Friday Focus Newsletter
323rd Issue - March 14, 2025
Marian Central Catholic High School
From the Desk of Mrs. Kelly Hilton
Springtime brings so many exciting moments of renewal, not the least of which is warmer temperatures and more sunny days! Our students are eagerly anticipating spring break and doing their best to stay motivated in school. I would argue that this is the most challenging time of the school year for our students to “stay in the game” both academically and mentally. There is so much on their plates including preparations for the spring musical, final plans for college, scholarship applications, competition in spring sports, the final push for strong grades before GPA’s are solidified for the school year, and preparations for the ACT, AP exams and semester finals. During stressful times we find that our students often put aside one of the most important components of wellness, self-care. In the guidance office we often remind our students of the importance of balanced routines that include healthy habits focusing not just on physical health, but also mental health. Students will often tell us they don’t have time to take care of themselves. We let them know that without proper brain fuel eventually all things will suffer. Their pursuit for excellence will be much more difficult – potentially ending in a downward spiral of negativity.
Parents can be helpful when it comes to encouraging self-care. Some of the more common things we encourage our students to incorporate in their routines are nutritional eating (whole grains, fruits, vegetables) and not skipping meals, healthy sleep habits without the distraction of technology (remove cell phones from rooms at bedtime through the morning), leaning on loved ones that bring positivity and joy even if for short periods of time, and finally seeking help when needed. Our adolescents often do not feel comfortable being vulnerable and feel embarrassed to be open about their struggles. The more we encourage our students to be open with their feelings and normalize help-seeking, the sooner they will reach out for help, resulting in a higher likelihood for a positive outcome.
I pray for a safe, relaxing spring break for all our students and their families. Hopefully, we can all soak up some healing rays of sunshine!
Kelly Hilton
Director of Guidance
The Spring Musical is THIS WEEKEND! Our students and faculty have been working hard and are ready to WOW the public.
Friday, March 14th at 7:00 pm
Saturday, March 15th at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 16th at 2:00 pm
Adults: $13 each
Students/Seniors: $8 each
Get your tickets now at https://gofan.co/app/school/IL15577?activity=Performing%20Arts
Tickets can also be purchased at the Box Office prior to each event.
Marian Central Job Opening: Business Manager
Marian Central has an opening for full-time Business Manager.
Planned Absences of 2 or More Days
If your student will be absent two or more consecutive days, please contact the office a week in advance. Students are then given an Advanced Notice Leave Form that is used to notify the teachers of the absence and to collect assignments. Thank you.
Class of 2028 (Current Freshmen) – Dental Exam Forms Due
Just a reminder we need a completed Proof of School Dental Examination Form for your Freshman student. These need to be turned into our office no later than May 15, 2025. The dentist visit must occur between November 15, 2023 and May 15, 2025. These forms are a requirement of the State of Illinois.
Please contact Kris Johnson at kjohnson@marian.com with any questions.
College Visits Next Week
All sophomores, juniors and seniors may attend these visits. Students must receive permission from their teachers to attend each visit and must sign up for all visits in SCOIR.
Tuesday 3/18: University of Notre Dame-10th Period
Thursday 3/20: St. Anthony College of Nursing-3rd Period
Friday 3/21: McHenry County College-4th Period
Seniors - Baby Pictures Due 3/21
It is officially time for our seniors to send in their baby pictures for the Yearbook. All seniors MUST have a baby picture submitted by Friday, March 21st. Pictures must be appropriate and should be emailed to Miss Arza (oarza@marian.com) as a JPEG. Please make sure to include the student's name in the subject line of the email. If you have any questions, please contact Miss Arza.
Sacred Heart Marengo Job Opening: Secretary
Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Marengo has immediate openings for a part time secretary.
Description: Oversees the daily administrative tasks, including scheduling, communication, and record-keeping. The role requires strong organizational, computer, and communication skills. Must be friendly and helpful! Hours would be coordinated with our pastor.
Please email resumes or contact the Parish Office at parishoffice@sacredheartmarengo.org or 815-568-7878 if you are interested.
*Salary is commiserate with experience.
Polos are Coming Back
Polo Season will be returning on Monday, March 31st. If your student had a growth spurt over the winter and needs a new size, email Mrs. Johnson or Mrs. DiSilvio and they can check and see if we have the size you need in our supply of donated items. Or, you can order from Uniform Outlet inc by clicking here.
March/April Calendar
Mon, Mar 24 – Fri Mar 28 – Spring Break
Mon, Mar 24 - Thurs, Mar 27 - Office Open 9:00 am - 1:00 pm;
Fri, Mar 28 - Office Closed
Mon, Mar 31 - Classes Resume along with polo season
Wed, Apr 9 - Late Start
Fri, Apr 18 - Good Friday; No Classes
Mon, Apr 21 - Easter Monday; No Classes
Fri, Apr 25 - Prom; Noon Dismissal