LP Brown Community Newsletter
November 2024
No School and Early Release Days in November
No School, Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day
Early Release November 6th, 13th, 20th. Dismissal at 1:25 PM
No School Wednesday through Friday, November 27th - 29th for Thanksgiving Break
Picture Re-Takes
Picture retakes are on Wednesday, November 6th. Pictures will be taken first thing in the morning. We have a list of students who missed pictures on picture day. If your student had a picture taken, but you want them re-taken, please contact the main office.
LP Brown Community Night
Save the date for November 25th from 6:00 - 7:30 for a fun and festive LP Brown Community Night. The focus of the night will be on supporting the wellness needs of students and families. Dinner will be served. Activities will be planned. Students and Parents are welcome. Additional details to come in the near future.
Veteran's Day Assembly November 7th
Please join us as LP Brown celebrates our armed forces veterans during for our Veteran’s Day Assembly on Thursday, November 7th at 1:30 PM. Our assembly will feature performances by our 3rd grade students.
We would like to honor LP Brown family members who have served, or are currently serving, in our armed forces. Please email the names of any veterans or service members and a digital photo of the family veteran, if possible, to bappelgate@osd.wednet.edu with the name of the LP Brown student, veteran relative’s name, branch of service and relationship to student. Veterans are also invited to attend. We hope to see you there!
Planning for the Corner Lot
On Wednesday, November 6th, there will be a meeting in the library at LP Brown at 5:00 PM to discuss plans for the transformation of the corner lot on the corner of 26th and French Loop Road. This property was acquired by the Olympia School District last year. We now have the opportunity to extend our outdoor learning space for our students.
The rough plan right now is to turn the space into an interactive garden space where students can learn about native plant and animal species. The Thurston Conservation District is helping to generate an initial plan and then it is up to us to execute the plan that we create together.
If you are interested in helping with this project, please come and join us on Wednesday the 6th, right before the PTO meeting.
Lunch and Recess with Parents
In an effort to create space for parents, we have selected one day per month to encourage parents and caregivers to come and have lunch with their kids. This month, we selected Friday, November 22nd.
- Kinder and First Grades: 10:25 - 11:05
- 2nd and 4th Grades: 11:10 - 11:50
- 3rd and 5th Grades: 11:50 - 12:30
If you want to purchase a school lunch, you can do that in the main office when you arrive. The cost is $4.75 per adult. We can accept exact change and take credit card payments. You are also welcome to bring lunch with you on that day. Lunch for the day is our Turkey Feast!
Family Support!
November Break Food Support- Sign up Deadline is November 4th
Olympia School District is partnering with 4 the Love Foundation to provide extra food support for families during the upcoming November Break. If this would be helpful to your family please complete the google form @ November Food Support Sign Up Deadline to sign up is November 4th. Any questions contact Family Liaison Genevieve Carnes gcarnes@osd.wed.net.edu.
Coats for Kids! - Deadline November 8th
The Firefighter Community Foundation is a local non-profit assisting students and families in need. They are providing winter coats to any LP Brown students in need. Sign up forms are going home in the Monday folders. Please return them to school no later than November 8th. Any questions contact Family Liaison Genevieve Carnes gcarnes@osd.wed.net.edu.
Big Smiles Dental Event- December 12th
Our school has partnered with Big Smiles to offer dental care at school. Best of all, in most cases there is no cost to you if your child is insured with Medicaid/CHIP!Private insurance and affordable self-pay options are also available. Sign up forms have been sent home in the Monday folders or you can sign up online at https://www.myschooldentist.com/ Any questions contact Family Liaison Genevieve Carnes gcarnes@osd.wed.net.edu
Holiday Giving Program
LP Brown is hosting a giving program this holiday season. Right now, we are collecting donations from families who would like to support other families. Families in need of support will sign up to receive gift cards at the beginning of December. If you would like to donate gift cards, please complete this form. Donations can be delivered to the main office any time.
Financial Assistance Available
The Olympia School District Education Foundation provides support to families in need. With their support, we can help with:
Rent and utility bills
Clothing and shoes
Eye exams and prescription glasses for students
School supplies
School-related expenses
Internet through Xfinity and so much more...
We can also provide grocery vouchers to Ralph’s or Bayview grocery stores and gas vouchers to help with transportation.
Holiday Wreath Sales
Olympia Education Foundation Holiday Wreath sales end November 3rd. This sale helps fund experiences and projects in all OSD elementary schools and all of the foundation's work to cultivate student potential! Wreath pickup date is November 24th at either Capital High School or Olympia High School. purchase wreath here
PTO Meeting
L.P. Brown's next open PTO meeting is November 6th at 6pm in the library. We strongly encourage attendance to this meeting as we will be planning and discussing future fundraisers and opportunities for classroom volunteering!
Garden Clean Up Party Date Change
The Garden Cleanout date has changed! We will now be wintering over the school garden on November 9th from 10am-1pm. Come help at any time and of course families are welcome! We are still in need of volunteers and would greatly appreciate the help! sign up here
Important Upcoming Dates
November 6th: Picture Re-Takes @ 8:15 AM
November 6th: Planning for the Corner Lot @ 5:00 PM
November 6th: PTO @ 6:00 PM
November 7th: Veteran's Day Assembly @ 1:30 PM
November 8th: Sign Up For Winter Coats
November 9th: Garden Party Clean Up @ 10:00 AM
November 11th: No School
November 22nd: Lunch with Parents
November 25th: Community Event @ LP Brown @ 6:00 PM
November 27th - 29th: No School