Washington County 4-H Newsletter
April 18, 2024
Welcome to our County Newsletter! The most up-to-date information about events and activities going on in Washington County 4-H. Please pass along to friends and family that might be interested in attending a 4-H event. You will also receive the monthly Clover Update at the beginning of each month highlighting regional and state events.
Volunteer Week April 21- 27!
Washington County 4-H staff and 4-H members are very appreciative of the many volunteers who put their heart and souls into this program! We would not be able to serve over 600 youth without your time, energy and support! We currently have 170 screened volunteers who serve Washington County 4-H in various capacities; Club Leaders, PDC Chairs (Livestock, Horse, Dog, Performing Arts) and with committee members, Shooting Sports Trainers, Llama, Horse Camp, Food Stand Committee, Creative Arts Committee, along with all the volunteers who help with events throughout the year! Thank you! You are making a difference!!
4-H Family Tips
Things to do to get off to a good start
Enroll/Re-enroll youth for the 2023-2024 4-H year through 4honline. (4-H year runs from Oct. 1 - Sept. 30) To participate fully in county fair and state events you must be enrolled by May 15.
- Enroll/Re-enroll as an adult volunteer. Complete the process now so you are ready to step in when you want to or are needed. Volunteer application.
- Pay County membership fee $25/youth or $100 max/family (youth only). Scholarships available.
- Once your enrollment is complete you can start registering for events and activities. Save time and complete the enrollment process now. 4honline
- All links and information about enrollment/fees can be found at the end of this newsletter.
Still looking for a club to join?? Contact the club to confirm their meeting place and time. Feel free to attend multiple club meetings to find the right fit for your family. Once you have decided what club to join, please contact the club to make sure you are on their email list.
Feel like you missed something? All Family Newsletters are posted on our county website under 4-H family newsletter.
Upcoming county events/activities
Ambassador Meeting - April 22
Join us for a fun-filled Monday from 6-7:30 PM at the Washington County Government Center! We will spend the first half planning our upcoming Cloverbud Workshop and then transition to a 4-H alumni panel to learn about 4-H inspired careers! Snacks will be provided! Contact Megan at slate187@umn.edu with any questions.
Federation Meeting - April 22
Federation Meeting ***The program will focus on how 4-H impacted the careers of 4-H alum!***
Join us on Monday, April 22 at 6:30 pm at the Stillwater Gov’t Center for the April Federation Meeting! The Exec Board and Ambassadors will come together at 6:30 pm to hear Washington County 4-H alum share how their 4-H experience led them to their future career! All are invited to attend!
Cloverbud Workshop - April 27
Cost is $10 if sent in by the deadline of April 19. After April 19, cost is $20 and must be prepaid for supplies and pizza. Registration now open!
Please contact the office to get non-4-Hers enrolled for "event only" membership at mnext-washington@umn.edu
New Family Night - May 2
Attention new 4-H families! Please join us for an info session about the county fair and other summer events. We will meet at the Washington County fairgrounds to talk about registration, deadlines, and dates to mark on your calendar, then take a tour of the fairgrounds.
Register at z.umn.edu/WashCoNewFamilyNight
Thurs. May 2
Hooley Hall
Contact Ashton with questions, ashton@umn.edu
Upcycling Workshop - May 15
Join 4-H for a fashion upcycling workshop taught by the great staff at Basic Needs Thrift Shop! Youth and their parent/caregiver will learn about upcycling principles and why recycling clothing is so important. Participants will have approximately 30 minutes to shop in the store and find items that could be upcycled into a new, fun outfit! We will share our fashion plans with each other and learn how to bring a finished upcycling project to the county fair.
REGISTER HERE: z.umn.edu/basicneedsupcycling
Wed. May 15, 2024
6990 80th St S #200, Cottage Grove, MN 55016
$20 (paid to Basic Needs at the workshop. Upon payment, you will receive a $10 gift certificate towards a clothing purchase that evening.)
If you have questions, contact Ashton Kulesa at ashton@umn.edu
Animal Science
Last call for the 2024 Dog training season!
Registration is open for the 2024 Dog Training season! To complete registration, you will need to complete the registration form, and a Dog ID, and pay the $40 registration fee (& $25 county dues if you haven’t already).
Dog ID must be uploaded to your family account in 4hOnline before attending trainings. Bring a copy of your ID to training so trainers know your vaccinations are up to date.
Contact Megan Slater at slate187@umn.edu with any questions.
Rabbit 101 Workshop! - April 21
Rabbit Project members are invited to attend a Rabbit Workshop on Sunday, April 21st, from 2pm to 4pm at Hooley Hall. The following topics will be covered; Rabbit care, what it's like to own a Rabbit, what to expect at the county fair, and how to lease rabbits, along with any other questions you bring to the workshop! No cost to attend! Any questions, please contact Kara at; karamt30@gmail.com
Rabbits available
I have 4 rabbits that need to be rehomed. 2 of which are showable. 2 are females and 2 are males. The 2 males have never been separated and are brothers. This is my daughter's last year doing 4H and we are moving and don't have the space for them anymore. If you know any 4-H kids that would be interested. I honestly would like them to go to good safe homes. Please contact Victoria at parkbandgeek2008@yahoo.com
male dob 5-24-2020 has tattoo with papers
male dob 5-24-2020 has tattoo with papers
Horse Camp Registration due May 1
Washington County Horse Camp registration is now open!
A reminder to Horse project members,
- Must be enrolled in 4-H
- Pay your membership fee $25.
- Have a current Coggins paper
- ID your horses, if you have any thoughts of showing at the Washington County Fair you must ID BEFORE May 15. You can ID multiple horses in case of injury.
- Sign up for Horse Camp!
Spring Dairy Workshop - May 11
The McLeod County Dairy project is hosting its 2nd annual spring dairy workshop, focusing on fitting and showmanship. This year, attendees have the option to bring their own animals for the fitting portion. Attendees may partner up with each other to share an animal.
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Time: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Location: McLeod County Fairgrounds in Dairy Barn (Agribition Building); 840 Century Ave SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350
Audience: All Ages (Cloverbuds through one -year post high school)
Cost: Free to McLeod County 4-H members; $10 per youth ($20 family fee) all other counties.
Registration link: https://dairyspringtuneupworkshop.4honline.com
Deadline: May 1st
Horse PDC Meeting - May 13
Do you have a passion for the Horse Project? The Horse PDC (Project Development Committee) will have the summer planning meeting on Monday, Monday, May 13, beginning at 7;00 pm at the Stillwater Gov’t Center. Youth and adults are welcome to attend! We can offer a variety of events and experiences for our 4-H youth based on the volunteers who step up to assist! Many hands make for light work! Is there one area of the horse project you can help with? If you cannot attend this meeting, but would like to help with an event, please contact Ann at; churc109@umn.edu
***ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION DEADLINE - May 15!*** State Deadline!
4-H animals that will be exhibited at the county fair need to be Identified (tracked) in 4honline. This requirement ensures health, safety and fairness of animals/exhibitors. Animals that need to be identified by the May 15th deadline include; beef(breeding and prospects), dairy, dairy goat, dog, horse, llama-alpaca, meat goat, poultry (breeding), rabbit, sheep and swine.
4-H’ers currently enrolled in the Animal Science projects will receive an email explaining the Identification process.
This is a state requirement. If you miss the May 15th deadline, you are not eligible for any championship, state trip, premium money, or auction eligibility.
Identifying your animal(s) is different from ‘registering’ the animal(s) for the county fair! The county fair registration deadline is July 1 and completed through Fair Entry. Watch for more information on Fair Entry coming out in May!
