
September 6, 2024
Partnering with Families to support all students.
Celebrate Constitution Day!
Next time you are at the office be sure to pick-up a pamphlet of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. They are located at the front desk. They are free and always a good educational tool.
Did you miss the parent zoom seminar last night?
You can still get this important information regarding MAP testing and mClass click this link.
Attention Parents of K-3 Students
mCLASS testing for K-3rd grade will take place September 9th to the 12th on a drop-in basis. There is no need to sign up. NOTE: 3rd graders will complete both assessments and can do their mCLASS reading assessment after one of their MAP tests.
One of the skills tested on the upcoming mCLASS benchmark is Phonemic Awareness. This simply checks to see if your child can identify the sounds in spoken words. It isn't a skill always found in all reading programs so sometimes it confuses young readers. You can prepare your child for this skill check by having them tell you the sounds they hear in words. Example: cat= c/a/t/, splat= s/p/l/a/t, hide= h/ī/d, bridge= b/r/i/j. Have fun playing with words!