Manning Morsels for Families
Week of August 26th 2024

Week of September 2nd
🎺 Weekly Band Schedule 🎷
Safety Drills
Armed Intruder Drill this Friday
- Adults always enter Door 2 - Parents can only enter the building in door 2 by ringing the doorbell and signing in
What's The Difference Between Carline 🚗 & Walker 🚶?
There is a difference between carline and walker. Walkers are dismissed out of the school building and they either meet waiting parents standing outside or walk home. Carline students head to the cafeteria and await a carline number to be called and they head to a designated carline spot.
Make sure the office is aware of changes by noon in order to make sure all of our students get to the right location. We understand last minute changes in the case of emergencies.
🏀5th and 4th Grade Skills Camp Sign Up🏀
🦺 Safety Patrol 🦺
💡STEM Donations🧪
Manning Spiritwear
Click the link above
Ms. Pietrzak and Mrs. James
Manning Principal and Assistant Principal