Gardner Edgerton Trailblazers
Every kid, Every day.

A Few Important Dates
February 12 & 13 - No Classes - Parent Teacher Conferences
February 14 - No Classes
February 17 - No Classes - Presidents Day Holiday
February 21 - Winter Royalty Crowning
February 22 - Winter Royalty Dance
February 26 - Early Release
Quick Links
For a complete calendar of USD 231 (including all early release dates) click here:
For a complete calendar of GEHS activities and athletics click here:For the GEHS Blue/White Day calendar click here:
To visit the GEHS website click here:
Winter Royalty Tickets On Sale!
GEHS Students will need to enter their unique LUNCH CODE when purchasing their ticket.
Students who are brining an outside date will receive a code to use for their date's ticket via email after their request is approved. Request form is attached below.
Counseling Department
Need A Transcript?
Click HERE to request a transcript or go to the GEHS website.
Please allow 5 school days for requests to be processed. Please limit ONE request per form.
If you require a letter of recommendation from your counselor, please submit them, via email, at least TWO weeks prior to them being due.
College Visits Scheduled
**New ones added since last week
Feb. 19 - Flint Hills Job Corps
Feb. 27 - Kansas State University
Feb. 28 - Johnson County Community College
Mar. 4 - Navy Nuclear Power Program
Mar. 6 - William Woods University
Mar. 11 - Emporia State University
Mar. 13 - University of Alabama
If you are interested in any/all of the upcoming colleges visits, please fill out this Google Form to sign-up. You must sign-up before seminar on the day of the visit you're interested in attending.
**Please note college visits get added to the Google Form throughout the semester and it is your responsibility to update your form accordingly.
In Case You Missed It: Info Featured in Previous Editions
School Picture Ordering Information - It's Not Too Late!
Pictures can be ordered at https://inter-state.com/Home
You can search for the event code, or use this link: https://inter-state.com/MySchoolCode
For customer service needs, please use these links:
General Support: https://inter-state.com/support
Missing Order: https://inter-state.com/missingorder
Request a Unique Order Code: https://inter-state.com/myordercode
Change an Order: https://inter-state.com/changeorder
Spanish Hotline #913-856-2746 / Línea directa española 913-856-2746
Línea directa española 913-856-2746
Para reportar una ausencia, salida temprana o tardanza, por favor contacte a las siguientes personas en el mismo correo electrónico, gehsattendance@usd231.com, kellyl@usd231.com, johnsonjr@usd231.com smithadri@usd231.com y a rodriguezmaldonadom@usd231.com
Asegúrese de incluir lo siguiente en un nuevo correo electrónico (no use correos electrónicos anteriores):
Nombre y apellidos de su estudiante
Razón por la cual su estudiante estará ausente, tardanza o tendrá una salida temprana (sea específico)
Si su estudiante estará ausente por favor notifique si será por todo el día o durante qué bloque su estudiante vendrá a la escuela
Si su estudiante tiene una cita médica, por favor asegúrese de que al regresar, su estudiante entregue la excusa médica a la Sra. Jill Washington, de esa manera su estudiante puede ser debidamente excusado
Si su estudiante tiene una salida temprana, por favor notifique a la oficina tan pronto como sea posible para que puedan coordinar adecuadamente
Al escribir un correo electrónico mensaje debe de escribirlo en el cuerpo del mensaje y NO en el sujeto. En el sujeto es para describir de qué trata su mensaje.
Solamente tiene 24hrs para notificar una ausencia. El no reportar ausencias y/o tardanzas a tiempo le afectará a su estudiante al momento de querer excusarse para los exámenes finales. Si su estudiante está ausente, desde el hogar puede trabajar tareas en Schoology o Google Classroom (depende de la clase). Cuando regrese su estudiante es responsable de hablar con sus maestros para verificar que material perdió mientras estuvo ausente.
Si necesita algún correo o mensaje traducido puede utilizar Google Translate o Reverso | Free translation, dictionary.
Spanish Hotline #913-856-2746
To report an absence, early departure, or late departure, please contact the following persons at the same email address: kellyl@usd231.com, jonsonjr@usd231.com, gehsattendance@usd231.com, smithadri@usd231.com and rodriguezmaldonadom@usd231.com
Be sure to include the following in a new email (do not use previous emails):
Name of your student
Reason why your student will be absent, late, or have an early departure (be specific)
If your student will be absent please notify us if it will be for the whole day or during which block your student will come to school
If your student has a medical appointment, please make sure that upon return, your student gives the medical excuse to Ms. Jill Washington, that way your student can be duly excused
If your student has an early departure, please notify the office as soon as possible so that they can coordinate properly
When writing an email message you must write it in the body of the message and NOT in the subject. The subject is to describe what your message is about.
You only have 24 hours to notify an absence. Failure to report absences and/or late on time will affect your students when they want to excuse themselves for final exams. If your student is absent, you can work from home on assignments in Schoology or Google Classroom (class dependent). When your student returns, it is your responsibility to speak with your teachers to verify what material you lost while away.
If you need any translated mail or message you can use Google Translate or Reverso | Free translation, dictionary.
GEHS Athletics All Sports Pass
Click HERE to purchase GEHS All Sports Pass.
Family Pack Pass (3 passes per pack) $150
Adult Pass $70
Student Pass $25
Pass good for regular season high school home games ONLY. Not available at away and KSHSAA playoff events.
Managing Your Students' Meal Accounts
How to Add Payments to Lunch Account: Ever wonder what your student is eating for lunch? Review their meal purchases in your MySchoolBucks account to stay in the know! This option is available for ALL families even if you pay with cash or check.
If you have any questions about your student's lunch account please contact Brenda Cloud, GEHS Kitchen Manger, at 913-856-2621 or email cloudb@usd231.com
Log in through your PowerSchool parent portal or create your FREE account today: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action
Questions about your student's account? Email us at nutrition@usd231.com. We're here to help!
Inclement Weather Procedures
In the event USD 231 closes school due to inclement weather or other school-related closures, the information is communicated as soon as the decision is made in the following ways:
- Posted on our website - www.usd231.com
- Posted to social media ( https://www.facebook.com/gardneredgerton and https://twitter.com/gardneredgerton.
- Local television stations (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC)* Please know we are at the mercy of these stations as to whether or not they relay the information. There have been instances when the district has provided information, and the news station did not get it posted.
- Thrillshare App ( Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apptegy.gardner&hl=en_US OR Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/usd-231-gardner-edgerton/id1446800227)
Attendance Matters!
GEHS Attendance Line 913-856-2610 or GEHSattendance@usd231.com
The GEHS Attendance Office is a busy place! With nearly 1800 students in our building, and your student's learning and safety being of the utmost importance to us, we ask a few things of parents and guardians:
- Call the Attendance Line as early in the day as possible with any appointments that require your student to leave prior to the end of the day.
- If you are unable to call early in the day, please allow at least 30 minutes for your student to receive a pass and make their way to the Attendance office.
- Please leave a message for Attendance if the phone is not answered.
- Only one message is necessary. Please do not hang up and call back.
- Messages are being listened to in the order in which they are received, and the messages are being processed with each phone call.
- Unlike elementary school and middle school, we do not require parents to come in to the building for pick up. You may wait in your car for your student.
- If your student has a medical appointment, please bring a doctor's excuse for each appointment for attendance percentage purposes.
Thank you for your willingness to help make our attendance process run as smoothly as possible! We appreciate your partnership!
Michael Simpson - Asst. Principal Gr. 9-12/ Activities Director/ Asst. Principal (A-E)
Molly Bachkora - Asst. Principal Gr. 9-12/ SPED Director/ Asst. Principal (F-Le)
Tony Taylor - Asst. Principal Gr. 9-12/ Alt School Director/ Asst. Principal (Li-Ro)
Jason Radel - Asst. Principal Gr. 9-12/ Athletic Director/ Asst. Principal (Ru-Z)
Website: https://www.usd231.com/o/gardner-edgerton-hs
Location: 425 N Waverly Rd Gardner, KS 66030
Phone: 913-856-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gardner-Edgerton-High-School/194206847295631
Twitter: @GEHSBlazers