Wolf Tracker
Palmetto Bays Elementary School
From the Principal's Desk
Happy Fall, Timberwolves!
We are going strong at PBE and moving right into October, and it’s going to be a busy month.
We have lots of learning and fun planned. Please make sure that you are reading with your child every night. As a parent, reading with and spending time with your children make all the difference in the world!
Our teachers are scheduling Fall Parent Teacher Conferences. Please look for information pertaining to conferences in your child’s folder. I encourage you to sit down and have an engaging conversation with your child’s teacher regarding their academics. We value your input, and we need you to be involved with your child’s education. It truly takes both the parents and the school actively working together for all children to be successful in school. So, thank you in advance for all that you do to help our teachers and staff serve your child and family to the absolute best of our abilities.
We have lots more fun and learning planned for October -- please be sure to stay tuned to PBE and to our PBE Facebook page for future October events that are coming your way -- it’s too scary to miss!
Dawn McKinney
PBE PTO Fundraiser
Our big PTO Fall Fundraiser kicks off Oct. 7. Our students will be selling items from the Believe Fundraiser Catalog. Our PTO hopes to make 10,000 dollars from the fundraiser. The fundraiser will take place online and with catalog orders. Your student will register online, so that they may send out to family and friends for online orders. All online orders will be shipped directly to your customers houses. The orders taken through the catalog will be delivered to PBE. The PBE PTO supports our school by providing a PBE t-shirt for every student and staff member; they provide inflatables and slides for field day; they help our teachers with classroom supplies, and lots of extra projects around the school. Please help support our fundraiser by allowing your student to sell the Believe products.
Pink-Out PBE
We are going to PINK-OUT PBE! We will be collecting money for The American Cancer Society on Friday Oct. 18. Students may wear a hat for any donation. Please help us support this wonderful cause. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. McKinney: dmckinney@horrycountyschools.net
Testing Dates
Cogat and Iowa testing will be taking place the week of Oct. 7 – Oct. 11 for 2nd graders and identified 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Your student will be bringing home more information
Red Ribbon Week
A Note from the School Counselor: Going Beyond “How was your day?”
Adapted from: The Reading Bungalow
A common complaint from parents is that their children never tell them about their day. They always ask, "how was your day" and their children respond "fine".
If you want to get your children to open up to you and tell you about their school day, try asking a few of these questions after school to get a conversation started.
What was the best thing that happened at school today?
What was the worst thing that happened at school today?
What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
Tell me something that made you laugh today.
Who did you sit by at lunch today? What did you talk about?
What made you sad today? What made you happy?
Did you help someone today? Did someone help you?
Tell me something you learned today that you didn’t know before.
If you could make one wish about school, what would it be?
What are you looking forward to at school tomorrow?
Important Dates
Oct. 7: Believe Fundraiser Begins
Oct. 8: Make-Up Picture Day
Oct. 9: Family Night at Bojangles
Oct. 14-15: No School
Oct. 18: Pink-Out PBE
Oct. 18: Trunk-Or-Treat at 5 pm
Oct. 23: End of First Nine Weeks
Oct. 25: Spirit Friday with Kona Ice
Oct. 28: Red Ribbon Week Begins
Oct. 30: Report Cards Issued
Oct. 31: Halloween