Welcome Back Rhinos!
Message from the Principal
Dear Ryan Elementary School Community,
It is with great excitement and gratitude that I introduce myself again as the principal of Ryan Elementary School, now reflecting on my second year with this incredible community. Since stepping into this role in July 2023, I have been continuously inspired by the dedication, support, and enthusiasm that characterize our school.
As I embarked on this journey, it was clear that Ryan Elementary was where I could make the greatest impact. Now, in my second year here, I am even more convinced that this is the right place for me. The past year has been a whirlwind of learning, growing, and connecting with the students, staff, and families that make up our vibrant community.
The 2024–25 school year will mark my 29th year in education and my 20th year as an elementary school principal. My experience has been rich and diverse, including roles as a classroom teacher, Literacy Specialist, District Title I Coordinator, and Principal in two different districts.. Having spent thirteen years at Lafayette Elementary School before joining Ryan, I continue to be deeply committed to the Boulder Valley School District and to fostering an environment of excellence and growth at Ryan Elementary.
On a personal note, my family and I have thoroughly enjoyed becoming more involved in the Ryan community. My 14-year-old daughter and 17-year-old son continue to inspire me with their growth and achievements, while my mom, a Lafayette resident, remains a cherished presence in our lives. My husband and our loyal dog, Oz, have also embraced my love for my purple sneakers and Ryan spirit wear as I share with them daily everything I love about coming to this school every day. Oz is the best listener of anyone in my family. 🙂
Over the past year, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing the remarkable progress our students have made. Our school community has achieved significant milestones, including increased student achievement and growth in reading on iReady and math growth and proficiency on IXL, increased student engagement and consistency with our Ryan behavior expectations (Rhino Promise) and consistent student celebrations around achievement, effort and growth (A.G.E. awards). These accomplishments are a testament to the collaborative efforts of our dedicated staff, supportive families and, of course, our hardworking students. Stay tuned for updates about our school goals and focus for the 24-25 school year.
In the spirit of continuous improvement, I remain dedicated to listening, reflecting, and striving to enhance our school environment. I am committed to maintaining an open-door policy and welcome any thoughts, concerns, or suggestions you may have. While I may not always have an immediate solution, I promise to be responsive and to keep our students’ well-being at the forefront of all our efforts.
Looking ahead, I am excited about the upcoming year and the opportunities it will bring for us to continue growing and succeeding together. Thank you for your continued support and for being an integral part of the Ryan Elementary School community.
Warm regards,
Stephanie Jackman
In this newsletter you will find details on the following:
Letter from Principal, Stephanie Jackman
BVSD Calendars Link
Welcome Back to School Events
Ryan’s School Hours
School Supplies Donation
Kindergarten Updates and Communication
Preschool Welcome Days
If you have an immediate need, please call the main office at 720.561.7000
BVSD Calendar Links
Back to School Events
Back to School Events
Kindergarten BBQ: Thursday, August 8th @ Waneka Lake 5:30-7:00 p.m. School Tour for new families 5:30-6:00 p.m.
1st-5th Grade Teacher Notification: Teacher assignments will be available to be viewed in IC on Friday, August 9th at 4 p.m. Our teachers have worked very hard to ensure classrooms are balanced, to support all student needs, and to create the best learning communities possible. Please remember we do not take teacher requests or make changes to be with specific friends. Directions for viewing your child's teacher will be sent out with an email when this information is live.
Meet the Teacher Event: Monday, August 12th 4:00-5:30 p.m. This event will take place outdoors on the Ryan playground. It will be an opportunity for you to meet your child's teacher, see the Ryan staff, get transportation details, and visit with community partners. We can't wait to see you! If your child will need medications at school, this is a great time to drop it off with Doctor's orders and say hello to our healthroom para, Chrystal Terhune!
School Tour for New Families after the Meet the Teacher Event on August 12th 5:30-6:00
First Day of School: The first day of school for all 1st-5th graders will be Wednesday, August 14th. There will NOT be a late start on this day.
Kindergarten Welcome Days: Wednesday, August 14th-Friday, August 16th. All kinder students will attend a half day. A separate email will be sent to kindergarten families.
- August 21: First Wednesday Late Start for all students
- August 27: BVSD Assessment Day-students attend classes
- August 28: Back to School Night 5:00-6:15 PM
- August 28: 5th Grade Outdoor Education Parent Meeting 6:20-6:50 PM
- September 11th, 12th and 13th: 5th grade students have Outdoor Education at Calwood
Fall 2024 Parent Teacher Conferences:
Wednesday, October 16th
Thursday, October 17th
Tuesday, October 22nd
Spring 2025 Parent Teacher Conferences:
Wednesday, February 19th
Thursday, February 20th
Tuesday, February 25th
Ryan School Hours
2024-25 Ryan Elementary School Hours for K-5th
Beginning in August 2021, BVSD moved to a new daily schedule. All elementary schools now have a seven-hour school day four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) with the same start and end times.
On Wednesdays there will be a district-wide 1-hour late start for all schools. This will allow professional learning time for teachers. The district will provide student supervision for elementary and PK-8 schools during this time if it is needed.
Ryan Elementary School Hours:
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:50 AM-2:50 PM
Wednesday: 8:50 AM-2:50 PM
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays
The first bell rings at 7:47, second bell at 7:50.
Students that arrive after 7:50 will need to check in at the main office if their classroom door has closed.
Buses will run on the late start schedule on these days.
On Wednesdays, the first bell rings at 8:47, second bell at 8:50.
Students that arrive after 8:50 on Wednesdays will need to check in at the main office and will be considered tardy.
Teachers are in professional learning on Wednesdays during the late start and will not be available during this time.
School Supplies Donation
School Supplies
The school supplies for K-5 include the following for the 2024-25 School Year:
Full Sized Backpack
Water Bottle with name on it
$45 Donation You can donate by clicking here or with cash or check written to Ryan Elementary
If you are in need of support with school supplies, please reach out to our community liaison, Miriam Wright miriam.wright@bvsd.org or call the front office.
Kindergarten Updates and Communication
We hope you are having a wonderful summer! Only a few more weeks until we get to welcome your little rhino into our incredible school community. With the first day of school quickly approaching, we wanted to remind you to fill out the two important Google Forms linked below if you haven't already. Family Survey & Welcome Days Preference Form
Other Reminders:
- The Welcome to Kindergarten BBQ is Thursday, August 8th from 5:30-7pm at Waneka Lake Park. Hot dogs will be provided, but please bring a side to share if you are able.
- The first three days of school, August 14th, 15th & 16th, are half-days. Your child will either come for the morning session (7:50-10:45) OR the afternoon session (11:50-2:45). Please fill out the preference form above, and we will notify you by the end of next week with your child's assignment. Note: There will be no lunch for kindergartners until full-day begins on August 19th, but please make sure to pack them a snack.
- Our Incoming Kindergarten Website is full of great information! Please make sure to also read through our digital Welcome Packet.
Feel free to reach out with any questions! We are looking forward to a wonderful school year together.
Go Rhinos!
Molly Peterson & Amber Lewandowski
Ryan Kindergarten Team
- The Welcome to Kindergarten BBQ is Thursday, August 8th from 5:30-7pm at Waneka Lake Park. Hot dogs will be provided, but please bring a side to share if you are able.
Ryan Welcome Days for Preschool Fall 2024
Ryan Welcome Days For Preschool Fall 2024
August 15th:
Morning cohort open house 8:00-8:45 or 9:00-9:45
Afternoon cohort open house 1:00-1:45 or 2:00-2:45
Our preschool teacher will contact families with a sign-up sheet to determine which session students and families will attend.
August 16th- Ryan preschool playground playdate 8:00-8:45 am for morning and afternoon classes.
If you have any questions please be sure to reach out!
Ryan Elementary STEAM School
Website: https://rye.bvsd.org/
Location: 1405 Centaur Village Drive, Lafayette, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-7000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanElemSTEAM