TWHS Orchestra News Letter
August 12th, 2020
Welcome Back!
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Our School Code is: woodlandsorch, and the password is your Student ID Number
PLease email Mr. Michaelson with any issues you have accessing CHARMS.
Orchestra Fees
Password: student id #
Join Our Remind and Stay Informed
Senior Campus Parents: twhsorchp
9th Grade Parents: orc9parent
Chamber Orchestra: 01chamber
Concert Orchestra: 02concert
Symphony Orchestra: 03Symphony
Camerata Orchestra: 04camerata
Philharmonic Orchestra: 05phil
In Person Versus Online Survey
19-20 Hand Book
TWHS Orchestra Required Uniform Shirt and Spirit Items on Sale
Message from the Booster Club
Dear Orchestra Parents,
On behalf of the TWHS Booster Club, we hope that everyone is well and safe. The Booster Club would like to welcome all new and returning orchestra members and we look forward to the 2020-2021 school year. Although this is an unprecedented, unique school year, be assured that Mr. Michaelson, and Mrs. Gordon are dedicated to each and every orchestra student.They are tirelessly planning and preparing to give each student the best orchestral education, whether in person or online, while always keeping your student’s health the top priority.
This school year will bring many challenges, and now more than ever we will need parent support. Rehearsals and concerts will be different and challenging. Your support will give your student the best music education experience.
At the moment we might not need immediate “hands-on” help, but there is still much needed help in fundraising, donations and sponsorship. I assure you we will have other volunteer opportunities available as the school year begins and is underway.
Immediately we are in need of a TWHS Treasurer and President. Please consider volunteering if any of these positions interest you and if you need more information and description of duties, please contact Mr. Michaelson.
As part of your child’s activity fee, you are automatically a member of the booster club. That fee does not cover most of the items needed to make your child’s year in orchestra successful. Items such as sheet music, extra strings, bows, music supplies, etc, are items that can only be purchased with your help. Donations will also help fund senior scholarships. Your generosity counts.
As we proceed through 20/21’s unchartered territory, please consider donating, fundraising and/or volunteering. We are still offering patron levels of donation. This will help with much needed additional funding. Your name (or business name) will be listed on our social media sites and concert programs. If you know of a business that might be interested in sponsorship, please contact us. We are a 501c3 organization and donations are tax deductible.
We’re all in this together and with all our efforts, we can make this a great school year.
TWHS Booster Club
Arleen Failde- Special Events Coordinator & Acting President
2020-2021 Concert Schedule
Fall Semester 2020
- Sep 12th 7 PM Season Premier Concert
- Oct 10th 7 PM Fall Concert
- Dec 3rd Holly Jolly Jingle at the Pavilion
- Dec 5th 7 PM Holiday Mosaic Concert
- Dec 12th 7 PM Trans-Siberian Tribute Concert
Spring Semester 2020
- Jan 26th 6:30 PM Solo and Ensemble Recital
- Mar 27th 6:30 PM Spring Classics Concert with McC JH
- May 1th 7 PM Night at the Movies Concert
Region Orchestra Audition Cuts
Rode 24 Caprices for the Violin Rode/Galamian
Selection 1
Page(s): 4-5
Etude Title: No. 2 - Allegretto
Tempo: Dotted Quarter Note = 68-76
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from beginning to down beat of m. 30.
Forty Two Studies or Caprices Kreutzer/Singer
Selection 2
Page(s): 44-45
Etude Title: No. 28 - Grave
Tempo: Quarter Note = 48-54
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from pick up to m. 37 to end.
All staccati should be played on the string with clear, glued, articulated,
on the string with friction articulation (posted 5/1)
Grace notes before trills should be played ON the beat (posted 5/1)
Grace notes after trills should be played using the printed rhythmic indication
(16th note grace notes = 16th notes, 32nd note grace notes = 32nd notes) (posted 5/1)
In measure 42, the first note (D trill) should be a dotted quarter (matching measure 44) (posted 5/6)
In measures 28-35 - break the slur, play 2 beats per bow (two bows per measure) (posted 5/6)
In measures 52-63 - break the slur, play 2 beats per bow (two bows per measure) (posted 5/6)
In measure 11 - play the measure with written grace note rhythm DO NOT use the b) notation at the bottom
of the page (posted 5/18)
42 Studies for Viola Solo Kreutzer (Pagels)
Selection 1
Page(s): 36-37
Etude Title: No. 26 - Moderato
Tempo: Quarter Note = 84-92
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from beginning to 1st note of m. 22.
