South Elementary Newsletter - 12/13
We are excited to start the 2024-2025 school year!

South Elementary Weekly Newsletter - Friday, December 13th
We had such a fun week at South this week! Our 3rd Grade students had a blast at the Children's Museum. Thank you to all of our parents that attended as chaperones. Our 4th grade students did a wonderful job of singing for their music program. Thank you to Mrs. Hunter for putting on such a beautiful show!
We can definitely tell the weather has changed and we wanted to ensure you were aware of our district winter weather procedures.
- If we are on a two-hour delay as a district, our building opens at 9:25 AM for bus riders and car riders and school will begin at 9:40 AM. A cold breakfast can be purchased for any student who needs one.
- If we are on an E-learning day, instructions and tasks for students to complete from home will be posted on Schoology by 9:00 am. Students need to attempt to complete the assignment(s) before school starts again the next day in order for the student to be counted as present on that day. If there are internet issues or other obstacles that prevent your child(ren) from completing their work, please reach out to their teachers so they can accommodate accordingly.
We have a short week next week as we end the second nine weeks of school as there is no school on Friday, December 20th.
Yours in education,
Mrs. Hollingsworth
South Principal
P.S. If you are participating in Holiday Help, you will be contacted on Monday to pick up your items. Thanks!
Math Fact Mastery
Congratulations to our math fact mastery students!
3rd Grade Field Trip
Our 3rd grade students had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum!
3rd Grade Field Trip
We are so proud of how well behaved our 3rd grade students were on the field trip. They received many compliments for how wonderful they acted!
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Students of the Week!
4th Grade Winter Program
Our 4th grade winter program was wonderful! Thank you to Mrs. Hunter for all she did to make this nigh such a success!
Jingle Bell Junction
A big THANK YOU to our PTO for running the Jingle Bell Junction this week!
Construction Update
Our new cafeteria and classroom wing opens in January! We are excited to begin learning in these new spaces. Please see the map below with the new room locations.
New Lunch Times
After Winter Break, we will be opening up our new cafeteria. With that, we will be changing our lunch times starting on Monday, January 6th.
2nd Grade - 10:20-10:50
3rd Grade - 11:25-11:55
4th Grade - 12:25-12:55
Community Information
Other Important School Information
Cafeteria Information
Breakfast and Lunch menus can be found here.
You can also visit our Food Service website here where you can find our charging policy, wellness policy, and both paper and online free/reduced applications and instructions. Lunch is $3.25 and Breakfast is $1.50. Fast Food and carbonated beverages are not allowed in the South Cafeteria.
Destination Changes
If you need to change your child’s dismissal routine, either destination or pick-up, the school must be contacted by the child’s parent or legal guardian prior to 1:30 PM. Destination changes may be made by:
A signed note in your child’s folder (please include child’s first and last name and the date for the change)
A phone call to the office 317-745-2131
An email to southoffice@danville.k12.in.us
Please do not email your child’s teacher in the event that they are absent or unable to check their email.
Bus riders are limited to two possible bus destination addresses.
Classroom Grades
Parents may view their child's grades by logging in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Bus Riders
StopFinders is an innovative app to keep your children safer and make your morning easier. This free app will send you and your child alerts when the bus is near. Learn more by going to https://stopfinder.com/parents/.
Walkers/Bike Riders
All walkers must follow the sidewalk up to the building on the west side of our main drive. Students will be entering door #15 on the northwest corner of the building. We also ask that parents notify our office at southoffice@danville.k12.in.us if their child will be walking to or from school. This allows us to keep a list and be on the lookout for them in the morning to ensure safe arrival.
A bicycle rack is available outside door #15 for any bike riders.
Please help your child time their arrival as close to 7:25 a.m. as possible.
DCSC Police Department
Click this link to view our DCSC Safety Hub to learn more about our DCSC Police Department and safety information for our district.
Cellphone and Smartwatch Policy
In accordance with state law, South Elementary will not allow cellphones or smartwatches on any student (except for students with a documented medical condition that requires the use) at any time during the instructional day. Students can have their cellphones and/or smartwatch in their bookbag, but it may not be out at any time during the school day. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a focused learning environment.
Community Events
Upcoming Events
- December 19th - Winter parties
- December 19th - End of 1st Semester
- December 20th-January 3rd - No School - Winter Break
- January 6th - 1st Student Day back!
- January 20th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- February 17th - No School - President's Day
- February 26th - Waiver Day
- March 24th - 28th - No School - Spring Break
- April 10th - TBD (eLearning or Waiver Day)
- May 22nd - Last Student Day
Visitors vs. Volunteers
Anyone entering the school building during school hours for one of the reasons below must be prepared to sign in using their driver's license. These individuals will not be having regular, ongoing contact with students outside of the presence of school staff, and therefore are not required to complete the criminal history check.
Classroom Guest Speakers
Special Events (Grandparents Day)
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Field Trip Chaperones and regular classroom volunteers who work directly with students are required to have an application and criminal history background check on file. For more information on how to volunteer, please visit our website at https://www.danville.k12.in.us/departments/dcsc-police-department-school-safety/volunteer-opportunities
Email - southoffice@danville.k12.in.us
Phone - 317-745-2131