I.W. Evans January Board Report
"Many Hearts, One Tribe"
4th Grade - 129
5th Grade - 137
6th Grade - 124
I.W. Evans students = 390
FCSSA Students (not including the I.W. Evans FCSSA students):
Other BISD - 8
County Schools - 24
Total Students at I.W. Evans - 422
Upcoming Events
- January 24- 4th Grade and TRAILs Ag Day field trip
- January 31- STAAR Field Test Training for Test Administrators
- February 8- 4th GRADE RLA STAAR Field test and 4th & 5th Spanish RLA STAAR field test
- February 9 - Kona Ice
Student of the Month - Azreal Bryant
Heroes Basketball Game!
Last Day of Semester Fun!
The Grinch greeted students as they arrived to school, we had a schoolwide Christmas Sing Along in the gym and wrapped things up with classroom Christmas parties...it was a great way to get in the Christmas spirit and wrap up a wonderful 1st semester!
6th Grade Academic UIL
Thank you to 7th & Main!!
Thank you to 7th and Main Baptist Church for providing our staff a delicious baked potato and salad bar for lunch yesterday!! The Oreo Fluff for dessert was a hit too. We appreciate your thoughtfulness, generosity and support!
I.W. Evans Intermediate School
Website: www.bonhamisd.org
Location: 1300 North Main Street, Bonham, TX, United States
Phone: 903-583-2914
Facebook: facebook.com/I.W.EvansIntermediate