Miscoe Hill Newsletter
October 28, 2024
Scholastic Book Fair - THIS WEEK!
The book fair is THIS WEEK, 10/28-11/1. As you consult the teacher schedule below, please note that some teams are attending during their ELA classes while others are attending during WIN block. We will not be able to allow holds this year. Please help avoid disappointment by sending cash or checks payable to Miscoe Hill PTO on the correct day, or by setting up an E-wallet. E-wallets are a great tool because you can set it up today and not worry about which day they will visit. Click here to get started.
Please also consider making a donation to our Share the Fair account to support students in need within the Miscoe community, as well as put more books in classroom libraries. You can add to it when you set up your E-wallet, or send a cash or check donation in with your child in an envelope marked "Share the Fair." Thank you for supporting reading within both your own home and our school community!
Miscoe Hill Spirit Week
Celebrating Team Spirit and Community Support!
The whole school turned out today to watch their teachers take on the challenge of playing the Miscoe Hill team! In a sea of pink, students cheered as the girls defeated their opponents 25-23, before turning over the mic to Coach McInnis who explained why wearing pink is so important in October. Check out the article posted here which celebrates our $4,700 in funds raised for Milford Regional Healthcare Foundation!
If you didn't catch the School Committee meeting last week, the girls talked about why this month was important for them to participate in. Check it out here at the 15min mark.
A quick shout out to Mr. McInnis for his leadership in working with and guiding our students. The school-wide event was full of positive energy, we wish we could have captured it in a bottle!
This Week:
- Monday: End-of-season Miscoe vs Nipmuc JV game! Hosted at Nipmuc at 4pm, it's always fun to challenge our sister team!
- Tuesday: Miscoe @ Bellingham at 4pm for our final game (AT BELLINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL)
- Friday: Volloween at Miscoe! Teams should register with Ms. Rhodes or the front office by 10/30.
Term 1 Ends - Monday, November 4th
A Note from our Nurse
Flu Season is Here!
Influenza causes more hospitalizations among young children than any other vaccine-preventable disease. The single best way to protect against seasonal flu and its potential severe complications is for children to get a seasonal influenza vaccine each year. Flu vaccination is recommended for all children aged 6 months and older. Making healthy choices at home and school (frequent handwashing, getting enough sleep and eating healthy) can also help.
You can find out more about protecting your child from the flu by clicking on this link.
Kennedy Community Health Center/Milford
Click here for services offered
Convenient MD Bellingham (offers free medical care if no insurance)
Click here for services offered
CVS Milford
Click here to schedule a vaccine appointment
Walgreens Milford
Click here to schedule a vaccine appointment
Lost and Found - Last Day to Check Monday, November 4th
As the seasons change, we’re experiencing those chilly mornings and warmer afternoons. Many items are often left out at recess and end up in our lost and found. We encourage families to remind their students to check the lost and found for their belongings. Please note that any items remaining after dismissal on Monday, November 4, will be donated on Professional Development day, November 5. Thank you for your help!
The items in the picture below can be claimed at Miscoe Main Office and not Lost and Found.
Save the Date - Nipmuc Showcase
Volloween - This Friday!
7th and 8th graders…Get ready for a night of fun and games! Volloween will be on Friday, November 1st. There will be a costume contest, mini games, chuck a duck, the volleyball tournament, prizes and more! Applications for volleyball teams will be out on Tuesday, October 15. Applications are due Wednesday, October 30th. You can find applications outside of Ms. Rhodes room (Room 238) or at the front office.
Upcoming Reminders:
Girl Scouts Donation Drive
Fall Sports Schedule
Nipmuc Youth Basketball
In-town youth basketball registration for Nipmuc Youth Basketball closes on 11/1. Don't miss your chance to sign up! Register on our web-site at https://www.nipmucyb.com Like our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/NipmucYouthBasketball
Important Dates to Remember
- Monday, October 28th through Friday, November 1st - Scholastic Book Fair
- Friday, November 1st - Grades 7 & 8 Valloween
- Monday, November 4th - Term 1 Ends
- Monday, November 4th - School Committee Meeting
- Tuesday, November 5th - No School, Professional Development
- Wednesday, November 6th - Miscoe Hill PTO Meeting
- Monday, November 11th - No School, Veteran's Day
- Wednesday, November 13th - Term 1 Grades Posted
- Monday, November 18th - School Committee Meeting
- Monday, November 25th - Early Release - Parent Teacher Conferences
- Tuesday, November 26th - Early Release - Parent Teacher Conferences
- Wednesday, November 27th - Early Release - No After School
- Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
Miscoe Hill Facebook
Click on the image to see our Facebook page!
Student Council Instagram
Click on the image to see our StuCo's Insta page!
Purchase Miscoe Hill attire here!
Click on the image to see our school store!
Miscoe Main Office
Email: miscoemainoffice@mursd.org
Website: https://www.mursd.org/o/miscoe-hill-middle-school
Location: 148 North Street, Mendon, MA, USA
Phone: 508-634-1590
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MiscoeHill