***HORSE IDENTIFICATION DEADLINE - May 15!*** State Deadline!
4-H Horse Project Members,
It is that time of year that 4-H members identify their project animals! Please read over the attached letter carefully and complete your Identification information on 4honline.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our office!
Washington County General Livestock Clinic - May 19
Save the date! Sunday, May 19th beginning at 1:00 pm at Kruegers Farm in Denmark Township!
Would you like to learn more about the beef, sheep, and swine projects? Here is your opportunity to learn about daily livestock care, disease prevention, and tips and tricks for raising and showing these species! Refreshments and door prizes! No cost to attend! Registration information will be out soon!
LQA&E In-person Training - June 21
Mark your calendars for the 2024 Livestock Quality Assurance and Ethics training (LQA&E). Training will be held on Friday, June 21 from 8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at Dee Brothers LLC in Farmington, MN. Must register in 4hOnline through your family account.
LQA&E training is required for any youth 6th grade and above that would take a state fair trip. It is required for youth exhibiting dairy, beef, sheep, swine, goats, llama, rabbit and poultry to complete this course every three years.
If you are unable to attend the in-person training on June 21 you have the option of completing the YQCA online training, good for one year, or attending a training hosted by another county.
All LQA&E training needs to be completed before Washington County Fair to be eligible to accept a MN 4-H state fair livestock trip, if given the opportunity. Please register through your family account in 4hOnline.
The Minnesota 4-H Youth Development Cloverbud policy creates a uniform set of rules for participation to maintain developmental appropriateness and safety for our youngest 4-H members. A rule related to Cloverbuds and animals has been updated.
When Cloverbuds and animals are together at a 4-H program, families may now choose one of two acceptable ways to guide and monitor involvement in non-mounted activities:
1. The responsible person is in control of the animal with the Cloverbud at their side.
2. The Cloverbud is in control of the animal with the responsible person at their side to assist or take control of the animal when needed or as directed by staff, volunteers, or show managers.
In the horse project, the second option does not apply to mounted activities. When a Cloverbud is mounted on a horse, the horse must always have a lead line and be under the control of the responsible person.
Cloverbud families may choose either option. Either way, Cloverbud exhibitions will continue to be non-competitive. Complete Cloverbud rules are found in the Cloverbud information sheet.
Performing Arts
County Arts-In Registration - Registration due by July 1
It’s time to start thinking about summer, which means Arts-In will be here before we know it! County Arts-In is a performing arts and leadership experience for youth that have completed grades 7-13. Participants will work together with a team of talented Directors and Student Directors to put together a 30-minute musical that will be performed at the Washington County Fair and Minnesota State Fair. Participants will choose which major they would like to participate in: performing, band, or technical. Auditions will take place on July 7, with the encampment starting the following week, July 14-17. See registration form for specific dates and times of auditions, encampment, and performances.
*Registration Fees Increased*
After April 1, price increased to $90. Deadline to register is July 1. Late fees of an additional $25.00 ($115 total) will apply after July 1!
*Participants will also need to purchase gate passes for the County Fair and State Fair general encampment.
Volunteer Requirement: 2+ hours of adult volunteer time is required for each child participating in Arts-In. A separate $100.00 check per family must be included with registration. This deposit will be shredded if volunteer commitment is completed.
You will need to complete all three forms:
Questions can be directed to Avis Peters at avisapeters@hotmail.com or 651-430-8163. Or
Washington County 4-H Office at 651-430-6800 or mnext-washington@umn.edu
Shooting Sports
Washington County 2024 Shooting Sports Registration Information - Due May 15
You must be enrolled in 4-H and in the Shooting Sports & Wildlife project area in 4honline. Log into your family account and make sure you are enrolled in the project area and that a consent has been signed. The consent form will automatically pop up when adding the project.
4-H’ers registering for 22 Rifle, Trap, and/or Black Powder must have completed a Fire Arms Safety course prior to participating in these 4-H disciplines. A copy of the certificate showing that youth have completed Fire Arms Safety will be required on the first night of training.
Summer sessions for Archery, BB and Pellet will take place on Monday nights at the Washington County Fairgrounds for grades 3 and up. Training will take place on the following Mondays:
June 3, 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, Aug 5, 12, 19, 26
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Summer sessions for 22 Rifle, Trap, and/or Black Powder will take place Tuesday nights at the Oakdale Gun Club for 4-Hers who have their DNR gun safety certificate and have completed 7th grade. Training will take place on the following Tuesday’s:
June 4, 11, 18, 25, July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 August 6, 13, 20, 27, September 3
Training: 6 pm – 8:00 pm
State Shoot
In 2024, the State Shoot will take place September 6– 8. Youth must have logged 15 hours/
discipline with certified trainers and must attend 8 hours of wildlife training to be eligible for the State Shoot. More information will be shared over the summer months.
There is a $40.00/participant or $80.00 max per family to help cover expenses of the program. Payment must be received before attending training. Checks should be made out to Washington County 4-H sent to the following address.
Washington County 4-H
14949 62nd Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082
To register: If you are interested in participating in the upcoming 2024 Shooting Sports Training, please register here!
Questions can be directed to Ann Church churc109@umn.edu
Shooting Sports Wildlife Trainer needed!
We are in desperate need of a Shooting Sports WIldlife Certified Trainer! To learn more, go to; Shooting Sports Certification Each county is required to have a ‘Certified Trainer’ for Wildlife. On April 27th, there is a training that will be offered in Mora. The role of the Wildlife Trainer is to help youth meet the required 8 hours of wildlife training prior to the State Shoot in September. There are plans in place to complete a pollinator garden at the Oakdale Gun Club. If this is something you can help with, please contact Ann at; churc109@umn.edu
Thank you Shooting Sports families!
Many thanks to the Shooting Sports families who sold Pheasant’s Forever Raffle tickets, and to the many 4-H families who purchased the tickets! Our Shooting Sports Program will be getting $900 back from this fundraiser!
Recycling & Energy Center Tour - May 9
Curious about where your trash and recycling goes? Love big machines? Interested in keeping our cities and natural spaces clean and healthy?
Join 4-H for a tour of the Recycling & Energy Center of Washington & Ramsey Counties! All trash generated by individuals and businesses in Ramsey and Washington counties is delivered to the R&E Center, where waste is processed to recover recyclables and make fuel for electricity production. Tours highlight how the facility works and how waste is managed in the East Metro as well as how to better reduce, reuse and recycle.
Thursday, May 9 - 6:30pm (tour lasts approx. one hour)
100 Red Rock Rd, Newport, MN 55055
Grades K+ (adults encouraged to attend!)
Register: z.umn.edu/R-E
Contact Ashton with questions at ashton@umn.edu
Youth Leadership Opportunities
Sign up to be an Ambassador! Save the date - June 24
Youth enrolled in grades 7-13 who want to take their leadership skills to the next level are invited to join current Ambassadors on June 24 @ Washington County Fairgrounds for a Taco dinner and social. Becoming an Ambassador can include:
Planning and leading cloverbud workshops, service projects, and social events
Serving as a counselor at workshops and day camps
Running the Ambassador Booth at the County Fair
Serving as a spokesperson for the Washington County 4-H Program
Other outreach opportunities as assigned
Meeting new friends throughout the county and state!
If these opportunities interest you, fill out the Ambassador Application here! If you have questions, contact Megan Slater at slate187@umn.edu or Abbey Rademacher at abbeyrademacher25@gmail.com for more information.
Multiple 2024 Minnesota 4-H scholarships are available
Extension development and Minnesota 4-H offer several scholarships for college-bound 4-H youth, as well as a workforce training scholarship for an adult 4-H alumni or volunteer. Over $20,000 is awarded annually through a competitive application process. Minnesota 4-H scholarship online applications are now available. Applications require two letters of recommendation, with one being from an Extension educator. Please ask your Extension educator well before the deadline, last minute requests are frowned upon.
Visit the 4-H scholarship web page for detailed information about the various scholarships available and online applications. Direct questions to Fun Fun Cheng at, chen0169@umn.edu, 612-624-8132.
Washington County submission deadline: June 1.
Washington County Scholarships also available on our website.
- April 27 - Cloverbud Spring Workshop. Registration now open!
- Cloverbuds Rule Change - Cloverbuds will be able to exhibit at the Washington County Fair. General rules can be found in the Cloverbud Information sheet.
Dog Project
- April 2 - 4-H Dog Orientation, learn about how dog training will work in Washington County. Time to schedule those vet visits! Turn in your Dog ID paperwork and training fees. 2024 Dog ID Form
- April 9 - Dog Demo Night. Learn about the different classes offered through live demonstrations.
- April 16 - Dog Training starts (Dog ID must be completed before attending)
- April 21 - Tentative start date for Dog Agility. (Dog ID must be completed before attending)
- July 27-28 - County 4-H Dog Show
- Sept. 21-22 - State Dog Show
- June 9 - 12 - Washington County Horse Camp (Registration opens April 1)
- July TBD - Practice Horse Show
- July 31 - County 4-H Horse Show
- Sept. 13-16 - State Horse Show
- February 15 - Market Beef/Dairy Steer ID deadline
- April 21 - Rabbit 101 Workshop - Hooley Hall - 2:00-4:00PM Register here!
- May 15 - Animal ID deadline (Dog, Horse, Llama, Rabbit, Dairy, Breeding Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat (market & dairy) and leased poultry). Start entering your animals now.
- May 19 - Washington County General Livestock Clinic
- June 21 - In person Livestock Quality Assurance Training - Dee Brothers LLC in Northfield, MN - 8:45AM-12:00PM (Registration through 4honline)
New Family
- May 2 - New Family Night - Learn about the County Fair experience. Register at z.umn.edu/WashCoNewFamilyNight
Performing Arts
County Arts-In registration due, rates increased to $90 after April 1
Arts-In is a 30-minute original musical performed daily at the Washington County Fair and twice at the Minnesota State Fair. The show is put together over the 4-day encampment held at the Washington County Fairgrounds in July. The cast consists of performers, band members, and the technical crew. The 2024 dates include: July 7 - auditions, July 14-17 - encampment and July 31-Aug. 4 - performances at the county fair. Additional performances and dates will be listed on the registration form.
April 19 - Performing Arts Night - Performing Arts Night will be held on Friday, April 19 at Oak-Land Middle School Auditorium from 6-9 PM. Now is the time to start brainstorming your One Act Plays and Share the Fun skits with your clubs! All Performing Arts performance and non-performance acts will once again be judged on this night. Reach out to Megan Slater at slate187@umn.edu or Avis Peters at avisapeters@hotmail.com with any questions.
Project Workshops
- April 20 - Textile Arts Day. Register and learn more at: z.umn.edu/TextileArtsWorkshop
- May 15 - Upcycling Workshop. Register and learn more at; z.umn.edu/basicneedsupcycling
Shooting Sports
- June 1 - Pre-registration for Shooting Sports deadline. If you are interested in participating in the upcoming 2024 Shooting Sports Training, please register here!
- April 18 - Oakdale Library - 2:00-4:00PM - Drop in Seed Bomb Project
May 9 -Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy Center Tour - Register: z.umn.edu/R-E
June 25 - Pond Mucking with Wild Rivers Conservancy
July 17 - Field Trip to the Bell Museum
Summer Camps
- June 10-12 - Our popular 4-H Summer Resident Camp will take place at Baker Outdoor Learning Center. Grades 3-8. CAMP IS FULL.
- July 8-11 - 4-H Summer Day Camps will be held at the Washington County Fairgrounds, Day Camps are open to grades K-6. Registration available late early June.
Washington County Fair
- July 1 - County fair registration deadline. Final selection of projects and animals need to be entered in FairEntry by this date.
- July 27 - 4-H General project judging (Saturday)
- July 27-28 - County 4-H Dog Show
- July 31- Aug. 4 - Washington County Fair
Youth enrollment and animal ID deadline
- May 15, 2024
- Participation is limited after May 15 (Not eligible for champions, auction, premiums or state trips) Blue, red and white ribbons only.
Washington County Fair News
2024 County Fair Information Book - Premium Book is ready!!!
Summer is right around the corner, which means that the Washington County Fair will be here before we know it! Now is the time to not only identify your project animals, but to start making plans for general projects! The 2024 Washington County 4-H Information Book will give you many exhibit ideas on what to bring to the county fair! Check out the fair schedule, rules, project ideas, etc. Plan ahead, let’s make this the best fair ever! Remember that July 1 is the Fair Entry deadline to let us know what you plan to bring to the fair!
Community Impact Recognition
Have any of your projects made a positive difference in your community? Earn recognition at the county fair for your Community Impact by showing it in your exhibit and telling the judge about it.z.umn.edu/4HCommunityImpact
Champion Program
Adult Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Training: Creating Belonging
Belonging and creating a welcoming environment is core to every 4-H program. All 4-H volunteers are invited to participate in a two-part seminar/class focusing on fostering a welcoming environment in local programs. Using video, small group discussion, and games, this volunteer training will cover the topics of identity and bias and how they contribute to creating belonging.
The Creating Belonging series aims to bring awareness of acceptance, awareness and identity among county-based volunteers and educators. Through interactive activities and group discussions, participants- both educators and volunteers will learn about how to make authentic connections and develop intentional relationships with youth and their families.
The second module covers topics of bias and belonging and will be held virtually on Tuesday, April 30, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Register in 4HOnline, under EVENTS by April 26. Zoom information will be sent after registration. Contact Kathryn Sharpe, shar0056@umn.edu, with any questions.
Volunteer with us!
Please pass on your knowledge and skills by becoming a 4-H volunteer! Join an upcoming event or pitch us your idea. Sign up here: z.umn.edu/washington4-Hvolunteers
Statewide Events
In-Person Opportunities
Ag Academy: Passion to Career in Mankato.
Join us, as well as our partners at FFA, for Ag Academy: Passion to Career– a unique opportunity for youth in grades 7-11. This 3-day, 2-night camp runs from June 20-22, and is held at Minnesota State University (MSU) and South Central College (SCC), Mankato, Minn.
At this camp, youth will have the chance to explore different careers in agriculture, food and natural resources while experiencing a college campus. In addition, college professors and industry leaders will provide hands-on learning experiences on topics like animals, communications and more.
Learn more and register.https://extension.umn.edu/event/ag-academy-passion-career
Registration deadline: May 31.
Central Region 4-H Pumpkin Challenge
Learn how to grow pumpkins with the Central Region 4-H Pumpkin Challenge. Choose from 3 registration types: virtual (we will mail seeds to you), in-person kickoff option one, May 21st in Isanti, MN, or in-person kickoff option two, June 4th in St. Michael, MN. In-person kickoff participants receive 2 started pumpkin seedlings (1 normal pumpkin and 1 giant pumpkin), a greenhouse tour, and education on caring for their pumpkins by master gardeners and volunteers. Virtual participants meet May 6th at 6:30pm. Some participants (virtual and in-person) will be randomly selected to receive giant pumpkin seeds from the 2020 world record-winning pumpkin "Tiger King" grown by Travis Gienger. Audience: K-13. Cost: $5 for virtual and $10 for kickoff 1 and kickoff 2. z.umn.edu/PumpkinChallenge24
YELLO to be held at University of Minnesota - Morris campus June 12-15.
YELLO is a 4-day, 3-night leadership development experience that is planned and facilitated by the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors. This event will take place June 12-15 at the University of Minnesota-Morris for youth in grades 7+. YELLO includes messages from nationally-recognized speakers, group networking experiences, field trips, and opportunities to contribute to the local community through service. Additionally, YELLO has educational workshops, group networking experiences, inspiring messages from nationally-recognized speakers, field trips and opportunities to contribute to the local community through service projects.
The cost to attend YELLO is $300, with an additional $50 fee for opting in to ride the bus. Youth will register via 4-H Online by May 10th.
Direct any questions about YELLO to yello@umn.edu.
2024 Engineering Design Challenge
It's time for the 2024 Engineering Design Challenge! Gather a team and put your thinking cap on. Learn more at https://extension.umn.edu/.../4-h-engineering-design...
If interested in coaching a team, please reach out to Ashton Kulesa at ashton@umn.edu
Virtual Learning Opportunities
Sensational Soybean Kits
Dive into the world of plants with our 4-H sensational soybean kits - perfect for youth in grades 3+. You'll receive everything you need to grow soybeans, except the bucket and soil. Join us to explore soybeans, learn from local farmers, and experiment with soil dynamics. Register by May 1. Please go online and order your kit. We will meet and plant together on a later date after they are mailed or you can do on your own. But you must order your free kits!
4-H Photo Contest - "Hit Me with Your Best Shot"
Minnesota 4-H Photography is excited to offer a multi-state photo contest to youth in grades K-13. In the "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" 4-H photo contest, youth are encouraged to select their best photo and tell the committee why it’s special to them. Submit one (1) image (with no or minimal editing) with up to three sentences on why it’s important to you by 11:59 p.m. (CST) on May 1, 2024. Find more information here: 4-H Hit Me with Your Best Shot Photo Contest | UMN Extension with rules here.
Grow a Monster-Melon Challenge
Coming Soon, mark your calendar so you don't miss out!!! Join the Grow a Monster-Melon Challenge for an Epic Backyard Adventure!
Ready to turn your backyard into a vibrant oasis? Look no further! Our challenge is here to transform your summer with giant melon excitement!
Open to Kindergarten and up!
Register by March 20th for a free seed package and planting guide!
Get exclusive tips, content, and videos all summer long!
Share your progress for a chance to grow your melon in a mold!
Showcase your masterpiece at your local fair or fall contest!
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity! Join the Grow a Monster-Melon Mystery Challenge, registration begins March 1. Space is limited! Register through 4hOnline.
Clover News
Congratulations to State Project Bowl Teams!
The Washington County Sr. Llama Team won State! Members included; Shannon Pothen, Cora Mahli, Sophia Eide, Carolyn Wohlers, Paige Sahr, and Taylor Schoonover!
3rd place Llama Team members included: Spencer Richter, Clara Sinks, Raewynn Bye, and Ava Chapman!
2nd overall Jr. Rabbit Team included; Aubrey Delaney, Ollie Stolzenburg, Wendy Rydeen, & Grace Sahli!
Jr Horse Team members who earned a trip to State were; Lauren Dombrock, Dannielle Filler, Great Maurer, and Lawrence Rydeen!
Congratulations to all of our Project Bowl Teams on a great year! We couldn’t have teams without dedicated coaches! Many thanks to Horse coaches; Nicole Filler, Jill Leyde, Katee Wutt and Kristin Leko. Llama coaches Barbara and Samantha Mehta, Rabbit coaches Sara Delaney and Jayleen Stolzenburg! We appreciate your time and effort working with these youth!
Club Corners
Calling all club reporters or secretaries!
Please send a short report about your club's activities. Email Kathy at eber0002@umn.edu after you have had your monthly meeting or an event! Include 1-3 photos if you can. Thank you!