Where articulation choices occur, the top option (staccato) should be played (posted 5/1)
m. 2, bt. 4 = down bow slur over the first 3 notes, last note up bow (posted 5/1)
m. 3, bt. 2 = down bow slur over the first 3 notes, last note up bow (posted 5/1)
m. 3, bt. 4 = down bow slur over the first 3 notes, last note up bow (posted 5/1)
m. 5, bt. 2 = down bow slur over the first 3 notes, last note up bow (posted 5/1)
In measures 33-35 the top line (octaves) should be played (posted 5/1)
m. 4, beat 4 - shift down to third finger on the penultimate note (G) (posted 5/6)
m. 8, beat 4 - shift down to second finger on G (posted 5/6)
m. 8 - the last note is D-flat (posted 5/6)
m. 18, bt. 1 = up bow slur over the second 2 notes (posted 5/11)
m. 18, bt. 3 = down bow slur over the second 2 notes (posted 5/11)
m. 20, bt. 2 = down bow slur over the first 3 notes, last note up bow (posted 5/11)
m. 21, bt. 2 = down bow slur over the first 3 notes, last note up bow (posted 5/11)
m. 24, bt. 2 = down bow slur over the first 3 notes, last note up bow (posted 5/11)
m. 38, bt. 4 = shift down to second finger on E-flat (posted 5/11)
m. 13, bt. 2 = the last 16th note of the beat should be B natural (posted 5/18)
m. 31, bt. 3, first note should be a Gb (posted 6/29)
41 Caprices, Op. 22 for Viola Campagnoli
Selection 2
Page(s): 7
Etude Title: No. 6 - Adagio
Tempo: Quarter Note = 44-50
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from m. 9 to downbeat of m. 21.
m. 4, bt. 4 - upbow on the D quarter note (maintain slur between D & C# whole note) (posted 5/6; edited 5/18)
m. 6 - downbow on C-natural and slur the 16th notes as printed (posted 5/6; edited 5/18)
m. 22 - upbow on beat 3 through the downbeat of m. 23 (posted 5/6)
m. 3 - break slur between G & F - last 3 notes of the measure should be down, up, down. m. 4 should begin up bow
(posted 7/31)
Twenty-One Etudes Book 1 for Cello. Duport
Selection 1
Page(s): 40-41
Etude Title: No. 13 - Allegro (no repeats)
Tempo: Half Note = 72-82
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from beginning to m. 49.
The last note of measure 104 should be F# above the staff, not A (matching the last note of m. 105) (posted 5/1)
40 Studies High School of Cello Playing, Op. 73 Popper (Stutch)
Selection 2
Page(s): 14-15
Etude Title: No. 7 - Lebhaft
Tempo: Quarter Note = 92-102
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from beginning to the last note of m. 14 (updated 8/3).
String Bass
12 Studies Libon/Sankey International Music Company
Selection 1
Page(s): 10
Etude Title: No. 8 - Moderato
Tempo: Quarter Note = 60-72
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from m. 33 to end.
A barline is missing between measures 48 and 49 (posted 5/6)
m. 41 - last note of the measure should be F natural (posted 5/18)
Book - Title Editor Publisher Edition
30 Studies Simandl IMC No. 1296
Selection 2
Page(s): 22-23
Etude Title: No. 20 - Moderato assai
Tempo: Dotted Quarter/Quarter Note = 75-85
Area Cut: Play from beginning to end. Final Area cut will be posted on September 1.
Region Cut: Play from beginning to m. 41.
TWHS Orchestra Directors
Aaron Michaelson- TWHS Orchestra Director
Email: amichaelson@conroeisd.net
Website: twhsorchestra.org
Location: 6101 Research Forest Drive, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1332
Lea Gordon- Assistant Director
Email: lkgordon@conroeisd.net
Website: twhsorchestra.org
Location: 6101 Research Forest Drive, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1331