Welcome Back!
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year and to what promises to be an incredible year! We hope you all had a wonderful summer filled with moments of rest, rejuvenation, and joy as we prepare to kick off a new school year.
As we all embark on another year, we are thrilled to extend our warmest welcome back to all our families and staff; new and returning. A special welcome to our new staff joining Kennedy this year!
New Staff Joining our Kennedy Team:
Steven Escobedo-Assistant Principal
Taylyn Turse-Kindergarten Teacher
Elana Tegner-Kindergarten Teacher
Jasmine Alvarez-1st Grade Teacher
Nancy Bloom-1st Grade Teacher
Ashley Jensen-English Language Development Teacher
Lila LaCasse- Support Staff
Sam Pacheco-Evening Custodian
Katelyn Van Wagner-MAPS Intermediate Assistant
Katheryn Ashton-School Psychologist Intern
Stacy Claar-Title Support Staff
Lisa Dahle-EL Support Staff
You will also see a new face welcoming students and families in the office, but she is not new to Kennedy. Please join me in welcoming Bev Read who has served at Kennedy for 28 years into her new role as our office secretary.
Our Mission is to teach and prepare all Kennedy Elementary students to become life-long learners who lead and serve their community. Our Vision & Motto is for all students of Kennedy Elementary to learn to ask, “What can I do to learn, lead, and serve?”
Once again, welcome back! We look forward to seeing our Patriots and their families very soon!
Tiffany Hyden
August Calendar
22 Meet and Greet Open House 5-7 (Grades 1-5)
26 First Day of School for Grades 1-5 (7:50 AM - 2:35 PM)
26/27 Kinder Soft Start / Family Meetings
28/29 Kindergarten Half day soft start
30 Schools Closed
MSD Providing School Supplies for ALL Elementary Students
In the Medford School District, we know many families are experiencing some level of financial difficulty, making it challenging to purchase school supplies. We want to ease some of the costs associated with the rising prices in stores as you send your child back to school. That’s why we are providing school supplies for all elementary school students this year. Parents will not need to purchase items from their school’s supply list for any elementary school child.
Medford School District will purchase the items your child has traditionally needed to bring to class. Those supplies will go straight to the classroom, ready for your child to use on the first day of school.
We do ask that students come to school with a backpack for any materials that need to come home from school as well as a water bottle.
There's Still Time to Enroll Online!
All new to MSD students must register online AND returning students will need to verify information via our online portal. Log into ParentVue to register or verify your information online. If you are having trouble, please contact the Kennedy Office.
Kindergarten Soft Start
The week of August 26th has been set aside for our Kindergarten Soft Start! This is an important opportunity for you to come to school with your kindergartner to meet teachers and staff and discuss your child’s specific needs. We will discuss schedules, transportation, health and safety guidance, and making a successful transition to kindergarten! All information gathered during this appointment is essential for a smooth and positive start to the grade school experience!
Teacher Meet & Greet includes Student & Guardian- Sessions are listed below- Choose ONE:
Monday August 26- 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
Tuesday August 27- 9:00 am-10:30 am
Tuesday August 27- 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
Soft Start Wednesday and Thursday August 28th and 29th- 9:00am-11:30 am all Kindergarten students (students only)
The first official day of school for your kindergartener will be on Tuesday, Sept. 3th 7:50-2:30.
Open House
It’s the perfect opportunity to meet our students and families, share summer stories and welcome in a new school year.
Our Open will be held on Thursday, August 22nd from 5-7pm. Please use your student's last name to determine which session to attend.
(1st-5th grade students)
A-E 5:00-5:25
F-L 5:30-5:55
M-R 6:00-6:25
S-Z 6:30-6:55
Class Lists
Publicity Denial
Medford School District staff often take photos and videos of students during field trips, school events, sports activities, performances and during classroom instruction to share the work and accomplishments of students. Those accomplishments are shared through the district
website, social media, print publications, fliers and brochures. The district also works with local news media to promote student work, as well as district projects and initiatives.
If you do not want your students’ image to be published, please visit your school office to fill out a Publicity Denial form. We will make every effort to protect the privacy of your student.
Please note, the district cannot guarantee a student’s image will not be published if the student is photographed/videotaped in a large group or crowd setting such as school assemblies, sports events, and public meetings.
Please contact the Communications Department at msd.communications@medford.k12.or.us with any questions.
- School starts at 7:50 am
- Tardies begin at 7:55 am
- This year, upon arrival, gates will open at 7:30 and students will either go into the cafeteria to eat breakfast or to our track to walk the track. Classroom doors will open at 7:50.
Students who bring a beverage to school in the AM must go to the cafeteria to finish it. All beverages must be finished before going into the classroom.
Parents Dropping off students- 7:45- in our circle drive. Please use both lanes. We will have staff to assist with students crossing over to the sidewalk. Please do not let students out in the “left” lane where they have to cross the “right” lane until staff are present. The circle drive is continually moving, if you need to come into the office please be sure to park in our parking lot. Please be aware dropping students off too early results in students standing around and waiting.
Student cell phones must remain in their backpacks in the “silent mode”. Students are NOT to use their cell phone during the school day.
Student dress- hats and hoods are not permitted indoors
School ends at 2:35, Kindergarten students 2:30. Wednesday dismissal 1 pm
Contact Information
Email: tiffany.hyden@medford.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.medford.k12.or.us/Domain/15
Location: 2860 North Keeneway Drive, Medford, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 842-3810
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyElementaryMSD