HSD News Round-up
Keeping the Hockinson community in the loop!
Happy Summer!
Congratulations to our graduated seniors, and to all Hockinson students, staff, and families, for making it to the end of yet another school year. The News Round-up will be taking a break over the summer, but will resume publication after the start of the 2021-22 school year. Be safe and have fun this summer, and we look forward to seeing you again in the fall.
HHS Congratulates Class of 2021 Graduates
5th-Grade Bottle Rocket Launch Tradition Continues
Launching bottle rockets to celebrate the end of the school year is a long-standing 5th-grade tradition at Hockinson Heights Elementary School. In order to set up the event, students first had to build and decorate their own rockets at home before bringing them back to school for the launch. The students agreed that being able to shoot the rockets into the sky was the best part of the experience, although they also enjoyed learning about engineering and aerodynamics while constructing their rockets. The bottle rocket launch tradition will continue next year to blend fun and education for Hockinson students. You can read the full story here on our website.
HMS Drive Thru Promotion Bids Farewell to 8th Graders
PWT's Food Truck Night Brought the Community Together
Students Enjoy Last Day of Classes
Firehose Celebration Sends off 5th-Grade Class
End of COVID-Focused School Year Also Brings Administrative Staff Changes
The 2020-21 school year concludes with two notable goodbyes: The departures of HMS Principal Brian Lehner and HHS Principal Andy Schoonover. Both administrators will be leaving HSD at the end of this month to pursue new challenges in the field of education...Read the full story here on our website.
Summer Programs
While classes ended today, we wanted to remind our families that new summer learning opportunities are on their way.
Our middle school day camps are still under construction, but we do know this: They will be offered on Wednesdays in July. HSD elementary and middle school students can also count on Summer Reading Adventures at the HHES and HMS Libraries every Wednesday from 9 am - 1 pm starting from June 23 - July 28. HSD Community Education is also offering an array of summer camps, you can check out here (link to Comm Ed page). HHS students in need of credit recovery will need to reach out to their counselor to get signed up for our online & onsite Tues-Thurs Summer School starting June 29.
Additional information will be emailed out to HSD families and posted on the HSD website and Facebook page.
Connect with Hockinson Schools
Email: amelia.holmes@hocksd.org
Website: hocksd.org
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606
Phone: (360) 448-6400
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonSchools