Brevard Middle School
Week of Sept. 23-27
A Message from the Principal
Dear Blue Devil Parents,
We are continuing efforts to increase transparency with all parties involved regarding school safety concerns. Please feel free to email me with any additional information you find would be helpful with communication in these incidents. I encourage you to address these situations at home as you see best for your child. We are researching resources to provide to families. As soon as we have found suitable, helpful materials I will send them out. We are all working hard to provide a safe, uninterrupted learning environment for our students and staff. We all appreciate your support!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Jessica McCall, MSA
Principal | Brevard Middle School
Admin Team Contacts:
Assistant Principal: Mr. Wythe Newberry ( Responsible for the academic intervention programs campus-wide, supports teachers with intervention strategies, schedules, testing, etc.
Assistant Principal: Mr. Dusty Robinson(
- Responsible for bus assignments, behavioral concerns, teacher support, facilities, etc.
Athletic Director: Coach Mark Bumgarner (
- Responsible for athletic activities
SIT Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024, 03:30 PM
BMS Media Center
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Brevard Middle School Fundraiser
Brevard Middle School is offering our 3rd annual Giving fundraiser.
Are you looking for a way to help Brevard Middle School, but struggle to find the time to volunteer or sell items for fundraising? We've made giving back easy with digital payment options! This year is a competition with the highest earning grade level winning a pizza or ice cream party. Each grade level has chosen a goal and how the funds will be used:
6th grade- $10,000 used for Field Trips (specifically to help offset cost to PARI), Furniture, Science lab items, and End of the year reward- Click HERE
7th Grade- $10,000 used for Carowinds trip and for other various rewards throughout the year- Click HERE
8th Grade- $20,000 used to help reduce the cost per student to attend the yearly Washington DC trip- Click HERE
Thank you in advance for your support of BMS.
Upcoming Info
Sept. 16 - Oct. 4- BMS Fundraiser
Oct. 2- Picture Day!!
Oct. 4- Noon Dismissal for students
Oct. 11- 7th Grade Career Day @ BRCC
Nov. 8- 8th Grade Career Day @ BRCC
Flu vaccines will be offered at school to students with a completed immunization permission form. If you are interested in your student receiving a flu vaccine at school you can visit for more information or to complete an online permission form. Paper copies, in English and Spanish, are also available in the middle school office. All permission forms should be completed and returned to school no later than Thursday, September 26, 2024.
Attendance **New this Year**
New this year for all TC schools, the school day is now considered fully attended at 67%. This means students need to be checked in before 10:30am or stay until at least 12:30pm to be counted present for the day.
English Version
Spanish Version
PTO Updates
PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024, 05:00 PM
BMS Media Center
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Stone Cold Shout Outs!
Would you like to recognize your child's birthday, send a good luck message to a sports team, band, etc? We have a way for you to do that! Our school rock is located at the entrance to our school.
The BMS Art department will paint the rock the Friday before and the message will stay on the rock for a full week.
There is a form on the BMS website, we ask that this form be completed at least one week in advance. The cost is $100 and the money is to be turned in the Wednesday before the week it is to be painted. Funds will support our arts program and PTO. Thank you for your support of BMS!!
(Both steps must be completed to confirm reservation)
Step 1: Click here for the form.
Step 2: Click here for payment.
2024- 2025 Transylvania County School District Academic Calendar
Student Services
We are here to help you!
School Counselor: Colleen Fernandez (
School Counselor: Catherine Motuz (
School Social Worker: Olivia Shuler (
Drop Out Interventionist: Jess Sharp (