Grades 4 and 8 only). One or more subtests may be administered daily during the identified time frame and it is very important that your son or daughter be in school during this time. Students not in school on the scheduled testing days will be scheduled for a make-up test prior to the close of the testing window.
Below is an Informational Brochure for Families which gives more information about the assessment including its purpose, what scores will be provided, and how the scores will be used.
The Wisconsin Forward assessment measures the knowledge and skills your student(s) should have acquired by the time they reach each grade level. Their performance on the assessment will not affect any of their current grades. Please encourage your son or daughter to take the test seriously and do the best they can. The results of these tests will be used to help school staff make determinations or placement in classes to best support your child(ren).
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Franz or Mr. Braden.
Read Across America Pics!
Be Brookwood
In Ms. Flood's Class- Camden
In Mrs. Deephouse's Class- Mason
In Mrs. Himmelspach's Class- Charlotte
1st Grade:
In Mrs. Cassaday's Class- Darling
In Miss Wagner's Class- Mia
In Miss Pacholczak's Class- Olli
2nd Grade:
In Mrs. Johnson's Class- Penelope and Presley
In Mrs. Gahart's Class- Stella and Gage
3rd Grade:
In Mrs. Nast's Class- Lily and Alex
In Ms. Skalecki's Class- Lola and Sawyer
Poster Contest Winners
In the fall, third grade students designed posters for the Walworth County Conservation Poster Contest. This year's theme was "One Water." Thirteen posters from BES were sent for the 2nd-3rd grade category. All five top places were claimed by these students!!! Congratulations to...
Winter J. - First Place & People's Choice Award
Owen X. - Second Place
Jocelyn H. - Third Place
Rylan E. & Kensly R. - Honorable Mention
Congratulations, Mustangs!
What's Happening in Ms. Metcalf's Hope Squad Class?
Our group of 7th and 8th grade leaders have been working hard during Hope Squad to educate themselves on positive peer relationships and communication strategies, mental health issues, recognizing signs of depression and suicide in others, the importance of self-care so that we can provide the best support to our struggling peers, and know when to ask for help. Recently, our squad seemed a little sad and low energy. This prompted a conversation about how we can’t fill from an empty bucket, meaning we need to make sure we’re happy, rested, and fulfilled if we plan to be of any service to others. Our strategy for cheering ourselves up that day was to throw the lesson out the window and have an indoor snowball fight and a friendly, but competitive, game of Headbanz. The joy on these kids’ faces at the end of that class period was amazing, and they took that positive energy into the rest of their school day and peer interactions! We got right back to it the following class period with activities about how to recognize and diffuse bullying, and we continued this week with conflict management. Students were able to identify ineffective conflict resolution strategies and then role play with partners and teach the rest of the class how to successfully de-escalate conflict and come to a mutually appealing compromise. We are so proud of the hard work these students are doing - for themselves and for our Mustang community!
What's Happening in Mrs. Gahart's 2nd Grade Class?
We have been working on becoming readers and writers over the past month in second grade! We have learned about animal stories and how they can help us identify the key story elements of characters, setting, plot, and lesson or moral. Not only did we read so many great animal stories, but we also wrote our own animal stories. Students developed their own characters, developed a problem and solution, made sure they had a beginning, middle, and an end, and most importantly- we made sure readers could learn a lesson from our stories! We celebrated being authors this week by reading our completed books to our classmates.
From the Athletic Director...
Congratulations to our volleyball teams for winning their home games against Lakewood on Tuesday! Way to go, Mustangs!
The Mustangs will be playing in a tournament at Wheatland on Friday, March 3rd, and Saturday, March 4th. The boys play at 4:45pm & 5:30pm on Friday, and the girls play at 7pm & 7:45pm on Friday. Saturday game times will be determined by the results of Friday’s games. Come out and support our athletes! Note: should the potential inclement weather make Friday play impossible, all games will be played on Saturday.
We also play at home on Tuesday, March 7th.
We have our last session of Saturday Morning Basketball this week! It has been such a fun month working with our Mini Mustangs, and I am excited to see them be a part of our athletics program while they grow into their greatness at Brookwood! I’ll have your t-shirts Saturday morning.
Go Mustangs!
Coach Metcalf
BMS After School Events Pick Up
We need your help to get more families to support the Box Tops program. The more people that participate, the more our school can earn to help get the supplies it needs!
PLUS, you can earn a bonus for our school by inviting your friends, family, and other parents to sign up and participate in Box Tops.
To refer friends to sign up, go to the Invite Friends section of the Box Tops app. (You can get there by tapping on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app home screen.) You'll get a referral code that you can send to a friend. You'll BOTH earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when they scan their first receipt — that's extra cash that counts towards our Box Tops earnings goal of $1,000 this year.
Thanks for your help!
Email the BFO at brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com with any questions regarding box tops.
For Brookwood schools use referral code WY7S80A1
Academic Lab at BMS
Students will begin their study time with one of their teachers, right after school in that teacher’s classroom.
At 3:20pm, students will then report to the Academic Lab in the library. A team of Academic Lab teachers will continue to help students in working on the tasks of focus, as assigned by their teacher.
Academic Lab teachers will also assist students with putting any unfinished assignments needing to be completed into their assignment notebooks, so that families are in the loop of tasks that still need attention at home.
Academic Lab will end at 4:25pm. Students will not be allowed to leave early unless a parent needs to pick them up sooner.
The Late Bus will continue to be offered as afternoon transportation home from the Academic Lab, and will depart promptly at 4:30pm. (Note: The Late Bus will also still be available on Tuesdays for students in athletics).
Families: We need your help in giving our students the attention they need and deserve. We hope that you will take full advantage of this resource when your student is in need of additional support.