In The Laidlaw Loop
Family Update- January 24, 2025
Today's 3rd Grade World's Fair (Chicago) showcase is one of my favorite days of the year. What a spectacular way for our students to celebrate the outstanding architecture & culture of this wonderful city we get to call our home. I absolutely loved seeing the creativity and range of the students' physical creations. And, I'm always so impressed with their prepared oral presentations---& this year was no different. I want to give a huge thank you to all of our 3rd grade families for the support and effort that it takes to make this come together on the home front. Additionally, a huge kudos to our 3rd grade teaching team for all of the behind the scenes planning that goes into this event. If you are a K-2nd grade family reading about this, get excited for what's to come when your student is in 3rd grade. It's an awesome student led event!
Our winter MAP testing is now complete for our 2nd-5th graders. This is an important assessment that helps our staff learn more about our students and informs our teaching and learning practices. I want to give a compliment to our 2nd-5th grade students for working so diligently through their MAP testing this round.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Due to a conflict in McClure gym availability, the Laidlaw Variety Show Practice date has changed from Tuesday Feb. 4 to Wednesday Feb. 5. The variety show is organized by our Laidlaw PTO. Please contact them directly with questions.
It's BACK: D101 Family STEAM Night
Get excited, D101 families: it's time for the 2025 D101 FAMILY STEAM NIGHT. Back by popular demand, this interactive and hands on family-friendly experience is presented compliments of WSFEE and in partnership with our D101 administration and staff. Please save the date on your family calendars (Thursday, February 6 from 5:30-8:00PM at McClure) and stop by. STEAM Night is an open house format. Come by for a short bit or stay a long while! Calling for volunteers! We need parent volunteers to make STEAM night a success. *NEW* this year: For every parent who volunteers an hour of their time at STEAM night, they will receive two tickets at a time of their choosing for the highly anticipated mobile escape rooms for their D101 student(s) to use. Click HERE to volunteer.
100th Day of School Absence Letters
Dear Families,
We want to make you aware that 100-day letters will soon be sent out to help inform parents about their child’s school attendance for this 2024-25 school year. These letters are part of our effort to ensure students are attending school consistently and to keep families informed.
As a reminder, Illinois Public Act 100-0156 requires school districts to monitor chronic or excessive absences. Excessive absence is generally defined as missing more than 10% of the total school attendance days. While we understand that some absences are unavoidable, our goal is to work together to promote regular attendance for all students.
Consistent attendance helps students stay on track academically, socially, and emotionally. To support this goal, here are a few strategies you can use to help your child attend school regularly:
- Establish a Routine: Set regular bedtimes and morning routines to make school mornings smoother.
- Communicate with the School: Let us know if your child is struggling with any challenges that impact attendance, so we can support you.
- Prioritize Health and Wellness: Ensure your child has the tools they need to feel well and ready to learn, such as a balanced diet, good sleep, and regular checkups.
- Schedule Appointments Wisely: Try to schedule non-urgent appointments outside of school hours whenever possible.
- Talk About the Importance of School: Encourage your child by discussing how attending school helps them succeed and reach their goals.
We appreciate your partnership in ensuring every student has the opportunity to succeed through consistent attendance.
WS Police Visits
In an effort to continue to cultivate positive relationships between the Western Springs Police Department (WSPD) and the District 101 community, police officers from the WSPD will be regularly visiting schools on Wednesdays during the lunch hour. They'll be talking with students and staff and overall, just being a regular presence in our schools. Hopefully, this will normalize the experience of having officers at school and foster some positive connections for all! We have the names of all officers and will have them check-in as we do all school visitors.
I wanted to share this information in case your child comes home and shares they've been seeing police officers at school--nothing is wrong or dangerous, but rather this is a good thing. How wonderful that we're in a community where this is even possible!
Health & Flu Notice
From the nurse's office:
Absenteeism has increased and we are seeing many more students in the nurse’s office with viral
and flu-like symptoms. With flu season upon us, we need to review basic good health practices to
limit the spread of infection. It is important to maintain good nutrition, personal hygiene, proper rest, and proper hydration (fluids). Hand washing is most important.
Symptoms to be aware of are: fever, sore throat, chills, cough, headache, muscle aches, vomiting,
and/or diarrhea. In order to help prevent the spread of infection to others and to protect your
child from a relapse, students should be kept home for 24 hours after symptoms have subsided.
With everyone’s cooperation we can decrease the transmission of illness and infection, reduce
absenteeism, and keep our school community healthy. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Student Climate Survey Reminder
As is our practice three times a year, students in grades 1-5 will take the Winter Student Climate Survey the week of January 27. Students in grades 1-3 will take it at home with parents. Please watch for an email with the survey link first thing Monday morning, January 27. Students in grades 4 and 5 will take it with Mrs. Swanson during tech class.
All Abilities Fair- Volunteers Needed!
