Clemens Crossing Cougar Comments
January 13, 2023 - Volume 44, Issue 19
Clemens Crossing Elementary School
Jaime Gittleson, Assistant Principal
Location: 10320 Quarterstaff Road, Columbia, MD, United States
Phone: 410-313-6866
Twitter: @hcpss_cces
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Important Upcoming Dates and Events
- 13 - Pajama Day (make-up from 12/23)
- 16 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 18 - Schools close 3 hours early, 12:45 p.m. (Professional Work and Wellness Day)
- 19 - Spelling Bee, 2:30 p.m.
- 19 - Wilde Lake Middle School New Student & Parent Orientation/Information Night, 6:30 p.m.
- 19 - Road To Kindergarten workshop at Centennial High School, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- 20 - End of 2nd Marking Period
- 20 - Cougar Pride Spirit Day - wear CCES apparel
- 20 - PTA Bingo Night
- 23 - No School for students - Professional Work Day
- 24 - The Great Kindness Challenge begins - Spirit day #1 - Kindness Day
- 24 - Road to Kindergarten workshop at Wilde Lake High School, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- 24 - PTA Restaurant Day - Bibibop Asian Grill, 10:30 a.m. to 9:00p.m.
- 25 - The Great Kindness Challenge Spirit day #2 - Color Day
- 25 - Harper's Choice Middle School New Student & Parent Orientation/Information Night, 6:00 p.m.
- 26 - The Great Kindness Challenge Spirit day #3 - Mix & Match Day
- 26 - Road to Kindergarten workshop at Oakland Mills High School, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- 27 - February Math conference scheduling opens
- 27 - The Great Kindness Challenge Spirit day #4 - Workout Day
- 30 - Report Cards issued in Family File
- 1 - Black History Month begins
- 3 - Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduling Window Closes for Parents 4:00 p.m.
- 8 - PTA Meeting
- 9 - Schools close 3 hours early, 12:45 p.m. (Math Parent-teacher Conferences)
- 10 - Schools close 3 hours early, 12:45 p.m. (Math Parent-teacher Conferences)
- 20 - No School - Presidents Day
- 23 - CCES Parent University Session 1
- 28 - PTA Restaurant Night - Chick-fil-a Johns Hopkins Road
To subscribe to the CCES calendar on your smartphone, electronic device, or email system use the calendar ID
January 2023
January 2023
February 2023
February 2023
From School Administration
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. devoted his life to realizing the dream of freedom, equality, peace, and economic and social justice. At Clemens Crossing Elementary School, we are committed to advancing that dream by ensuring equitable access to education for all our beautiful and capable students, and we thank you for the work you do to help.
School is closed on Monday, January 16 in recognition of Dr. King. Each year, instead of having a day off, the third Monday in January is a day "on" for volunteerism to help communities all over our country. I encourage you to learn more about Dr. King and find ways to further his vision through service to our community. There are many opportunities throughout Columbia, Howard County, and Maryland to help make January 16 a "DAY ON" and a day of service.
The Great Kindness Challenge 2023
We are excited to announce that we are participating in The 2023 Great Kindness Challenge, where we will join thousands of schools across the country to create a culture of kindness.
Your child is part of a powerful and positive bullying prevention initiative that will lead to more kindness, unity, and respect at school and beyond. We will participate in the challenge between January 24th and January 27th.
As part of the Great Kindness Challenge, we will have a fun-spirited week during The Great Kindness Challenge. Each day is designated as a Spirit Day with a theme (see below).
For more information on The Great Kindness Challenge, please visit: Thank you in advance for helping to create a culture of kindness and compassion in our community and beyond!
Conference Scheduling
The next issue will have directions for the February parent/teacher conferences. February conferences will focus on your child's math progress with his/her math teacher. The conference scheduling window will open on January 27 and close on February 3 at 4:00 p.m. Conferences will take place between February 9-10.
Stock the Staff Lounge!
