Property Management Software
Additional Tenant Retention Ideas
Use Portals for Maintenance Requests to Increase Tenant Retention
Many property managers would tell you horror stories about a tenant's maintenance request not getting addressed. The difficulty of dealing with unsatisfied tenants is not only stressful for tenants but also harmful for the business.
Proper property management software can solve the preventable problem of tenants not beinginformed during maintenance requests.
By using software with a thorough maintenance request and tracking feature, we will enable our maintenance staff to stay on top of the normally stressful maintenance processes and increase our tenant retention.
To find the extent to which a property manager has handled maintenance requests, we
surveyed 250 tenants.
Facts of the matter:
● About 65% of tenants are somewhat confident they can get a maintenance request
completed promptly.
● In terms of maintenance request submission methods, 44% of tenants wish to inform a
maintenance technician over the phone, 31% through an online tenant portal, and 25%
in person.
● Tenants would be more loyal to a property if maintenance requests were submitted
through online portals.
● When maintenance requests are electronically submitted, your front office employees
don't have to conduct lengthy telephone calls or perform manual tasks each time a
request comes in.
● most tenants have good impressions of their property management companies
● In terms of rental property maintenance, the good news is that most tenants feel they
can rely on the property manager to complete their work orders on time.
More than half (42%) of respondents are somewhat confident, and 23% are extremely confident, so you're more likely to find a satisfied tenant.
Despite that, there’s no way to say it’s all perfect in paradise: 28% of respondents were only
slightly confident in their property managers’ abilities to complete work orders on time, and 7% weren’t confident at all.
More than a positive experience, negative experiences generally make people frustrated.
Property managers will have a harder time keeping up with maintenance requests from only
35% of tenants.
You will start losing good tenants if you’re having trouble keeping in touch with your technicians, keeping track of work orders you’re receiving, prioritizing how work orders are accomplished, or completing work orders on time.
Customers prefer to give maintenance requests on the phone.
The whole "how it gets kicked off" can make you struggle with maintenance requests.
When working on maintenance requests, it’s essential to handle them through a portal so they should be handled efficiently.
When you submit maintenance requests via the portal, they are shoved into a work queue and
are much easier to track. Your maintenance team also receives written descriptions of the
problem, as well as photographs or videos, to understand the problem as best as possible.
Things will likely get lost in translation between tenant submission and technician completion if
there is more than one step between tenants and the technician.
It can lead to tough to keep track of everything, especially when it comes to greeting potential
new tenants, signing and updating package logs, giving current tenants packages, and showing empty units.
Employees or managers are better than most at getting information to clients, but they can
never deliver it like the client himself.
Optimize the tenant experience and improve tenant retention with property management
You'll find it easier for you, and your tenants, to submit maintenance requests through a tenant portal.
The front office can receive maintenance requests day and night, reducing the number of calls from your tenants.
Property managers can submit maintenance requests and upload photos or videos at any time of the day through Pickspaceplus’s property management software.
Since your technicians save time by constantly completing work orders rather than having to
stop what they are doing to go look for a part they forgot they needed because of an
unexpected need, they can complete more jobs each day.
In addition to the convenience of being able to check the status and condition of the tickets at any time from any place, tenants also have the freedom to travel from anywhere.
Tenant retention and satisfaction will be increased with the use of property management
Additional tenant retention ideas
The most effective way to increase tenant compliance with online tenant portals is to actively
encourage your tenants to submit maintenance work orders.
The property management software that does have online tenant portals has many amazing
features that go beyond maintaining requests.
These are the reasons why our advisors are here to help you if you are searching for property
management software or switching to another system.
Give us a call at +1 800 815 - 9959 to chat with an expert advisor.