University of Minnesota Extension
WCMG Plant Sale
Washington County Master Gardeners Plant Sale
Saturday, May 18, 2024
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Washington County Fairgrounds
Families and youth
University of Minnesota Extension works across the lifespan. We create and support positive non-formal learning opportunities for youth. We foster resilient, healthy and secure futures for families and seniors. Extension works with Minnesotans to make informed decisions leading to better health and well-being. Learn more at: https://extension.umn.edu/families-and-youth
Food, health and nutrition
University of Minnesota Extension improves food literacy, physical activity, food safety and healthy food access for Minnesotans and the food service industry. Learn more at: https://extension.umn.edu/food-health-and-nutrition
Yard and garden
The best plants and gardening practices for Minnesota gardeners, homeowners and hobbyists to grow healthy lawns, landscapes and gardens. Learn more at: https://extension.umn.edu/yard-and-garden
Re-enroll now!
Families are encouraged to enroll/re-enroll early to get the most out of 4-H in the coming year. The most important part of re-enrolling is updating your information. Maybe you have a new email, new projects to add, changing to a different club, updating the grade you are in or any health updates. All of this and more can be done though your family account in 4honline. https://v2.4honline.com/
Remember you must re-enroll yearly to participate in 4-H! If you have any problems with registrations or need more information on enrollment please contact our office by email at mnext-washington@umn.edu or phone at 651-430-6800. While the 4-H year is a year-round organization, you must be enrolled BEFORE May 15th to avoid any penalties. This is also the deadline that all animals must be identified in your family account.
Enrollment fee
As you will notice, shortly (perhaps a day or two) after you enroll online you are approved. Monthly email reminders are sent to families to pay their membership fee. Membership fees help keep our programs affordable for all, please pay your membership fee or fill out a scholarship form below. We accept checks/cash at any time. Sorry no credit cards.
Washington County has a yearly enrollment fee of $25.00 per member (youth only) or $100 max per family for 4 or more children. We ask that you please send payment to our office or use the drop box at the main entrance of the Stillwater Government Center in a clearly marked envelope.
Checks should be made out to Washington County 4-H and sent to the following address:
Washington County 4-H
14949 62nd Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082
**For those using online banking, please be sure to include Washington County 4-H as checks made out to just Washington County go directly to the property tax office**
We don't want anyone to miss out so if you need help, please just let us know by completing a scholarship form.
Order your Washington County 4-H T-shirt today!
Show your 4-H pride with our new 2023-2024 t-shirt! This year’s design is printed on heather gray.
Youth who have paid their yearly enrollment fee can order a shirt for $10. Adults shirts are $20.
Use this link to order shirts for you and your family: z.umn.edu/Washington4-Hshirts
Code of Conduct update
Consent to the code of conduct is part of enrollment. The code of conduct for youth, parents and volunteers has been updated to prohibit the possession or use of marijuana.
Roles of Local Youth Educators
Ann Church - Livestock (Beef, Dairy, Llama, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Rabbit), Horse, Shooting Sports, Federation, Community Clubs, Fair, Charters and Finance, Grant writing, Foods & Creative Arts projects.
Megan Slater - Youth Teaching Youth, Ambassadors, Performing Arts, Resident/Day Camps, Dog, Goat, Cloverbud.
Ashton Kulesa - STEM, Project Workshops, New Families, Food Stand, Outreach and Libraries.
Contact information is listed below.
Ann Church
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
(651) 430-6809
Megan Slater
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
(651) 430-6805
Ashton Kulesa
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
(651) 430-6807
Kathy Erf
Principal Office & Administrative Specialist
(651) 430-6800 or (651) 430-6803
Washington County 4-H
14949 62nd Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082
(We are located in the Stillwater Government Center)
Office hours - Please call ahead as staff hours do vary.
8:00am-4:30pm (Monday-Thursday)
Friday by appointment
651-430-6800 or mnext-washington@umn.edu
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