Small gifts can go such a long way in spreading joy. Help keep the Staff Lounge stocked with goodies and happiness in the hearts and bellies of staff! If you are interested in providing treats at any point in the school year, please visit our Signup Genius to help stock the Staff Lounge. Homemade or store-bought items are welcome. Check out the list of dates and suggestions, but feel free to go off-script! As always, we thank you for everything you do for our school!
Stock The Staff Lounge Signup:
MAP Testing
Clemens Crossing will administer the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment to all students in 1st through 5th grades in Reading and Math between January 24 - February 24th. The data from the MAP assessment will help schools and teachers measure your student’s academic progress. The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly. Please check with students to see if they need headphones to use at school. The HCPSS website contains detailed information about MAP testing here. If you have questions about MAP testing, please contact Jaime Gittleson at
Wednesday, January 18th Half Day Workshops
These camps are offered at CCES for the afternoon on the half day. Send a note with your child so the teacher knows to send them to the camp. Pick up at 4:00 in front of the school.
Magnus Chess
Magnus Chess Academy (Silver Knights) has taught chess to 100,000+ children including national champions! A great camp for everyone from brand new beginners to tournament players. Activities include learning the rules, openings, tactics, strategy, endgames, playing games and outdoor breaks. Students will have two lessons and a bunch of practice games each day. All equipment provided.
KidzArt is proud to partner with the PTA to bring you another exciting half day workshop! Students will work with a variety of mediums and complete several projects. Each workshop will be different, so join us for one or all! All materials are included. This program is open to CCES students only.
Summer Activities and Camps in Columbia and Howard County
- The 2023 Camp Guide is now available online: Online registration for Howard County residents begins 2/1 at 6 pm, w/ over-the-phone, mail-in & in-person beginning the next day.
Columbia Association
- Columbia Association offers a wide variety of camps each summer. Their registration starts March 6. More information can be found here -
Howard Community College - Kids on Campus
HCC is for kids, too!
- Registration for Summer 2023 Begins January 26
- HCC’s well-known Kids on Campus program provides enrichment education for youth ages 6 to 17. Summer classes include morning and afternoon programs from June 26 to August 17. Supervised lunch, before-care, and aftercare are also offered.
- More information here -
Lost & Found
Upcoming Spirit Days
Road to Kindergarten
The Road to Kindergarten information sessions will be held for families of children who will begin kindergarten in Fall 2023.
Middle School Parent Orientation and Information Nights
Approximately 80% of our 5th graders are assigned to go to Wilde Lake Middle School, and 20% are assigned to Harper's Choice. What middle school are you assigned to? You can look up your assigned school based on your address. Please use the following school locator link for your middle school assignment.
Parent University
My name is Mr. Allen, and I am a 4th-grade teacher at Clemens Crossing! I will host an after-school program for you to attend called Parent University. Parent University is designed to help you, the parent, help your child at Clemens Crossing and in their time in the Howard County Public School System. During the sessions, I will be able to provide you with resources that will allow your child to receive the best education possible here at Clemens Crossing. These sessions will take place in February and March in the Clemens Crossing media center.
Session 1 (February 23rd, 2023, 7 pm-8 pm) - Overview of K-5 Curriculum with a preview of what to expect in middle and high school - This session will allow you to prepare for what is to come throughout your child's experience at HCPSS.
Session 2 (March 9th, 2023, 7 pm-8 pm) - Navigate Canvas and the many online resources - This session will provide you with an opportunity to explore the available resources our county has available for you to use.
Session 3 (March 16th, 2023, 7 pm-8 pm) - Digging Deeper into Math Standards - This session will allow you to take a look at the math common core standards that your child is and will be working on.
Session 4 (March 23rd, 2023, 7 pm-8 pm)- The Importance of English Language Arts - This session will develop your understanding of the English Language Arts common core standards that your child is and will be working on.
Don’t miss these sessions, as they will be essential to giving your child the best possible education. Please fill out this survey to RSVP for the sessions. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Thank you so much!
Mr. Allen