Laidlaw will be hosting its 4th annual All Abilities Fair and we need parent involvement to make it happen! The fair allows our student body to engage in various activities that promote inclusion and understanding about disabilities and differences. This year's stations will include fine motor, visual impairment, sensory planning, learning differences and emotional regulation. If you're able to volunteer it would be much appreciated. Sign up here for either AM, PM or both! If you have any questions reach out to Karen Weckman at keb424@hotmail.com.
Kindergarten 2025-26 Registration
It is already time to think about Kindergarten Registration for next school year! In order to kick things off, I'm hosting two upcoming VIRTUAL Kindergarten Registration Information sessions (identical information will be shared at both):
Tuesday, January 28 at 9AM
Tuesday, January 28 at 7:00PM
During these times, I'll overview some basics about Kindergarten and walk you through the Registration process--including necessary paperwork, health requirements, timelines, etc.
Click HERE to sign-up for one of the Laidlaw Registration Information Sessions. (A meeting link will be shared with those who registered!)
We're excited to be thinking about welcoming our next crop of Laidlaw Leopards.
***Please feel free to forward this information along to anyone within the Laidlaw attendance area who will have an incoming Kindergartener next year. Field Park and Forest Hills principals will be sharing their information with families as well.
Taylor Swift ERAS musical theatre class registration OPEN
Are you ready for it? Get ready to join BAMtheatre at Laidlaw this spring, where we're bringing the magic of theatre to your after-school routine! This term, unleash your inner star in “In my BAM Era: Taylor’s Greatest Hits," featuring all your favorite songs from the world renowned pop star! Save the date - classes kick off on Mondays starting February 24. BAM's comprehensive structure features a blend of captivating activities, games, and rehearsals, all culminating in a showcase on the final day for friends and family to enjoy. Secure your spot pronto—availability is limited, and this class is known to fill up fast! #AfterSchoolTheatreMagic #BAMera #afterschoolenrichment
Winter & Spring ART signups open
Register for art classes here:
Tues - https://www.hisawyer.com/maureen-claffy-art/schedules/activity-set/1058203
Thurs - https://www.hisawyer.com/maureen-claffy-art/schedules/activity-set/1058215
Additional spots open for STEAM ACADEMY
Right At School Opportunities
If you would like more information about the Right At School before and after care program, please see the included flyer or visit their website at https://rightatschool.com/.
2024-25 School Calendar
Please find the 2024-25 calendar HERE
Upcoming Dates
January 28th: PTO Learning Fair (evening)
January 29th: Late Arrival for students (10AM)
February 6th: Student half day (dismissal at 11:40AM)
February 6th: Family STEAM Night (see details above): 5:30-8:00PM
February 8th: D101 Science Expo (held at McClure)
Elementary School Handbook
This summer, the administrative team spent considerable time updating the Elementary School Handbook. Please do spend some time reviewing some of the important information regarding attendance, academics, behavior/discipline, technology, etc. The handbook can be found via the link above.
Community Happenings
Word From WSFEE
COMING SOON! Get excited, D101 families: it's time for the 2025 D101 FAMILY STEAM NIGHT. Back by popular demand, this interactive and hands on family-friendly experience is presented compliments of WSFEE and in partnership with our D101 administration and staff. Please save the date on your family calendars (Thursday, February 6 from 5:30-8:00PM at McClure) and stop by. STEAM Night is an open house format, so stay as long as you like! Calling for volunteers! We need parent volunteers to make STEAM night a success. *NEW* this year: For every parent who volunteers an hour of their time at STEAM night, they will receive two tickets at a time of their choosing for the highly anticipated mobile escape rooms for their D101 student(s) to use. Click HERE to volunteer.
SAVE THE DATE - WSFEE's Golf & Pickleball Event is set for Friday May 16th! We are excited to have the opportunity to host this event on a Friday this year, and are now looking for Sponsors! Want to be part of the fun? Please reach out via contactus@wsfee.org or finance@wsfee.org for more information about sponsorship opportunities. And Follow WSFEE on Instagram (@wsfee_d101) to hear about sponsorship and donation opportunities, and additional events.
Laidlaw PTO Information
Crumbl Cookie Fundraiser
Wednesday, February 12th
Please submit your order in HERE and send payment in by Friday, January 31st.
Fun Lunch
Friday, January 31st
Fun lunch entertainment will be Jesse White Tumblers with Bomb Pops as dessert. If you didn’t order Marla’s lunch, your child should bring in a sack lunch.
Click HERE to help out and volunteer!
Variety Show
Wednesday, February 12th
6:30-8 pm
We can't wait to see all the amazing performances from students on Wednesday, February 12. Students in Grades 2-5 are invited to participate in either a 2 minute group or solo act. DJ Maximus will return as emcee to get the party started in the McClure Gym. All performers are required to participate in rehearsal on Wednesday, February 5th at 4:30 pm. Please contact Kelly Clifford with any questions.
CLICK HERE for detailed flyer and CLICK HERE to sign-up!
Mark your Calendar!
Tuesday, January 28th - Learning Fair, 6:30-7:30 pm
Friday, January 31st - Fun Lunch
Wednesday, February 12th -
All Abilities Fair
Variety Show, 6:30-8 pm