The Messenger

September 2024
Welcome Back
The first few weeks of school have been fantastic! Our Bulldogs have transitioned smoothly and are quickly settling back into their school routines. Mr. Miller, Mrs. Ness-Manary, and Mr. Koenig have completed policy talks with students in grades 1 through 5. We’ve also conducted two fire drills and a lockout drill already this year to ensure our safety procedures are well-practiced.
Exciting events are on the horizon for our students and their families. Be sure to read the rest of this newsletter for all the details! As always, if you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Booster Fundraiser
Again this year, the McKinley PTO is collaborating with Booster for the fall fundraiser. Funds collected from the fundraiser will support the purchase of new technology, including Chromebooks and iPads. In addition, the PTO will continue to use funds to support the many events and activities they offer throughout the year. This year's goal is $30,000! All students will participate in the Booster Obstacle Course on September 25 and will have the opportunity to earn cool prizes throughout the event. The fundraiser will run from September 17 - 25. If you have any questions about the fundraiser, please contact the McKinley PTO at ptomckinley@gmail.com
Classroom teachers will be sharing additional information to families throughout the fundraiser.
Parents are welcome to cheer on their student at the obstacle course schedule on September 25. The schedule is as follows:
- 9:40 - 10:25 - Grade 2
- 10:30 - 11:15 - Grade 1
- 11:20 - 12:05 - Grade 5
- 12:45 - 1:30 - Kindergarten
- 1:35 - 2:20 - Grade 4
- 2:25 - 3:10 - Grade 3
Thank you in advance for your support with this year's fundraiser.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences will be held October 7, 8 and 10.This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress early in the year. If you need assistance scheduling your conference, please call the office at 763-506-3400. Our teachers are eager to meet with all parents, so don’t miss the chance to schedule your conference today!
October 7 - 1:30 - 7:40PM
October 8 - 4:10 - 7:40PM
October 10 - 4:10 - 7:20PM
Please log in to MyConference Time to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher.
Fall Book Fair - October 3 - 11
We can't wait to see you at our Fall Book Fair! Students will have the opportunity to shop during their library time and families are welcome to shop during conferences. Online shopping is currently available. Watch for more information coming home soon.
Picture Day - Thursday, September 26
Families can pre-order today at mylifetouch.com and use the picture day code EVTFTRNDB or use the picture envelope that was sent home with students. All students will have their photos taken on September 26. Picture retake day is scheduled for October 29.
A Message from Mrs. Ness-Manary
September Character Trait - RESPECT
Welcome back!
McKinley Bulldogs will be using the Character Strong program once again! Your school calendars include the trait of the month. This month we are learning all about RESPECT! Our school staff is on the lookout for students demonstrating RESPECT throughout the day. We have a lot of fun activities planned to celebrate and demonstrate our Character Strong traits this school year!
McKinley participates in the Every Meal program. A brochure and sign-up form went home with all of our Bulldogs last week. This is a weekend food program that is free to all families. It is confidential and there are no qualification requirements. Please connect with me to find out more, or to sign up, or simply return the enrollment form to school.
We will be celebrating Unity Day (a day to celebrate kindness, acceptance and inclusion) by wearing orange on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. We look forward to seeing McKinley filled with orange that day!
To contact Mrs. Ness-Manary - please email at Jessica.NessManary@ahschools.us or leave a voice message at (763) 506-3479
McKinley Family Night
Thursday, September 26
We hope everyone can join the McKinley community for Family night on Thursday, September 26.
This is a great opportunity for you to meet other parents and enjoy a night of entertainment. The entire event is held outdoors on the school playground and in front of the main office.
T - Shirt Order
The PTO is purchasing a McKinley a T-Shirt for every student in our school. Students will be able to wear their shirts for special events like field trips, spirit days and McKinley Fun Day to show their school spirit. Take advantage of this special offer and order your child's t-shirt today. Scan the QR code in the flyer or click on the photo to go to a google document to place your order. Thank you to the McKinley PTO for this wonderful opportunity for our students.
Safety in the Parking Lot
We continue to have a large number of parents/guardians picking up their students at the end of the day. Our number one goal is the safety of our students. ALL parent pick up should occur in the north parking lot off of Constance Blvd. PLEASE, do no park on Hastings Street to pick up your students. For the safety of all students, we ask that parents remain in their vehicles in the parent pick up line during the dismissal process. Please review the map and help us ensure that student safety is a priority for all of our Bulldogs. Thank you.
Upcoming Dates
- 17 - Booster Fundraiser Begins
- 25 - Booster Obstacle Course
- 26 - Picture Day
- 26 - Family Fun Night
- 3 - Book Fair Begins
- 4 - No School for Students
- 7 - No School for Students
- 7 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 8 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 10 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 10 - First Grade Field Trip
- 16 - Unity Day - Wear Orange
- 17 & 18 - MEA Break - No School
- 23 - Grade 4 Kindness Retreat
- 29 - Picture Retake Day
This e-newsletter is published by McKinley Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.